Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 234 Weird Palace, Extraordinary Things

In the palace.

Lu Muxian did not dare to walk casually to where Su Qi and others were.

After exploring for a while, they were getting closer and closer to the high platform in the center of the palace, and it was impossible to turn back at this time.

To be able to get to this position.

They had already paid with the lives of several of their men.

What's more, returning the same way may not be safe.

Realizing that there would be nothing he could do against the other party for a while, he suppressed his anger for the time being and turned his attention to finding spiritual medicine.

Although it is said that spiritual medicine cannot directly enhance the strength of non-human beings like the extraordinary ones.

But non-human aliens can slow down the loss of rationality by planting spiritual medicine in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is an undisclosed secret within the headquarters of the Evolutionary God Cult.

Even Hou Yong's level has never known about it. Firstly, in the real world, spiritual medicine is too rare. Secondly, the headquarters regards it as the most important thing to counterattack the real world, so naturally it will not be disclosed easily.

As for those guys in District 9...

It is good to keep it temporarily, or it can be used as a pathfinder to explore the time and space of the spiritual medicine.

After all, there are too many times and spaces here.

The time and space everyone lives in is changing unconsciously.

If you want to find spiritual medicine, in addition to having absolute strength, the more important thing is luck.

not to mention.

As long as he leaves this hall, he can return to the time and space of the real world, which means that the corpses of the disaster-level ferocious beasts and the spiritual medicine will eventually fall into his hands.

The reason why they are so sure of the other party's strength is because the other party's group has been relying on the power of the corpses of disaster-level ferocious beasts to tightly hug each other since they entered the palace.

This is obviously a sign of lack of confidence in one's own strength.

Unlike them, everyone is distributed in various time and space and has enough confidence to cope with emergencies.

And it will be more efficient.


Su Qi had the same plan.

In this strange place, these believers of the Evolution Cult who look like competitors are actually just pawns exploring the path.

If the disaster-level ferocious beast had not been recognized, he would have wanted to withdraw from the hall and wait for the Evolution God Cult group to get their hands on it before they could rob it.

But that’s fine too.

When there are more people, it will also help to analyze the laws of time and space transformation.

In this way, the two groups began to explore the empty hall with their own thoughts. At the same time, they also secretly followed each other's movements and kept a certain distance.

Because no one can guarantee it.

Will the two sides be in the same time and space in the next moment?

Although there is a resurrection skill called the source of life, and he is not afraid of sneak attacks, Su Qi does not want this ability to be wasted here.

Su Qi looked at the main hall carefully. There was nothing here, except for two special places.

One is the high platform directly above the palace. That position is generally regarded as the main seat, where important people or important items are placed.

at this point.

The non-human aliens of the Evolutionary Cult seemed to be aware of it, and each one slowly moved closer.

In another place, the surrounding walls are hollowed out into some mysterious patterns.

The pattern was too complicated, and Su Qi couldn't figure out what it was for a while.

at this time.

Changes occur suddenly.

I saw an inhuman being approaching the high platform. He suddenly looked frightened and shouted: "The palace is on fire!"

However, from other perspectives, the palace was not as usual, and there was no abnormality at all.

Immediately afterwards.

Even the apostle-level non-human alien had just made a gesture of escaping, and was instantly swallowed up by a ball of blazing flames. He didn't even have time to resist, and was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye!

All of a sudden.

Everyone's eyes were extremely solemn.

The flames that can instantly scorch even the apostle level are absolutely terrifying.

At the same time, everyone secretly remembered the location of the pile of ashes and did not dare to get too close.

At this moment, Su Qi stopped and frowned.

His eyes fell on the few apostle-level inhuman aliens closest to the pile of ashes.

My mind started thinking quickly.

That's right.

He was estimating the range of directions and how far away he could be to stay in the same time and space.


He also saw that it seemed that teleportation was not possible in this hall, or that teleportation would put himself in danger.

Because the arrogant inhuman alien drove his men to find a safe route, and took every step with extreme caution, without using his teleportation ability.

And this time.

Lu Mu first turned around and looked at Su Qi and others motionless, with a mocking look on his face: "What, are you scared?"

"Extraordinary people are really as timid as mice."

"Just like those destructive level transcendent beings, they only dare to hide in the Holy City."

Hearing such provocative words, Su Qi's expression did not change at all. This method of provoking a general was too childish.


Xia Shengxuan, who was holding Xiaoyan by the side, whispered: "Su Qi, I saw a row of bookshelves!"

In an instant.

Xiaoyan only felt that her hand was empty, and she found that Xia Shengxuan's arm was like a fleeting shadow, without any substance.

Su Qi instantly realized that even the destructive power of the disaster-level ferocious beast was not enough to withstand the division of time and space, so he immediately said to Xia Shengxuan: "Mr. Xia, step back, and I will change places with you."

Since the aura of the source of life on Xia Shengxuan's body has not disappeared, it means that the time and space that Xia Shengxuan sees is not very dangerous.

He wanted to feel the changes in time and space for himself and see if he could get a glimpse of the mystery.

This is indeed a bit strange.

Because, after he stopped walking, Lao Xia and the others did not move around. Even so, they were still isolated by time and space.


Following Su Qi's instructions, Xia Shengxuan retreated and took Xiaoyan's arm again.

Su Qi, on the other hand, came to where Xia Shengxuan was standing just now.

Without any warning, a row of antique bookshelves suddenly appeared on the side of the high platform in front of them.

As if he was aware of Su Qi's movements, Lu Mu first said in a provocative tone: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you that sometimes, even if you stand still, time and space will change, so I'd better put away your Useless little thoughts, there is no such thing as picking up leaks here."

Su Qi ignored the other party.

He stared intently at the row of antique bookshelves, on which were scattered a few ancient books. The arrangement was a bit messy, giving people the feeling that they were left behind because they had no time to take them away when they fled.

Up there, Su Qi felt the fluctuation of extraordinary power.

This means that those ancient books are most likely to be some kind of extraordinary things.

His sister just lacked something extraordinary to awaken, so he wanted to see if he could get it.

As for whether it is powerful or not, you have to see it to know.

However, Su Qi was now hundreds of meters away from the bookshelf, so he did not dare to rush there, for fear that if he moved around, he would step into other time and space.


He inspired the spiritual power within his body to cover the past.

In a place invisible to everyone, several ancient books floated out of the air and slowly flew towards Su Qi's direction.

It is not until they feel the touch of the ancient books that others see the true face of the ancient books.

So far.

Lu Mu's molars were almost broken.

They were the first to enter this place and gained nothing except the sacrifice of several lives of their men.

But the other party, as soon as he stepped in, received something extraordinary.

What a piece of shit luck!

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