Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 228 The power of time and space, the invisible trap

Monitoring base stations, under normal circumstances, will deliver messages according to the established pattern.

If others want to actively use the monitoring base station to deliver messages, they need to pass identity verification.


This monitoring base station, in the image displayed back in time, automatically completed the verification and sent out a message.

"Is it weird that he is sending a message to District 9?"

"In this case, doesn't it mean that the news that the mysterious cemetery is the key thing is probably a trap!?"

When all the apostles saw this strange scene, their scalps felt numb and their hearts were filled with turmoil.


That means it's going to be a hunt.

And they were the prey that took the bait.

At the thought of this, many people retreated and wanted to evacuate this place, and then make plans after figuring out the ins and outs.

after all.

The apostle level here is the foundation of the current ninth district!

There is no room for error.

At this moment, the scene shattered and Pei Jing's figure was revealed. He frowned and explained: "Sometimes, what we see may not be true. Although the time review did not reveal the identity of Shen Chan and others. Figure..."

"But that doesn't mean they're not here."

As he said that, Pei Jing cast his eyes towards the area in front of him, the fierce mountain rising among the ruins, and seemed to have some kind of guess in his mind.

"Master Pei, don't be too tight-lipped now. Everyone is worried. If you have any findings, please tell us." The speaker was an extraordinary person who was older than Pei Jing. He was an elder of the Xie family in District 9. At the time, He was also one of the first Xie family members to migrate from the Holy City.

Pei Jing smiled and said: "Lao Xie, don't worry, this is just a guess of mine."

"Assuming that Shen Chan and others are trapped in another time and space here, then everything can be explained."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

This actually involves the existence of extraordinary power in time and space!

The power of time and space is extremely high-level and unpredictable. Facing this level of power, an ordinary transcendent is almost no different from a child who has just learned to walk.

If this is really the case, then except for Pei Jing, others may not even be able to struggle.

Seeing everyone's expressions becoming more solemn, Pei Jing comforted him: "The power of time and space is not as scary as you think, not to mention me."

Hear the words.

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but froze.

You have mastered this level of extraordinary power, so naturally you say it so easily. We are different. It is very possible that we could fall here accidentally.

Shen Chan and others are the best examples.

"Why, am I so untrustworthy?" Seeing that everyone was still silent, Pei Jing couldn't help but raise his voice a bit.

How many years has it been?

How dare someone question his strength! ?

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the apostle-level extraordinary people immediately accompanied him with a smile: "Master Pei, that's not what we meant... We just feel that it is a little difficult for us to cope with this level of power. It's not that..."

"You're still saying that I can't lead you." Pei Jing interrupted the other person's words and his eyes became sharp.

In fact, except for Qiu Ran, everyone else was more or less skeptical.

Pei Jing...

After all, he hasn't made a move for many years, God knows how much strength he still has left.

At this time, Qiu Ran did not speak, but stood aside with a gloating smile.

How many years.

Unexpectedly, there are still people who question Boss Pei's strength.

They are all warriors.

Sure enough, it was as he expected.

Pei Jing snorted coldly, and powerful power swept out like a tide.

All around.

It seems that there has been some kind of change, but there seems to be no change at all.

The feeling of being neither up nor down left everyone at a loss as to what to say.

"Master Pei, what are you..."

"It's nothing. In order to ensure everyone's safety, I brought you into other time and space. Well...if you want to leave, please feel free to leave. If you have no other questions, follow me into District 13 to find out. "Pei Jing said calmly.


Everyone was shocked.


Before I even blinked, I was in another time and space.

How terrifying it would have been for Pei Jing in his heyday.

In an instant, no one had any doubts. Just kidding, they couldn't even tell that this was a different time and space, so how could they leave.

What's more, if you offend the other party, if you can't remember to take yourself out for a while, wouldn't you be trapped in this unknown time and space?


Everyone who saw Pei Jing's power patted their chests and said that they had never thought about going back alive after coming out of District 9.


It turns out that many people never expected to return unscathed.

However, all adventures must be based on the premise of being valuable, and no one is willing to sacrifice in vain.


Pei Jing was too strong and didn't give them a chance to discuss.

In other words, Pei Jing has veto power on any outcome of the discussion.

On the side, Qiu Ran approached Pei Jing and asked in a low voice: "Boss, why are your skills different from before?"

Pei Jing said calmly: "Why, you are not allowed to have some insights and use it more proficiently?"

He said this on his lips, but in his heart he felt that it was getting harder and harder to fool Qiu Ran.

That's right.

Everything he did just now was just bluffing.

In fact, it didn't pull everyone into another time and space. This was not something he couldn't do due to his strength.

But it doesn't make much sense.


The mysterious cemetery they are going to may have some special extraordinary power that can be completely manifested in other time and space, but it is still unknown.

Furthermore, the so-called pulling into another time and space is to a large extent a false time and space, which requires continuous maintenance of one's own strength. In such a place full of uncertain factors, it is obviously not a wise idea to waste strength in advance.

Also, pulling in other time and space is just to show strength and let everyone abandon all distracting thoughts and obey the command.


The goal was achieved without wasting too much energy.

Immediately, Pei Jing took the lead and led everyone in the direction where Shen Chan and others left in the time review result.

"This direction is the closest distance to the mysterious cemetery."

Pei Jing seemed to have guessed what Shen Chan and the others were thinking. In this short distance, it was indeed the safest way to reach the mysterious cemetery as quickly as possible to confirm the situation there.


The accident happened anyway.

Not long after entering, everyone felt a vague sense of prying eyes.

Someone had goosebumps all over his body and said in a trembling voice: "Master Pei, didn't you say that we are in other time and space now, how can we still be targeted?"

In this regard, Pei Jing seemed very calm: "This is not normal. The other party also controls the power of time and space, so he can naturally peek through time and space."

"Oh I got it."

The man just breathed out like a heavy burden, and in an instant, his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"The man next to me..."


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