Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 235 The secrets of the main hall, insight into the changing laws of time and space

After several ancient books fell into Su Qi's hands, Xia Shengxuan and Yunrou couldn't help but come closer and look at them carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, you will be shocked when you see it.


The words on the cover of ancient books...

It turned out to be human writing.

Does this mean that this ancient city was originally built by humans?

"Lingbo Sword Technique, this seems to be the offensive ability of a certain mysterious path..." Yunrou said softly.

Su Qi flipped through it casually.

indeed so.

This is just an ancient book that records some extraordinary ability.


What's strange is that such ancient books on martial arts are randomly abandoned here. Is it because the level is not high?

Due to the rush of time, Su Qi did not study it carefully, but put it away first.

after all.

His goal was spiritual medicine, and the rest could only be regarded as unexpected gains.

Only by obtaining the spiritual medicine can Pei Jing's hidden dangers be solved and a destructive-level powerhouse be born in the ninth district.

the other side.

When Lu Mu first saw this, he felt very unhappy.

Unfortunately, he couldn't have a seizure, so he had to urge Hou Yong and his men to continue exploring the road in order to find the spiritual medicine.

Hou Yong did not have any objection to this.

Because his rationality was about to come to an end, during his last trip to the Thirteenth District, he was even ready to start a 'holy war' against the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court.

But, I never expected it.

A serious situation unexpectedly occurred at You Chong's place, leaving him with no choice but to survive.

But this time, when someone came from the Evolution God Sect headquarters, he just casually mentioned to them the spiritual medicine in the forbidden area.

Unexpectedly, the other party was very interested and promised that once he found the spiritual medicine, he would find a way to stabilize his last trace of rationality.


This is his chance to extend his life, and it is also a desperate moment.

However, here, they have not found the laws of time and space changes at all, and can only use their lives to fill in the gaps and try to find a safe route.

Before he could take a few steps.

Suddenly, he noticed that the clothes on the non-human being next to him were automatically changing without wind.

Immediately afterwards.

In his horrified eyes, the flesh and blood on his companion seemed to have been blown by some kind of terrifying wind, and was blown off inch by inch.

He was so frightened that he couldn't help but pause in his steps, then gritted his teeth and slowly moved forward.

Behind, Yun Rou saw this scene and couldn't help but shook her head. This is the current situation of the Evolutionary God Cult today. At first, they kept squandering their rationality for extraordinary power, but later, they humbled themselves to this extent for the sake of rationality. It is really sad. .

"Don't stop!"

"Let them take a good look, there are no cowards in the Evolution Cult!"

Lu Muxian shouted loudly. Not only did he not feel sad for the sacrifice of his companions, but he looked very proud.

at this time.

In a daze, Hou Yong seemed to feel that now he was exactly the same as his former subordinates. They had no rationality and no hope and could only be reduced to tools.

Only, this time.

The tool man actually had his turn.

Maybe this is the nature of the world. Everyone is a tool, without exception.

As the followers of the Evolutionary Cult continued to advance, more non-human aliens died one after another, even to the point of dying every step of the way. A safe blood path was also found for Lu Muxian.

Some people seemed to be dismembered by some kind of terrifying existence.

Some people's bodies suddenly erupted with strange divine light and exploded.

Others were suddenly burned to death.

That's right.

Another person seems to have stepped into the time and space that the inhuman alien who was burned to ashes entered before.

Su Qi's eyes narrowed.

My mind is running very fast.

at this moment.

He seemed to be catching something.

Same end, different directions. This is two directions connecting the same time and space, or a shift in time and space.

Su Qi stared intently at the distance between the two masses of ashes in the hall.

at the same time.

He suddenly felt something change behind him.

So, he quickly shouted: "Quick, follow me!"

Then, he was very decisive and led everyone to take a few steps. The scenery of the hall did not change much.

The only change may be that the row of antique bookshelves from Su Qi's perspective disappeared.


It seems that he has not stepped into dangerous time and space.

At this point, an idea started to grow like a weed in my mind.

I saw Su Qi taking a few steps forward to the right, and the bookshelf on the side of the high platform of the hall appeared again.

"I see."

At this time, Su Qi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He found the laws of time and space changes!

Indeed, every position in the hall seems to correspond to a certain time and space, but these time and space will change from time to time.

This change began to occur irregularly.

But he was still discovered by Su Qi, as an extraordinary person with extraordinary power of light attribute.

Those negligible changes in light and darkness were particularly obvious in his eyes.

The degree of light projected by the surrounding hollow walls is not all the same. The ground they illuminate represents a space-time.

As the time goes.

The angle of the light projected by each hole changes, and time and space also change at the same time!


Just knowing this is not enough.

Because there were too many holes in the surrounding walls, which meant that the amount of time and space here had reached an astonishing number, Su Qi could not tell which time and space was dangerous and which time and space could see the spiritual medicine.

But it’s not all without gain.

At least, he can easily discern the range of time and space changes through the different levels of light and darkness.

In other words, at least they can always stay in this safe space and time.

All that remains is to carefully distinguish the degree of light and darkness in the time and space that the members of the Evolution God Sect set foot on.


In his mind, he had already recorded several dangerous light and dark levels, as well as several safe light and dark levels.


He sauntered forward.

With Pei Jing and others, they walked a short distance towards the high platform without any accidents.

But in the process.

They experienced several changes in time and space, and the scenery in the hall changed again and again.

Sometimes there is a row of registration tables, and sometimes there is a scene of devastation after being burned by fire.

When Lu Mu first saw Su Qi and others moving forward so easily, he couldn't help but curse in his heart: "In this world, the son of King Ou's luck is the one who deserves to be killed!"


At first, he also doubted whether Su Qi and his group had insight into the changing laws of time and space in the hall, but when he saw Su Qi stop again with a confused look on his face, he decided that the other party was just lucky.

But he didn't know it was.

All of this was deliberately shown by Su Qi.

If he wanted to keep going, he could still walk at least half the distance.

Because once the other party discovers that he has insight into the changing laws of time and space in the hall, he is likely to turn around and question himself, leading to a conflict.

In this way, wouldn't it mean that no one would find out for him where the crisis lies in the time and space with different levels of light and darkness?

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