Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 278 The first realm, Saya of Frost

Suffocated, depressed.

The body tightens uncontrollably.

Let the destruction-level powerhouses produce this kind of strange power...

One can imagine the mood of the four archbishops of the Evolutionary Cult at this time!

"The conservative faction has come back, and a strong man of this level appears. It seems that the opponent's purpose is not simple. It is not like a small fight before, but a core faction that has truly inherited the heritage of the conservative faction of the Evolutionary God Religion!"

At this moment, the four people's scalps were numb, and they instantly realized that the next situation would be quite bad!

Despite this, they only showed deep fear, far from panicking.

The reason why they are so fearless is because the life level of a destructive-level expert is too powerful. It is so powerful that it can influence some of the rules of a world and form a domain of its own by itself.

In this level of battle, it is easy to tell the winner, but it is extremely difficult to tell the difference between life and death.

If Pei Jing's time domain had not been so terrifying, none of them would have died. Even so, Pei Jing had to pay a considerable price for this.


The four of them wanted to retreat, but at the same time they were ready for a hard fight.

Such a piece of information is enough for the cult to pay attention to, and the purpose of their trip will be achieved.


Changes occur suddenly.

A light blue halo of light spread out from the training building and swept over extremely quickly. In just this moment, a strong sadness and undying resentment suddenly broke out!

The four Archbishops of the Evolutionary God Cult looked at each other and shouted in shock: "It's the power of the domain again!?"

The best way to fight against the domain is the domain.

But the field does not mean that it is activated immediately. Under normal circumstances, it is best to activate it when you are full of energy, otherwise, it will easily cause indelible damage to your own mental power!

In particular, the mental power of non-human beings is closely related to their own rationality.

Once your mental strength is unstable, it is likely to cause your own rationality to lose speed and accelerate instantly!

Having experienced Pei Jing's time domain, they now feel inexplicably timid when they see the power of the domain, but they have to fight hard.

"Turn the world upside down!"

"Sea of ​​Trouble!"

"The prison is bursting with flames!"

"Destruction Storm!"

The four major fields unfolded at the same time and overlapped each other, as if they were about to merge into an extreme world.

At this time, Pei Jing saw the power of the field erupting in the training building. He was so excited that he couldn't even speak. He saw his face turned red, his body trembled repeatedly, and thousands of words came to his throat, and finally burst out. into a sentence.

"He succeeded!"

This made Chu Qingfeng on the side confused.


What was successful?

It's just a matter of expanding a field, is there any need to be so excited?

However, in the next second, his mouth opened wide and could no longer be closed.

The terrifying field where four destructive-level non-human beings were superimposed together exploded like a fragile bubble when it came into contact with the spreading light blue aura, without even the slightest fluctuation!


This means that the domain of the strong man in the training building is unimaginably high!

Suddenly, the four archbishops of the Evolutionary God Cult showed extremely frightened expressions.

What a joke! ?

Even if Pei Jing's realm is against the sky, their realm can at least compete with one or two, but now they are instantly defeated!

And Pei Jing can rely on the time domain to obliterate one of them. Comparing this, doesn't that mean...

For a moment, the souls of the four people were all gone, and the previous confidence disappeared in an instant!

Extreme fear suddenly invaded their hearts, and due to the destruction of the realm, their spirits were severely hit. Their rationality was rapidly draining away. Their eyes were filled with horror and horror, and now there was only one thought left in their hearts.

That is - escape!

They must escape from here as quickly as possible, otherwise death may be waiting for them!

The alienation of the bodies of the four people intensified. They jumped up and rushed towards the mechanical barrier in the distance. Even if they directly abandoned their rationality and allowed the polluted characteristics to completely dominate their bodies, completely lose their rationality and step into the 'mature body', No matter what!

He hadn't even seen the opponent yet, and the smell of death was following closely behind him, lingering like gangrene in his bones.

An extremely cold breath rushed directly from their tailbones to the Tianling Gai!

In the devastated ground, some remaining weeds seemed to have encountered a sudden cold and formed frost flowers.

If anyone notices where the frost flowers appear at this moment, it is not difficult to see that there seems to be a formless ghost walking towards the four archbishops of the Evolution God Sect step by step!

Immediately afterwards.

There is fog condensation on the glass windows on all the buildings of the cleaning company.

Even the mechanical fortress that enveloped the surroundings was slowly covered with a thin layer of frost.

At this time, Chu Qingfeng frowned: "Is it the ice attribute field, but why can I feel the overwhelming resentment mixed with it..."

But before he could think too much, his attention was attracted by the movements of the four archbishops of the Evolutionary Cult.

At this moment, the four people have begun to activate the pollution characteristics regardless of the consequences, almost transforming into furious beasts, and madly launched a fierce attack on the mechanical fortress!

Bang bang bang!

Along with the huge roar, a part of the mechanical fortress was shattered beyond recognition by them.

Chu Qingfeng estimated in his mind that with their level of attack, it would take less than three minutes to break the mechanical fortress. He couldn't help but become anxious and looked at the training building anxiously.

"Boss, don't just thunder but not rain. If you don't take action, these people will be even more difficult to deal with after they escape from the mechanical fortress."

Almost at the same time, the four people who were frantically attacking the mechanical fortress slowed down their movements and seemed to notice something.


"It's been a minute since this terrifying realm was activated. Why is there no movement at all?"

"Is it because the level is empty and there is no real threat, or is the level too high for the opponent to fully control!?"

The thought of this.

After everyone looked at each other, they forcibly suppressed the restlessness of the pollution in their bodies.

Unless they have no choice, they are really unwilling to step into the 'mature body' rashly. It is too difficult for non-human aliens to advance to the destruction level. The rationality that they used to regard as useless is particularly precious.


Just when the four of them breathed a sigh of relief.

One of the archbishops suddenly felt as if someone was standing behind him, blowing cold air into his ear.

This sudden change shocked him. He turned around quickly and seemed to catch a glimpse of a slim figure.

But before he could make a sound, a bone-chilling chill ran through his whole body. Every cell seemed to be frozen at the same time, and his body became extremely stiff.

Under the horrified gazes of the other companions, it was gradually completely covered with a layer of frost.

More and more frost is accumulating.

Condensate it into a light blue icicle!

This process was so fast that no one could react.

at this time.

In the training building, Su Qi carefully felt the knowledge transmitted from the mysterious way and worked hard to digest it.

It turns out that when he was promoted to the Destruction Level, the power of the domain he realized was actually the ‘Saya of Frost’!

In rumors.

The ghosts and gods who froze an imperial city and millions of troops into the dark underground!

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