Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 284 The agreement between heaven and earth, the truth about how the world works


Su Qi briefly told Lin Nan about the deal with the Hua Shen Cult.

Lin Nan understood instantly and immediately started to inform others to prevent everyone from being too public and in case the Evolution God Cult would not admit their account.

When others learned that Su Qi and the others not only advanced and retreated from the enemy, but also forced such a behemoth as the Evolution Cult to bow down and pay compensation, the pride in their hearts almost overflowed.

In the excitement, Qiu Ran came to Su Qi and asked in a low voice: "You kid, how come you were promoted to the destruction level without saying a word?"

"You know, when Boss Pei was promoted in the 13th District, there were a lot of strange phenomena. The golden name appeared in the sky, and it was probably visible clearly even from tens of thousands of miles away."

Upon hearing this, Pei Jing couldn't help but feel worried.

He was afraid that Su Qi would be like himself before, forced to enter the destruction level due to the current crisis.

If that's the case, that's never good news.

So, he asked solemnly: "You couldn't have forced yourself into the destruction level, right?"

Su Qi also reacted, shook his head and smiled: "No, I have completed my own accumulation, and at the same time I have imprinted my true name in the spiritual world."

Hearing this, Pei Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

Then his expression became strange again, and even Su Qi also realized it.

The manifestation of heaven...

Promotion to the Destruction Level leads to the manifestation of Heaven's Way. This step...

It seemed like he jumped right over!

In an instant, Su Qi's expression became solemn. He recalled the process of his promotion and quickly realized what the problem was: "Is it because I went too far in the spiritual world?"

Immediately, he told Pei Jing this conjecture.

Pei Jing also showed a surprised look when he heard that Su Qi had imprinted his true name deep in the spiritual world. After thinking about it carefully, he finally thought that perhaps those top beings who control some of the heavens and monitor the world can only detect to those who have imprinted their true names on the shallow spiritual world.

As for what changes would happen if his true name was imprinted deep in the spiritual world, he couldn't say for the moment.

After all, there are too few such examples.

Even if some extraordinary people are born in the Holy Domain family and have a profound background, in the initial stage of promotion to the destruction level, their mental strength cannot support them to go further.


Pei Jing remembered something very important and quickly took Su Qi away from here and returned to District 9 High School.

"So, you probably don't know about the destruction-level Heavenly Agreement."

"Heavenly Agreement?"

Su Qi was stunned, he didn't expect such a thing.

Pei Jing thought for a while, and the agreement between heaven and earth did not allow him to reveal to extraordinary people below the destruction level, and Su Qi was not in this group.

So he explained: "After I successfully imprinted my true name, the manifestation of heaven told me that there were weird things entrenched in the mysterious path. The powerful spiritual power of the extraordinary person who was promoted to the destruction level was like a bright beacon, providing clarity to those weird things. coordinate of."

"Thus attracting strange things to come and triggering strange disasters!"

"These weird things that come out of mysterious ways cannot exist in the real world forever and can only be revived by occupying the host's body."

"This is the strange calamity of the Destruction Level Extraordinary."

"The time and number of outbreaks of the strange calamity are not fixed. In addition to resisting forcefully, the only way to temporarily suppress the calamity is to go to the Holy City and be blessed by the breath of the Supreme Holy Lord."

Hearing this secret, Su Qi's pupils shrank suddenly.

For a moment, I seemed to perceive the truth of how the world works!


Seize the body...

Mysterious way.

There seems to be some great terror in this, which makes people shudder.

"Is this the real reason why extraordinary beings above the level of destruction choose to settle in the Holy City and abandon other urban areas?" Su Qi's eyes flashed. He originally wanted to cultivate more people by building the ninth area into a super urban area. Extraordinary ones come out.

But now it seems that even if someone is promoted to the destruction level, they will eventually end up in the Holy City.

Could it be that except for the Holy City, the fate of other urban areas has already been determined?

Although Su Qi felt unwilling in his heart, he felt deeply helpless in the face of such a rule that could not be changed by manpower.


"It's not that it can't be transferred by manpower, it's just that the power is not enough. As long as you are promoted to the Supreme Holy Lord, won't all problems be solved?"

this moment.

Su Qi's heart changed. The joy of completing the promotion to the destruction level was slightly diluted, and instead he set his sights higher.

Since God's will is like a knife, then I must be sharper than the knife so that I can cut through everything and achieve great freedom!

at this time.

Pei Jing, who was standing aside, saw that Su Qi was silent and lost in thought. His mental power suddenly shot up into the sky like smoke, seeming to cause turmoil in the spiritual world, and he couldn't help but be secretly frightened.

Although a destruction-level transcendent has completed his own transformation, connected to the spiritual world, and left an immortal mark.

But it is not possible to touch the spiritual world casually. After all, it is the collection of the will of all living beings.

He had to admit that although this student was now at a similar level to him, he was much further ahead than he was.


The two communicated again about the consideration of going to the Holy City to use the Supreme Holy Lord to suppress the strange catastrophe. Even if they were very reluctant, they always seemed to have to face it. Otherwise, if the strange catastrophe broke out, once it was dealt with, If not, it will bring great disaster to District 9.

However, all this must be done after the disaster of world integration is dealt with.

As the conversation deepened, Su Qi seemed to have made other discoveries.

They speculate that the reason why the mysterious pathway is so strange and dormant is that the mysterious pathway itself is a supernatural power that has passed away, leaving indelible traces in the long history.

But what does this have to do with his approach to the Arad continent!

As an outsider, with a way of not existing in this world, will there be no weird peeps at all?

When he thought of this, Su Qi couldn't help but get a little excited.

But he didn't mention it to Pei Jing that all this still needs to be verified.

In any case, this discovery made his mood instantly improve. If he was different from other destructive levels and would not cause strange things to happen, then he would be able to protect the ninth district to a great extent!

With this in mind, Su Qi bid farewell to Pei Jing and returned home.

Suddenly I saw my parents and sister sitting in the living room, looking like they had seen a ghost.

Especially the younger sister Su Doudou, her eyes were widened.

"Su Qi."


"Have you been promoted to the destruction level?"


"The kind where one person controls a city."



"You are a monster!"

"This doesn't allow anyone to live!"

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