Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 275 The battle situation is tense, and the machine combined with weirdness

Bang bang bang!

Along with a series of explosions, the terrifying beam of light hit the archbishop of the Evolution Cult, sputtering out sparks of death.

Each cannon barrel is equipped with an automatic tracking device, locking the target tightly and rotating crazily.

And the four archbishops of the Evolutionary God Cult were extremely powerful. They resisted the intense artillery fire, rushed up to the sky, and punched out, directly bending a large number of gun barrels. The astonishing force fell on the mechanical fortress, causing shock. A terrifying ripple!

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Qingfeng quickly came to Pei Jing and asked anxiously: "Pei Jing, do you have any other trump cards? Use them as soon as possible. This mechanical fortress won't last long."

Pei Jing raised his brows: "Didn't you say that this mechanical fortress can imprison a destructive level powerhouse?"

Chu Qingfeng quickly lowered his voice: "I was bluffing them. This mechanical fortress can hold a Destruction Level, which is already the limit of the limit. Now four Destruction Levels attack at the same time. With their current level of consumption, they can only be imprisoned." It’s just for a while.”


Soon, Pei Jing realized the hidden meaning in the other party's words, and his eyes became profound: "You mean, if their strength is exhausted to a certain extent, this mechanical fortress can completely imprison Gu Gu?"

Chu Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Theoretically, it should be right."

Pei Jing raised his head and stared at the four people who were frantically attacking the mechanical fortress: "Wait a moment and let me recover. The recovery speed here is too slow."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Qingfeng couldn't help but be surprised: "Can you still regain your strength?"

"Yes, but it's a bit slow. This should be due to your mechanical fortress."


At this time, Chu Qingfeng was speechless for a moment. It seemed that the mechanical fortress needed more improvements, but also, the level of the power of time and space was too high. With the knowledge he currently had, he wanted to completely master this level of power. There is still a lot of difficulty in absorbing it.

However, now is not the time to think about that.

Before the other party can react, you must find ways to consume the other party's power as quickly as possible.

Thinking of this, Chu Qingfeng started to act, and saw a thin layer of light mist overflowing around his body. From the light mist, racks of rusty old-fashioned machinery walked out.

Most of these machines are occupied by strange things.

Since the machine itself has no consciousness, Chu Qingfeng can barely control it, and can explode with even more incredible power.


Chu Qingfeng raised his right hand, and a light curtain appeared. He operated on it and gave these machines instructions to eliminate the enemy!

Suddenly, each ancient machine emitted green light and flew upwards. Some parts even fell down during the flight.

"Didi didi——"

A machine that sounded a rapid siren quickly approached behind a destructive level powerhouse.

The destructive-level powerhouse was like a ferocious beast with keen intuition. He instinctively sensed the danger. As soon as he turned his head to look, he saw a half-meter-tall small machine exploding violently!

next moment.

An unprecedented dazzling light suddenly shone in his field of vision.

Terrifying waves of air followed one after another, making him feel as if he had received a heavy hammer. His body was shaken, intense pain bloomed in his back, and the bright and turbulent flames almost formed a sea of ​​fire and swept across the sky!

In this violent and blazing flame flow, several ancient machines rushed towards other destruction-level powerhouses.

Some machines have discs mounted on them, and ripples erupt in circles, covering a person, causing the other person to cover his head in pain, as if his whole head is about to explode!

Some machines are in human form, making a tooth-breaking friction sound, holding a sword filled with flames, and slashing at the enemy. Their movements are as fast as lightning, and they are extremely fast, directly cutting a deep gash on the opponent's chest. Bloodstains!

In short, these ancient machines of different shapes seem to contain some incomprehensible power, full of lethality, and bring unexpected blows to the opponent!

"My day!"

"What the hell kind of machine is this? Why can it hurt me so easily?"

An archbishop stared with horrified eyes at the ancient machinery that appeared in front of him. For some reason, he always felt that he could detect a scalp-numbing aura on these machinery.

"It's weird!"

"I once heard that some mechanical extraordinary people can avoid strange disasters through specific means, and can even capture strange things for their own use. I didn't expect this to be true!" One of them said with a solemn look. It was obvious that he He has a deep understanding of the mechanical way of transcendence.

"Doesn't that mean that we are facing not only a group of powerful machines, but also the bonus of a combination of weird powers!" Suddenly, someone's face turned bitter.

For a while.

Suddenly I had the illusion that I had gone out without looking at the almanac.

He had just met Pei Jing, who had terrifying abilities, and now he had to deal with such a difficult mechanical path transcendent.

Originally, they thought that Pei Jing, who had just been promoted to the destruction level, and a group of hiding conservatives, could not be the opponent of the five of them.

At least in theory, that should be the case.

But they never expected that it would be themselves who would break when touched.

This is really unacceptable. You must know that non-human beings who sacrifice their reason and draw power from the pollution characteristics are inherently stronger than extraordinary people of the same level.

But now, why is it so frustrating?

However, there was no time left for them to think. Without killing these old machines, they would not be able to distract themselves from breaking through the mechanical fortress. Therefore, they turned around one by one and charged towards the ancient machines.

The war is about to break out.

Bang bang bang!

Steel and flesh collided fiercely, and a large number of parts fell down.

And those machines seemed to reveal their true appearance. Under the wrapping of the machines, there was a vague black shadow.

However, these black shadows did not emit any fluctuations. Instead, they seemed to be integrated with the machinery and fell into deathly silence.

Chu Qingfeng, who was paying attention to the battle situation above, suddenly said to Pei Jing: "How about you go to the training building, where there is plenty of energy, and maybe you will recover faster."

Pei Jing took a deep look at the training building and shook his head gently.

at this point.

He also realized it.

However, the energy near the training building was condensed due to Su Qi's impact on the destruction level.

And when the war broke out to this extent, Su Qi in the training building did not make any move. This was obviously a critical moment.


He was even more unable to use the energy recovery near the training building, fearing that this would affect Su Qi's promotion!

ninth District.

Nothing is more important than Su Qi's promotion!

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