Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 286 Weird Creatures, Purgatory on Earth

Today, District 14 has become a purgatory on earth, and the place is completely shrouded in gloom and mist.

In just a few days, such earth-shaking changes have occurred, which many people did not expect.

The world merged, and the aura of change eroded the wilderness, causing the ferocious beasts in the wilderness to be forced to move, forming a tide of beasts that hit the city. The fight between the extraordinary and the ferocious beasts originally eased slightly due to the arrival of support from major urban areas. But the strong energy and blood stimulated the mutation to expand wildly, covering the fourteenth area in a very short period of time.

Everything happened so unexpectedly.

On the gloomy sky, countless calamity ashes were scattered.

With a crunching sound, in the mist, a huge and strange terrifying existence slowly walked through the city. Its eyes were deep and deep, like a standing giant, but its body proportions made people feel extremely uncoordinated.

Countless exposed flesh and blood fibers exuded an aura as hot as magma, and looked extremely ferocious.

It walks among high-rise buildings like a rancher patrolling his territory.

this moment.

The nearby people who were originally as silent as corpses heard a rapid beep from their communicators. Everyone started to move and ran to the windows one by one to cast a horrified look at them.

Some people even rushed into the room anxiously, shook their sleeping family members awake, and hurriedly came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, staring at the strange monster with fear on their faces!

The atmosphere was extremely tense.

This is the strange creature they call the 'Fear Demon'!

Within the range of its appearance, everyone must look at it in fear. Otherwise, once it detects that a living body is ignoring itself or has no fear, it will fall into a crazy riot and kill all living things nearby. !


Even if you are squatting in the toilet, if you receive the news of the appearance of this strange creature, you should immediately cut it off and run out to pay attention!

This is the pattern they discovered at the cost of dozens of apostle-level extraordinary beings!

And this is just one of the many strange things in District 14.

For example, there is a huge and terrifying alien corpse, with black and red aura flowing on the white bones. The huge bone spurs on the back penetrate into the void, as if connecting to all the worlds. Anyone who sees it will make music within a minute. Whether you sing it yourself, play it, or use percussion to create rhythmic sounds.

Otherwise, he will go berserk on the spot!

These can still be seen with the naked eye, but the deaths caused by those whose bodies cannot be seen are even more terrifying.

In a community in the east of the city, the lights are bright. No matter it is night or day, everyone must ensure that they are under the light at all times. Once they are out of the light, something unexpected will happen.

Some people even dream of a shrine in their sleep. There is a certain item randomly placed on the shrine. In the next day, this item must be found and destroyed, otherwise the item will be used next time when they fall asleep. They will appear beside you and sleep with you forever.

These discovered laws were all acquired in exchange for countless lives!

There are more weird things that don't have any pattern.

The weirdness is still raging, and the death is still going on!

In just three days, more than half of the people in District 14 have died. Whether they are ordinary people or extraordinary people, no one is not frightened. They want to escape from this strange city, but there are so many ferocious beasts outside the city, and they are everywhere!

At this time, Xia Shengxuan gathered the remaining extraordinary people in the city, and under the protection of the corpses of the disaster-level beasts, they barely maintained the shaky situation.

Everyone is tense, constantly collecting strange information, analyzing and monitoring its trends, and then communicating it to ordinary people in an attempt to save more lives.

But many people know very well that this method of treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, apart from allowing everyone to live longer, will not change much at all.

In the city lord's palace, a staff member responsible for analyzing data suddenly stood up and howled like crazy. Blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, scaring everyone into panic. The extraordinary person in charge of vigilance immediately used energy to Isolate that person!

"Zeng Jing, what's wrong with you!?"

"what happen!"

Everyone looked at Zeng Jing as if facing a formidable enemy, very worried about a strange invasion coming here.

You know, the bodies of disaster-level ferocious beasts are now tightly surrounding the City Lord's Mansion, and the destruction-level power can isolate most of the weirdness. If there is a strange invasion of the City Lord's Mansion, its level will definitely make people desperate!

That's right.

Weirdness also has levels.

Some of these weird attacks can be directly resisted by extraordinary beings.

However, this kind of confrontation is also a passive hard resistance, because they can't guess the level of the weirdness they are facing. Even some inconspicuous weirdness can kill an apostle-level extraordinary person instantly!

Xia Shengxuan, who heard the commotion, also hurried over with Xiaoyan. He looked at the staff member solemnly, released his mental power, and carefully observed the surroundings.

"Brother, please tell me about your situation."

The tone is a little cold, but everyone knows this rule. If you encounter something weird in the city lord's mansion, you must report it as soon as possible. If you can't discern the rules, then you can only throw it out and fend for yourself.

Although the regulations are somewhat unkind, everyone knows that this is a helpless move forced by the situation.

Once the city lord's palace cannot operate normally, you can imagine what the millions of people in the city will face.

At this time, Zeng Jing, who was far away from everyone, stopped howling after hearing this, looked around, and showed a crazy smile the next second: "There is no hope... all of us will die. Any struggle here is in vain!"

"It's all in vain..."

Hearing this, Xia Shengxuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. This was not the first case of ordinary people being traumatized by such extreme panic.

Obviously, the staff member in front of him was in this situation. Although he was in a crazy state, he at least maintained a certain logic in his words.

Relatively speaking, extraordinary people are more suitable for this job, but extraordinary people have to be dispatched to deal with the ferocious beasts raging in the city, which is also helpless.

The expressions of the others softened slightly, and Xiaoyan suddenly spoke with relief at this time: "I know that days like this are very difficult, but I hope everyone believes that support is on the way, and the destruction-level powerhouses in the Holy City will soon be here. We will arrive, and we will eventually overcome this disaster."


Zeng Jing sneered a few times in despair, pointing to the messages that were constantly flashing on the light screen: "Look, what are those? Each one means that new weirdness has been discovered, and both the number and level are increasing dramatically! "

"What we have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. When the real terror comes, even the destruction-level transcendent will be swallowed up!"

Xia Shengxuan did not argue with the other party, but motioned to the extraordinary person beside him to step forward and take him down.

In many cases, all explanations are futile.

Only true hope can awaken these people who are overwhelmed by fear.

After Zeng Jing was taken away, the atmosphere in the office of the City Lord's Mansion was still very low, and some female staff members could not help but cover their faces and cry.


He didn't dare to make any sound for fear of attracting bad luck.

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