Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 279 If you turn your head, you will die, an invisible attack

"Summons the ghost god Saya and wanders in the field. Any enemy touched by him will bear all the curses and be frozen forever!"


Su Qi could clearly sense that the destructive-level inhuman alien was frozen by the light blue icicles. Every inch of flesh and blood in his body was erupted by a terrifying curse. His body functions were instantly necrotic, and even the crazy and twisted pollution characteristics in his body were , also fell into deathly silence!

Instant kill!

It makes no sense.

It's so powerful that it's suffocating!

The only fly in the ointment was that Su Qi tried to communicate with the ghost and god Saya, and found that the ghost and god Saya could not be controlled at all, and the route he wandered in the field had no rules.

However, this is extremely outrageous.

From the horrified expressions of everyone present, Su Qi could tell that except for him, no one else could detect the existence of the ghost and god Saya. Once they noticed it, it meant that they were touched by the ghost and god Saya.

"Fortunately, I can mark the enemies in the field of Ghost Saya, otherwise I would not dare to use this uncontrollable ability..."

Su Qi silently watched everything outside and was not in a hurry to show up.

Having just been promoted to the destruction level, he felt more powerful than ever before. In his current state, he could easily wipe out ten of himself an hour ago!

The flesh, flesh and spirit have transformed to an extremely terrifying level. Every cell in the body contains surging energy, which seems to stir up some kind of truth of life!

this moment.

He felt an indescribable excitement.

It's like ascending to immortality in the daytime, becoming a feather and soaring, floating as if left alone in the world.

Moreover, it seemed that from the endless depths of the spiritual world, there was a supreme secret power washing down, baptizing his soul all the time.

And at this time.

Not only did the three remaining Archbishops of the Evolutionary Cult feel extremely frightened, and the inexplicable chill almost froze the blood in their bodies, even Pei Jing and Chu Qingfeng were no exception.

No one even knows what happened...

I only saw the archbishop turning his head inexplicably, and then he was instantly frozen...dead...

This sudden death frightened everyone.

Chu Qingfeng's neck was tense, his throat moved involuntarily, and he hurriedly asked in a low voice: "Pei Jing, what are the taboos in this field? Will you die if you turn your head!?"


Pei Jing, who has mastered the power of time and space, perceives it more than others.

There seemed to be a non-existent person in the field.

The other party's power is extremely powerful, as if it has penetrated endless time and space. It seems not in front of you, but it really exists in this time and space, and these are only a little bit that he can perceive through the other party's influence on this side of time and space.

I thought that after I recovered from my mental trauma and successfully promoted to the destruction level, I could at least maintain my status as a 'mentor' for a long period of time.

Unexpectedly, his student not only succeeded in catching up, but also showed strength that even he could not fathom.

"What a monster..." Pei Jing sighed with emotion.

When Chu Qingfeng heard this, he looked stunned. He didn't dare to move his head for even an inch. His eyes moved crazily and scanned the surroundings: "Monster, where is the monster?"

It would be better if Pei Jing didn't say anything.

Once he said it, he seemed to really feel that there was an invisible person standing in front of him.

He was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly, getting close to Pei Jing.

"How come he was fine just a second ago, but he was suddenly frozen to death!" One of the archbishops said with a trembling voice.

The other two people came over instantly, their expressions extremely nervous, and they looked around in horror.

"I didn't see it clearly. He died too quickly! The whole process took less than a second. What kind of power is this!"

"Could it be Weird? Only Weird can master such an unreasonable attack method!"

If the unknown is the biggest fear, then the sudden sudden death of a destructive-level inhuman alien and the fear it brings to everyone are enough to destroy the remaining rationality of an archbishop!

One of the archbishops' eyes suddenly shrank, and the pollution in his body began to stir wildly, causing his face to look particularly ugly.

Suddenly, he shouted towards the training building in a violent tone: "You can't scare me!"

"I have suffered countless tortures before I have transformed to the level I am today. I want to see who you are!"

Say it.

This person's eyes were filled with extreme madness, his back was bulging high, and his whole body was swelling in a circle. A large number of bone spurs protruded from each joint. The terrifying power continued to vent outward, causing circles of naked eyes to erupt in the void. Visible ripples.

He charged towards the training building angrily.

It seems that he wants to dig out the other party's true identity to get rid of the fear in his heart.


Su Qi in the training building did not make any move, because in his field of vision, the inhuman alien rushing towards him happened to pass by the ghost god Saya.

Su Qi carefully stared at the distance between them that was rapidly closing, as if he wanted to figure out what the contact between the ghost and god Saya was referring to.

Was it the ghost and god Saya who took the initiative to contact the other party?

Or it can be triggered if the opponent touches the ghost Saya.

The next second, the answer came out.

While the archbishop was galloping, he encountered the white corner of the ghost god Sayana's clothes. He stopped suddenly and seemed to have noticed something. When he looked sideways, what came into view was a beautiful face and an empty space. With an incomparable look in his eyes, he was immediately frightened to the point of confusion, and his heart was beating wildly!


The terrifying cold air broke out instantly.

The shocked archbishop was frozen into an icicle!

Another destructive-level inhuman alien died mysteriously!

When Chu Qingfeng saw this scene, he was covered in cold sweat and yelled crazily in his heart: "He turned his head, turned his head, he turned his head again!!!"

At this moment, he even had the urge to summon a machine to fix his head!

Same action, same way to die!

The death of two destructive-level inhumans made him very sure that he had noticed the rules of this abnormal field.


If you turn your head, you will die. What kind of abnormal extraordinary ability is this that can give birth to such absurd rules in the field! ?

At the same time, the remaining two archbishops trembled, with a look of horror on their faces, and almost uncontrollably, they turned around and blasted towards the mechanical fortress that had just attacked half of them!

This is unplayable!

From the beginning to the end, the two companions died suddenly and strangely, without even a struggle until they died.

However, the next second, they were swallowed up by deep despair.

Can we escape from this strange realm by destroying the mechanical fortress?

Obviously, it can't be done.

At least when facing Pei Jing's terrifying realm, their power can directly cause the realm to tremble, but now they are bombarding the mechanical fortress crazily. This weird realm seems to be motionless, as if it is completely integrated with the real world!

At this time, Su Qi seemed to have noticed something from the scene just now.

Ghost Saya...

It doesn’t seem to be uncontrollable!

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