Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 283 The crisis is over, everyone congratulates

As early as this person's clone came, Su Qi made up his mind to destroy him.

Facing these people who covet the Ninth District, we must attack them with thunderous means, otherwise this kind of slap in the face will happen one after another.

to this end.

Only by secretly charging the 'Holy Spear' and instantly killing the opponent in the form of 'Demonized Doomsday Judge' can such an explosive effect be created.

Not only did it completely frighten the enemy, but even Chu Qingfeng was stunned and looked away from Su Qi stiffly.

It's so cruel.

He did it as he was told, without any warning.

It is completely consistent with his understanding of conservatives.

In the era when the Evolutionary God Sect was overwhelming the world, it behaved quite domineeringly, and usually would get into a fight if they disagreed with each other.

This is also one of the reasons why the Supreme Court was able to rise quickly after the Evolutionary Cult fell into decline.

After all, people always hope that there will be such a group of people who can check and balance those tyrants.

Now that the Archbishop of the Evolutionary Cult has escaped and the crisis in District 9 has been resolved, Su Qi slowly cast his gaze on Chu Qingfeng. His cold gaze made the other person tremble involuntarily: "I heard that the Supreme Court specializes in hunting and killing. I am an inhuman being, am I not?"

Hearing this, Chu Qingfeng's scalp tightened and he explained continuously: "Um, you... don't get me wrong. The purpose of the Supreme Court has always been to suppress some inhuman beings who pose a threat to ordinary people. Alas, this world has nothing to do with our Supreme Court. There is still some prejudice.”

"That's very good." Su Qi withdrew his gaze.

Now that he is acting in the name of a conservative faction, he naturally does not want to provoke the Supreme Court any more. As a thorn in the side of the Supreme Court in this area, Chu Qingfeng's attitude is very important.


As long as the Ninth District really gains a foothold, it can gradually take off the label of being a conservative.

As Chu Qingfeng bid farewell and left, Su Qi withdrew from the form of the 'Demonized Doomsday Judge' and returned to his original appearance, which also announced that the crisis of the liquidation company was over.

After this battle, three destruction-level non-human beings were buried here. After the fangs of the cleanup company were revealed, I believe that some people with evil intentions will have to carefully consider their own strength, and Su Qi and others can also put all their thoughts into it. on the impending disaster.

at this time.

Lin Nan led Qiu Ran and others in a hurry and looked at Pei Jing excitedly: "Haha, Boss Pei is still as majestic as before. He has just been promoted to the destruction level. With one against five, he can still kill three destruction level inhumans. !”

"Even the group of people in the Holy City who claim to be unparalleled in talent may not be able to achieve such a feat!"

"Yes, I was still worried about Lord Pei Jing before, but I didn't expect that the worry was completely unnecessary. Even the inhuman aliens who are said to be invincible at the same level are no more than a chicken and a dog in front of Lord Pei Jing, and they are vulnerable! "

"In my opinion, with such a strong record, we should publicize it widely and let everyone in the world know that our ninth district is not someone to be trifled with!"

Now, almost all the core senior executives of District 9 are gathered here.

Everyone had been on tenterhooks and panic before. After learning that the five Archbishops of the Evolution Cult were defeated and three of them died, they rushed over instantly, as if they wanted to witness the most glorious moment of District 9.

However, everyone was complimenting him for a while, but suddenly they noticed that Pei Jing's face started to look quite strange, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other in confusion.

They all thought about whether they had said something wrong just now.

Pei Jing's face was burning at this time. He coughed slightly and then said: "That's ridiculous. Pei only killed one destruction-level inhuman alien today. The other two... were killed by Su Qi. of."

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place was audible!

Everyone was like a little duck being strangled by the throat, staring straight at Su Qi with astonished eyes, unable to speak for a long time.

After they came to their senses, one by one they all wondered if they had heard something wrong, and they all cast questioning glances at the people around them.

Su Qi...

This young man has been awakened for less than a year.

Killed two destruction-level inhuman aliens?

I don’t dare to think about it, I don’t dare to think about it.

Thinking about it so deeply is a kind of blasphemy against their knowledge!

They are more willing to believe that disaster will strike tomorrow and the world will explode.

Pei Jingzhong's rejuvenation and promotion to the Destruction Level were a result of many years of accumulation and the background of being from a holy family. It was relatively easy for everyone to accept it.

But Su Qi...

Regardless of their background or experience, they are all too shallow. Being promoted to the apostle level already requires a lot of luck, and it is the limit they can imagine.

at this time.

Su Qi also saw that Principal Pei wanted to push him to the stage.

Being promoted to the level of destruction at this age is enough for no one to ignore. At this time, the positive bonus brought by the genius halo far exceeds the calculation in the gutter.

So, he smiled generously and said: "As everyone said, why do you need to trouble Principal Pei to do something about these local chickens and dogs? As a student, I can handle it."

In his words, he revealed his unparalleled self-confidence, and at the same time, he also released some mental fluctuations.

In an instant.

Clouds are moving in all directions!

High in the sky, the ink cloud surged rapidly, spreading in all directions like a wave.

The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds suddenly became clear and clear!

Sunlight fell down in strands, condensing on Su Qi's body and lingering for a long time, as if it had coated him with a layer of gold, making him appear otherworldly.

A feeling of looking up like an ant facing a giant dragon appeared naturally in everyone's hearts instantly.

Only then did everyone realize it.

District 9 is really about to usher in its glory days!

There are two destructive-level extraordinary beings who can control a city with one person in District 9. One of them is so young and so talented that almost no one in the world can surpass him!

The most terrifying thing among them is that Su Qi is a destruction-level transcendent born and raised in District 9!

For a moment.

Everyone's faces turned red with excitement, they placed their right hands on their chests, saluted sincerely, and burst into thunderous shouts.

"Congratulations to Lord Pei Jing for being promoted to Destruction Level!"

"Congratulations to Master Su Qi for being promoted to the destruction level!"

The voice was full of energy, soaring into the sky, as if it was about to overthrow the entire world!

Chu Qingfeng, who left the venue early, felt the thunderous cheers coming from behind him, and couldn't help but stop and sighed: "Oh, the ninth district is still a good place. If my identity is not exposed, it seems that it would be a good place to stay. s Choice."

"such a pity……"

After shaking his head, he picked up his steps again and walked forward.

Although the secluded life before was indeed very comfortable, he knew very well that everyone would eventually go in the direction they wanted, and his goal had always been the headquarters of the Evolutionary God Sect.

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