Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 287 Overwhelmed, hope bred in a dilapidated place

Chaos, madness.

In this city full of weirdness and intertwined with countless rules, everyone is walking on thin ice and struggling to survive.

The world is merging, weird things are truly manifesting, and the level of danger is rising sharply. Even Xia Shengxuan, who has experienced the destruction of the 13th District, is extremely overwhelmed at this moment.


There are already quite a number of apostle-level extraordinary people in the city petitioning to evacuate.

This group of people had made great achievements in resisting the beast tide before, and even these people were overwhelmed. One can imagine how serious the situation was.


With the shelter of the corpses of disaster-level ferocious beasts and the only remaining apostle-level, if we evacuate now, we can basically evacuate all the extraordinary people in the city safely.

However, in this way, millions of living lives in the 14th District will eventually be completely buried here.

"Everyone, please be patient and hold on. Although everyone has done their best for the Fourteenth and can just leave, what about others? Everyone in despair hopes that someone can lend a helping hand and pull them out. We are no exception. If we give up on them now, we will be in danger in the future. How can we expect other strong people to help us."

"Perhaps you don't know who is rushing over to support us now."

"I can tell you that it was Pei Jing who rushed here after hearing the news after being promoted to the destruction level."

In desperation, Xia Shengxuan took out Boss Pei's name.

Unexpectedly, the effect was unexpectedly better than expected. When the others heard that it was Pei Jing who came to support, their eyes were filled with hope again.

"Sir Pei Jing, come here personally to help us resist the disaster?"

"Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier..."

"Has his old man really been promoted to the destruction level?"

"God is really wise. I said, fate will not be so cruel, and there will definitely be a glimmer of hope in despair!"

For a time, the crowd was in a state of excitement.

Even if they are not in the same city, no one does not know Pei Jing's name.

In that desperate situation, he was able to take the lead, turn the tide, and save the devastated Ninth District from the terrifying beast tide!

There is no doubt that such a person is definitely worthy of everyone's trust.

Xia Shengxuan had just learned of this news not long ago. He had been rushing to the front lines where the fiercest fighting was happening in various parts of the city. Coupled with the extraordinary people who worked hard to maintain intercity communications, when he received this message, a considerable amount of time had passed since it was sent. long period of time.

If there were no accidents, he believed that Boss Pei would arrive soon.

Not only that, there was another person he didn't mention, and that was Su Qi, who was traveling with Boss Pei. This kid was promoted to the destruction level in less than a year after awakening.

Such talent and talent are simply outrageous!

The reason why Su Qi was not mentioned was because in the past, in order to protect Su Qi from too many malicious prying eyes, Su Qi's reputation had never been known to outsiders.

But things are different now.

Su Qi has been promoted to the destruction level. With such strength and talent, no one will be able to ignore his brilliance!


Pei Jing was promoted to the destruction level and was on his way to support. As soon as this news was released, the whole city was excited. An excitement that could not be suppressed by fear was about to overflow. Everyone spread the news by word of mouth. Tell each other.


It seems to be growing rapidly in this strange, dense and invisible place.

However, at this time, people discovered that due to the paralysis of most of the mechanisms in the 14th District, some corpses that had died in strange circumstances and had not had time to deal with had undergone terrible mutations. Some had multiple arms, and some had sprouts. Bone spurs, some faces were chaotic, and without exception their auras were cold and dirty, densely packed onto the street.

Start attacking humans crazily.

Fortunately, the level of this kind of strange thing is not high, and the extraordinary person can handle it, but the number is a bit too much, which makes the extraordinary person who is already stretched even more exhausted.

the other side.

Su Qi and Pei Jing finally entered the 14th District.

For a moment, some terrifying figures that were so huge that they could cover the sky flashed before their eyes. Then they lost all their senses and their mental energy was in chaos. It took them a moment to adapt.

It seems that because of his excessive mental strength, he saw some pictures that he shouldn't have seen.

Pei Jing looked solemn: "Try to narrow your mental power. This place is weird and active, and I don't know what kind of terrifying existence is lurking in it."

Hearing this, Su Qi nodded and immediately narrowed his mental power to a radius of one kilometer, just enough to be able to clearly survey the surrounding situation to prevent strange and sudden attacks.

Along the way.

The two also discussed the situation in District 14, which was nothing more than divided into two types.

One is that with their current strength, they can easily crush the weirdness in this disaster, then use their strength to defeat the enemy, collect more useful information, and rescue the people in the city at the same time.

The other is that a strange thing is born in the 14th area that even they cannot contend with, so they take the method of diverting trouble to the east and lead the strange thing deep into the wilderness!

That's right.

According to what they discovered in Area 13, the spread of the disaster is related to the mysterious cemetery, and the mysterious cemetery seems to be powerfully taking the lives of ferocious beasts and extraordinary beings.

This means that for Weirdness, perhaps powerful life is the nutrient for their birth!

Moreover, the sudden intensification of the disaster in District 14 was probably caused by the tide of beasts. After all, the vitality of ferocious beasts was far greater than that of ordinary people.

If they could also create a tide of beasts in the wilderness, they might have a chance to change the direction of the strange invasion.


These are just their guesses.

If you want to prove it, you still need to face the weirdness.

After all, if we want to talk about how powerful the vitality is, in District 14, whether it is a ferocious beast or an extraordinary being, the vitality is far less intense than the vitality of the two of them!

A dark world, a chaotic scene.

And the weird smell in the air.

Su Qi seemed to hear the mournful voices of all sentient beings. In the dark, he seemed to feel an extremely twisted spiritual power rising into the sky and integrating into the vast spiritual world.

"If the spiritual world is a collection of the wills of all living beings, what kind of changes will be caused in the spiritual world with the influx of these unbearable mental powers?"

this moment.

Vaguely, he seemed to be about to notice a link in some interlocking events.

But soon.

He then threw everything that he couldn't clear out of his mind away.

The reason why I can't see clearly is because I'm not standing high enough.

The reason why I cannot transcend is because I am not strong enough.

In this case, there is no need to get stuck in confusion and only increase troubles. It is better to grasp what you can grasp now and move forward.

There is no need to worry about what ghosts and monsters will appear in front of you, as long as you are strong enough, you can defeat them all with one punch!

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