Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 276 The battleground, the weirdness of the training building

"Something weird!"

"There's something wrong with the consumption of fighting here. It's more than a hundred times more than usual!"

During the fierce battle, the four Archbishops of the Evolutionary God Cult finally reacted. Only then did they realize that the fat man was not just talking nonsense, but that he really had the possibility to kill them all!

This made them very angry.

Even when fighting in another world, they are the absolute main force.

I thought that this time when I returned to the real world, I would definitely gain the reputation of the Evolution God Sect!

However, I didn't expect that I would be frustrated again and again.

At this moment, they all had the urge to slaughter the entire ninth district, as if this was the only way to wash away the depression in their hearts!

"The energy in the air is too thin. It seems that all of it has been sucked out by this mechanical fortress. Even most of our attacks have been absorbed and resolved. They want to squeeze us dry!" one of them said through gritted teeth.

In normal times, in destructive level battles, war of attrition is rarely considered.

Because this level of life has undergone a huge leap, it can draw energy from the void all the time to make up for its own consumption.

This is also the main reason why one person controls a city at the level of destruction.

No matter how powerful the Apostle level is, there will be times when it cannot withstand it, and under normal circumstances, the Destruction level is equivalent to a never-ending war machine. Some powerful Destruction level extraordinary beings can even fight continuously for more than a month!

"Look, the energy near that building seems to be quite abundant, and it has not been drained away by the mechanical fortress!"

"Hey, it's really..."

"Even the energy attacks we release will be sucked away by most of them. It is still preserved to this extent. It is obviously abnormal. Could it be that he is a master of the conservative faction!?"

In an instant, they realized that the conservative group they were looking for was actually right under their noses.


They broke out directly, repelled the surrounding mechanical bodies, and rushed towards the training building.

When Pei Jing saw this, he secretly said something bad, and without caring about recovering from his injuries, he teleported directly to the training building and blocked the opponent's way.

This move fell in the eyes of the four archbishops, and it undoubtedly told them that there was something in the building that the other party cared about very much!

It is very likely that he is a conservative who is injured or has unstable rationality!


The four people shouted violently, and without saying a word, they charged towards Pei Jing with terrifying power.

It seems that they feel the extremely rich energy, causing the hungry pollution traits in their bodies to squirm uncontrollably, like countless flesh sprouts sprouting from everywhere in their bodies, looking extremely ferocious!

Pei Jing's heart was impatient, and the energy in his body surged, causing the nearby time to rise and fall like a vast ocean.


In an instant, a giant time dragon seemed to have broken free of some kind of restraint, exuding a very terrifying aura, and strangled the enemy directly!


A huge explosion sounded, and the ground shook violently!

Under the impact of the Time Dragon, an Archbishop was directly hit and his body collapsed. He let out a scream, flew backwards at an extremely fast speed, and slammed into the mechanical fortress before stopping.

The other three people reacted very quickly and avoided the impact of the Time Dragon. Some people hugged the tail of the Time Dragon with their backhands, while others rushed behind the Time Dragon with murderous intent and terrifying claws on their clawed arms. The wind, containing the ultimate power of Qi and blood, directly tore off a large piece of energy form.

Fortunately, the Time Dragon is condensed from energy, so it does not feel pain and can fight regardless of the cost.

Suddenly, the two sides were fighting each other, rolling crazily on the ground, like giant beasts making trouble in the sea!

The earth shook!

the other side.

The archbishop who was knocked out just now had his eyes split open and his whole body was covered in blood. The pollution characteristics were spreading crazily, but the extent of his repair was extremely limited. After all, the energy was too thin.

He let out a low roar and charged forward violently again, joining the fight.

Everyone knows that now we have reached the desperate stage. As long as we break through Pei Jing's interception and reach the building, with the help of that rich energy, we can instantly return to peak strength!

Otherwise, once the mysterious strong man walks out of the training building.

The balance of the battle will be shattered in an instant!

Not only the four archbishops, but also Chu Qingfeng knew this very well. He gritted his teeth and hurriedly controlled the mechanical bodies to surround the enemy.


Chu Qingfeng considers himself to be stronger than these destructive-level destructors of the Evolutionary God Cult. If he uses all his methods to completely obliterate a destructive-level inhuman alien, it should not be a problem.

However, in this case, I am afraid that more than half of the ninth district will be affected.

Since the other party's goal seems to be the conservative side, can we use this to lure the other party into the wilderness?

Although one of his mechanical bodies has the ability to pull enemies into other time and space, it still relies on the strange power combined with the mechanical body. It can still be easily done against the apostle level, but if you want to deal with the destruction level, especially There are still four destruction-level inhuman aliens, which is obviously a bit difficult.

So he asked Pei Jing loudly: "What's going on inside the training building?"

Pei Jing shook his head: "I don't know."

"No..." Chu Qingfeng's eyes widened and his tone suddenly stopped.

It’s already here, there’s nothing left to hide! ?

In an instant, he also became angry: "I can't control that much. Anyway, we must not let them cross over to regain their strength. Otherwise, I will blow up the training building, let the energy overflow, and be drained by the mechanical fortress!"


Pei Jing glanced over coldly.

"There are very important people inside, don't mess around, I will definitely be able to guard it!"

Chu Qingfeng looked at the time dragon that was constantly being broken and the mechanical body that was defeated. He was extremely anxious and said: "No matter how important it is, is it as important as the ninth district!?"

"Yes." Pei Jing replied decisively.

It seemed that the fluctuations in the external battle were so intense that the stagnant energy in the training building fluctuated.

At this time, Wang Zhen, who was standing in front of the training building, was even more unbearable. Just the aftermath of the destructive level battle made his whole body vibrate, as if he was being hit by an invisible sledgehammer!

Although he knew that staying here would have no effect, at this critical moment, he wanted to stand on the same front as his teacher and Su Qi.

The secret-keeper's path to transcendence is usually accompanied by loneliness.

Fortunately, the secrets he touched were all related to the teacher and Su Qi, which relieved his inner loneliness.

He couldn't even imagine what kind of state he would be in in the future if something unexpected happened to these two people.

at the same time.

The fluctuation of energy seemed to have touched Su Qi's mental power, causing his consciousness in the spiritual world to be in a trance.

In a trance.

He seemed to have remembered who he was...

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