Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 320 The battle begins and hell descends on the world

"Xie Tianchen!"

"If you don't tell the truth for a day, will you die!?"

Qu Xiaoyao was so angry that he jumped on the spot and stared at Xie Tianchen fiercely. The atmosphere that was finally brewed was destroyed in an instant.

Xie Tianchen didn't take it seriously at all, and said seriously: "I'm just reminding you to recognize the reality. It's best not to focus on that person, so as not to feel ashamed and have your Taoist heart damaged."


"I'm not a Taoist, so what does my damaged Taoist heart have to do with me?" Qu Xiaoyao rolled his eyes at Xie Tianchen.

However, after this incident, the tension in my heart eased a bit.

In fact, not only Qu Xiaoyao, but also all the extraordinary people in the city could not help but look at Su Qi standing high in the sky.


Perhaps only by reaching that level can we face such a scene calmly.

"First line of defense, activate!"

"Fire out all the God-Splitting Cannons for me. There won't be a single shell left!"

"Don't save anything! It can kill everyone!"

"The big ship opens fire, the supply echelon follows!"

One order after another was issued from Chu Qingfeng's mouth, spreading to all the city defense departments in the 19th District.

Facing the first attack of the beast tide, Lin Nan had completely handed over the first line of defense to Chu Qingfeng. After all, a mechanical destruction-level transcendent was familiar with the configuration of firepower and could exert its maximum power.

As Chu Qingfeng's order was issued, the entire ninth district city defense force operated with extremely high efficiency.

The moment when the beast wave almost entered the effective shooting range.

The God-Splitting Cannon on the city wall, the large ship suspended in the air, and the mechanical body all completed charging at the same time, giving off a faint glow.

Countless cannonballs and lasers soared into the sky, making piercing whistles, and like a goddess scattering flowers, they fell hard into the 'black wall' connecting heaven and earth!


Terrifying firepower poured down, bursting into blazing light.

Suddenly the earth shook and the mountains shook, rocks fell and flew, and the surging heat wave raged mercilessly, melting the earth into scorched earth!

In an instant.

A large number of limbs and broken arms flew out!

The ferocious beasts that fell into a state of madness fell to the ground one after another, and were trampled by the ferocious beasts behind them. The scene was extremely tragic!


This sky-wide artillery fire poured down for nearly ten minutes. Even though a large number of ferocious beasts were killed, it was not able to stop the advance of the 'black wall'-like sandstorm!

This is the terrifying thing about the beast tide!

Once formed, it will fall into a never-ending situation!

Not only Chu Qingfeng, but even all the senior officials in District 9 knew that with the current mechanical power of District 9, it would be impossible to completely isolate the beast tide from the city!

But they still have to fight!

And he beat him hard!

On the one hand, mechanical firepower can unleash maximum lethality under such circumstances, killing one head after another, in order to reduce the burden on the subsequent defense lines!

On the other hand, artillery fire is always the most shocking horn!

On the city wall, after witnessing the scene of artillery fire flying all over the city, the ranks of extraordinary beings surged with adrenaline, and the extraordinary power in their bodies could hardly be suppressed and was about to burst out of their chests!

At this moment, the fear in their eyes faded away, replaced by an indescribable heat!

The ship circled.

Artillery fire roared.

After encountering the initial artillery fire, the ferocious beasts in the sandstorm also entered a state of rage. Among them was a ferocious beast several hundred meters long. It resisted the artillery fire and was as agile as an electric light. It took the lead to rush high into the sky, bleeding. The huge mouth opened, spitting out a terrifying energy beam, sweeping towards the nearest mechanical body.

Suddenly, mechanical bodies continued to explode in the air, or fall down with billowing smoke.

"This is a king-level beast!"

The troops under Qiu Ran could see the strength of this ferocious beast at a glance, and immediately followed the original plan, commanding the fleet and machinery to evacuate decisively in an orderly manner, and directed their firepower elsewhere!

King-level ferocious beasts are comparable to apostle-level extraordinary beings.

Their firepower can't cause substantial damage to it at all, so naturally they don't want to waste their firepower on such a being!

at the same time.

In the command post, Chu Qingfeng snorted coldly, and a screen made of condensed light appeared in front of him. His fingertips connected and issued one command after another.


The huge mechanical body hovering near the city wall instantly rushed forward.

Swirling with blazing divine light, it directly locked onto the king-level ferocious beast.


A divine light that seemed to be able to penetrate the void was shot out, instantly piercing through the king-level ferocious beast, and it also rushed into the tide of beasts behind, triggering an astonishing explosion!

This is the first line of defense.

The mechanical power controlled by Chu Qingfeng was combined with the mechanical power of the city defense to carry out the first round of sweeps.

Under the gunfire, it can cause casualties to beasts below the king level. If a king-level beast rushes out, Chu Qingfeng will carry out precise strikes.

Such a situation!

It lasted for more than ten minutes.

The advance of the beast tide also reached three hundred miles away from the city wall at this moment!

King-level ferocious beasts rushed out of the sandstorm, roaring to the sky, and fell one after another.

Even though the mechanical power controlled by Chu Qingfeng could deal a devastating blow to the king-level ferocious beasts, there were too many of those king-level ferocious beasts in the beast tide.

There were still many who got past the huge mechanical body and rushed towards the city wall.

this moment.

Pei Jing looked solemnly and gave the order: "Second line of defense, activate!"


On the city wall, the formations of extraordinary beings burst out at astonishing speeds and dodged past.

The target is directly those king-level ferocious beasts that are blocked by artillery fire sporadically!

As for Su Qi, who was standing high in the sky, when he saw this scene, the brilliance on his body danced, like a huge searchlight, flashing rapidly one after another.

Various amplification BUFFs fall on this group of extraordinary people.

Among them, some of the extraordinary people were familiar with Su Qi's extraordinary abilities, especially Yun Jin's old acquaintances. After feeling Su Qi's power, they were extremely excited, and suddenly felt that Su Qi was there. The illusion around you.

The other extraordinary beings were just stunned by the sudden increase in their life levels, and then they killed those king-level ferocious beasts without hesitation!

Although I am a little confused about the situation, this sudden power is a good thing after all.

There is no time to get to the bottom of it now, so just think of it as divine help!

High in the sky, Nie Bao and others who saw this scene reminded in a low voice: "Nephew Su Xian, don't waste your strength easily at this stage. After all, the strange thing that is invading is the most troublesome thing. "

Hearing this, Su Qi was unmoved and said calmly: "I have my own sense of discretion."

Seeing Su Qi's detached look, Nie Bao wanted to say something more, but after receiving a look from his companion, he could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

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