Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 226 Weird rampage, sudden death

As far as the eye can see, there are towering trees underneath.

The branches of these big trees are like tentacles, swaying in the wind. There are human heads at the ends of the branches, showing strange smiles, like sunflowers, and they all move with the movements of the disaster-level beasts.

Not only that, there are also those peaks made of unknown bones, with strange paper flags stuck on them.

There was also a pungent smell in the air, which made people feel like their chests were being burned all the time, and they could even hear vague murmurs.

Even the clouds above had a large number of unknown vines hanging down.

Absurd, depressing.

As if she noticed something was wrong with the expression on Xiaoyan's face, Yunrou comforted her: "It's your first time entering the depths of the wilderness. You will feel a little uncomfortable. You'll get used to it."

"Actually, these weird things you can see will not directly threaten us under normal circumstances, such as those devil trees with human face fruits. No matter how injured you are here, as long as you still retain a trace of consciousness, you can get close Within ten meters of it, if you pray to it, you can recover instantly."

"But the price is that after three times, it will take away your face."

"Also, there is a kind of spring water that occasionally flows out of the bone mountain. After taking it, the strength will double in one day. After the same three times, it will quietly disappear from this world at a certain moment. "

"In this place, many things are related to three times. It seems to be an iron law." Yun Rou said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel creepy.


These weird things that seem to be avoidable as long as you understand the rules actually contain great dangers.

To know.

In this place, danger is everywhere, and these strange objects are also scattered all over the mountains and plains, and you can take them all.

Who can guarantee that there will be no time when he needs to make a deal with Weiyi?

At this time.

Su Qi couldn't help but cast his eyes on Xia Shengxuan, as if asking him why he didn't explain such crucial information to everyone in advance.

Xia Shengxuan coughed and explained: "The reason why I didn't explain it to you is because once everyone knows about the existence of this weird transaction, they will fall into the trap of the transaction. Although they have three opportunities, they can't avoid it. , it’s better not to have any contact.”

"After all, this is weird. Who knows if the first two times might have been tainted with some kind of ominousness?"

Say this.

Su Qi suddenly understood.

To put it bluntly, this thing is actually similar to an early overdraft of a loan.

Some people regard it as an emergency measure, and some people will always mistake it for their own assets at some point.

The interest here is your own life.

If you can, try not to touch.

"Has anyone taken these weird things out to study them?" Su Qi asked.

Logically speaking, these things are still of considerable research value. Why is it so rare to hear similar information in the supernatural world.

Xia Shengxuan smiled and said: "At the beginning, many people tried to study it, but these weird things will lose all their effectiveness once they are taken away from the depths of the wilderness."

Along the way, all kinds of weird things emerge one after another.

Fortunately, with Yunrou's leadership, they did not get into trouble along the way.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

Not long after, as they passed under a cloud, an accident happened. A thick and ferocious claw arm protruded from the ink cloud with a terrifying force.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The corpse of the disaster-level ferocious beast was hit in the head, and everyone felt as if the world was spinning. Then, under the force that stirred up the wind and clouds in all directions, it shot downwards like thrown stones.

Among them, Su Qi discovered that Xia Shengxuan and the others didn't even have time to mobilize their energy, and their bodies began to break apart!

After Su Qi came to his senses, he secretly said something bad.

He quickly waved his right hand.

The bright brilliance instantly enveloped the other three people.

The magical skill of resurrection—the source of life!

I saw Xia Shengxuan and the other two people, astonishingly watching their bodies shatter in an instant, and then miraculously heal quickly.

"I...what happened?" The three fell to the ground, looking at their hands in disbelief.

Could it be that you are hallucinating?

At this time, Su Qi had no time to explain. He grabbed everyone with a big hand and gathered the power of heaven and earth to catch everyone and put them back on the shoulders of the corpse of the disaster-level beast.

This blow.

Even he couldn't notice it in advance.

This means that the ferocious beast in the clouds is definitely a real disaster-level ferocious beast!

And it may also be a disaster-level beast that is good at concealing its aura.


After one blow, the claw arm protruding from the clouds disappeared again.

It was as if it had never appeared.

Everyone did not dare to move. After Xiaoyan came to her senses, she tried to control the corpse of the disaster-level beast to fight back, but was stopped by Su Qi.


"Perhaps the ferocious beasts in the clouds didn't notice our aura, and just regarded this as an out-of-bounds behavior of the same kind."

Su Qi held his breath and stared straight up.

It wasn't until the opponent didn't launch a follow-up attack that Su Qi signaled Xiaoyan to manipulate the corpse of the disaster-level beast to avoid this place.

A disaster-level beast.

With Su Qi's current strength, he should be able to fight.

However, for him, it is obvious that spiritual medicine is the most important.

Everything else can be ignored for now.

On the shoulders of the disaster-level ferocious beast, Yunrou's face turned pale, and she was still frightened when she recalled the earth-shattering collision just now.

Although, that was only the shallowest collision of destruction-level power, and the aftermath was not something that the apostle-level could bear.

"This is too unlucky."

"You can actually encounter disaster-level ferocious beasts in this world!"

Yunrou drank in a low voice, as if she wanted to vent her inner fear.

Su Qi looked forward, his mental power reaching its peak.

This is wilderness.

The path you took safely one moment ago does not mean it will be safe when you return, and vice versa.

Not to mention this route, it had been a long time since Yunrou had set foot on it.

This is already the best situation. If there was no corpse of this disaster-level beast, maybe they would have to face the real disaster-level beast.


Suddenly he became nervous.

In order to avoid accidents, Xia Shengxuan suggested that everyone use the Great Qi Condensation Technique.

We are not far from the forbidden area now. Although using the great Qi Condensation Technique will consume some of our strength, it is better to be safe.


It didn't take long for them to advance.

They also discovered a strange phenomenon. A large river actually flowed backwards into the clouds in the sky.

In the turbid and yellowish river water, there are shadows of human figures rising and falling from time to time.

You can tell at a glance that this is not a good place.

Without even thinking about it, I just went around again.

At this moment, seeing the strangeness in the depths of the wilderness, Su Qi's expression became extremely serious, which he could not imagine.

In this habitat that originally belonged to humans, how many horrific disasters have occurred before it evolved into the wilderness it is today.

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