Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 229 Weird creature, an existence wandering between life and death

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone present was shocked.

A big living person mysteriously disappeared under their noses.

However, before they could react.

Pei Jing was extremely fast, taking three steps and two steps to cross over. He stretched out one hand and passed through the void like a dreamy bubble surrounded by blurry light.

the other side.

The name of the missing person is Chen Hui.

In the last second, he suddenly heard someone calling his name from behind him.

He turned his head instinctively.

As soon as he was halfway through twisting, he regretted it.

In such a strange place, there is no room for carelessness.

But it's still too late.

Even though he quickly realized something was wrong and turned his head abruptly, everyone in front of him disappeared in an instant.

"It's me who disappeared!"

His body and mind were shaken violently, bursting out with soaring energy, and he turned around instantly.

A fox-like creature standing upright on its legs suddenly came into view.

The opponent's hair was dark and messy, and his figure was as dry as a taxidermied animal. He was small, only the size of an eight or nine-year-old child. There was a group of purple fireworks dancing in the empty eye sockets, and he stared at him without saying a word.

It's like looking at a dead person!

Chen Hui became angry instantly and punched out. Two blazing flames shot out from his right arm, entangled each other, and exploded with terrifying power that strangled all things, blasting directly at the strange creature.


Sparks exploded all over the sky, extremely bright.

There was even a burning smell in the air.

As for that weird creature, it was motionless and was directly exploded!

But he was not happy yet.

A strange scene appeared.

Two kicks.

That weird creature appeared in front of him unscathed again.

Moreover, there is another identical thing!


Still looking at Chen Hui quietly without any movement.

Chen Hui was shocked, but soon his eyes darkened.

As an extraordinary person, let alone an apostle-level extraordinary person, he believes in the supremacy of strength, either to destroy the enemy or to be destroyed by the enemy.

Why are you staring at me?

Owe you money?

"Die!" Chen Hui shouted violently, his body trembling with unparalleled fluctuations. At the moment, he grabbed the neck of a strange creature with one hand and slammed into it with all his strength.


It was as if thunder from the sky stirred fire from the earth.

There was a strong vibration in the void, and a pillar of fire connecting the sky and the earth rose instantly, burning the two strange creatures directly into ashes!

Kick, kick, kick!

"What, four more heads appeared!?" Chen Hui's scalp felt cold, but he could still wait and see what happened, not daring to act rashly again.

However, in just a few breaths.

Four heads turned into eight heads!

Eight heads turned into sixteen heads!

While the number is increasing, the speed is also accelerating.

At this moment, a scene suddenly flashed through Chen Hui's mind, that is, he would be completely overwhelmed by this weird creature!

"Can't sit still and wait for death!"

His face turned pale and he quickly wanted to leave this place.

But no matter where he ran, those strange creatures appeared everywhere, like gangrene attached to the bones.

Can't get rid of it!

And he also discovered.

Your own attacks can slow down the increase in the number of strange creatures.

However, that is only a delay of about ten seconds, which is almost negligible.

But if he stops attacking, the number of strange creatures will increase endlessly.


Unparalleled suffocation.

Manpower is limited, but this weird creature seems to have no limit and can divide endlessly.

It seems that we won’t stop until we bury him!

At this time, the fear in Chen Hui's heart exploded out of control, and along with it, the energy in his body was squeezed to the extreme and vented wildly.

It seems just to find life in the few seconds of delay.

He had also suspected that it was an illusion.

Because besides hallucination, what else can be so unreasonable.

Split out so much.

It seemed like it was about to crowd the whole world.

But even if it was an illusion, he couldn't break out of it.

The energy was exhausted bit by bit, and the number of strange creatures also surged to an incredible level, completely surrounding him, some even less than half a meter away from him.

Movement has been blocked!

Just when he was desperate, suddenly, among the densely packed strange creatures, a human arm poked out.

"Got you."

The voice was extremely cold, but in Chen Hui's ears, it was like the sound of nature.

"Master Pei, I'm here!"

The next second.

He then saw Pei Jing invading forcefully, grabbing one of the strange creatures with one hand, and his unparalleled power exploded in an instant.

The strange creatures that crowded the world disappeared in an instant.

The sky is clear and the earth is bright!

Only the one in Pei Jing's hand was left.

at the same time.

From Chen Hui's perspective.

All around, the people who had disappeared slowly appeared.

"Chen Hui?"

"You appear again?" One of them looked at Chen Hui with a strange expression.

Someone else discovered a strange creature in Pei Jing's hand: "What the hell is that!?"

Hear the words.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that Pei Jing had caught a strange creature in his hands. It was more like the corpse of a strange creature than a living thing.

Because, that strange creature remained motionless in Pei Jing's hands, and its whole body was as stiff as a mummy.

There seemed to be no life fluctuations, if it weren't for the purple flames beating in the empty eye sockets.

Pei Jing carefully observed the strange creature in his hand. Based on his experience, he couldn't even recognize what it was.

"It's so weird, it seems like you are in a state between life and death..."

Pei Jing muttered and tried to loosen his hand.

However, I found that the figure of this thing instantly faded, as if it was disappearing from the real world immediately.

This discovery made him tighten his grip again.

"This thing has the ability to condense false time and space. Qiu Ran comes here to lend a hand and try to grab it."

On the side, Qiu Ran, who was confused, walked over obediently and grabbed the strange creature by the neck: "Is that so?"

"Yes, let me try letting go and see what happens." As he said that, Pei Jing let go of his hand little by little.

It wasn't until I discovered that the body of this strange creature was not insubstantial that I felt relieved.

As an extraordinary person with the ability to control time, he is still quite interested in this kind of stuff.

If you have the chance, you should take it back and study it, maybe it will have other uses.

"Then what?"

Qiu Ran looked at Pei Jing and lifted the strange creature up.

Pei Jing explained: "This thing may be one of the main culprits of Shen Chan and others being exiled to other time and space. It needs to be studied and studied, but it must be grasped like this so that it will not run away. You have to work hard and carry it like this. "

"..." Qiu Ran's eyes suddenly turned resentful.

He looked around.

There are so many people here, but you choose me to do this kind of thing.

When the others caught Qiu Ran's gaze, they immediately looked away.

Do not make jokes.

They wouldn't even dare to ask for such a weird thing.

Although this thing seems safe and harmless, who knows if it will disappear quietly like Chen Hui just now.

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