Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 225 Deep in the wilderness, the mysterious cemetery is exposed

That's right, Xiaoyan is Su Qi's first choice to enter the depths of the wilderness.

Although it is a bit cruel, it is also something that can be done.

In order to ensure the smooth acquisition of spiritual medicine, destructive power is naturally the first choice.


Su Qi came to the Transcendent Guild again and found Xia Shengxuan.

Although he did not want to mobilize troops during this trip, after all, the disaster was imminent, and any action might have some negative effects.

But he still needs someone to protect Xiaoyan's own safety.

Entering the apostle level for the first time at this age, he still lacks actual combat experience. He may not be able to handle some accidents in the dangerous environment deep in the wilderness.

The reason why I didn't choose between Qiu Ran and Chen Zhen.

First, with the experience of joining forces in District 13, Lao Xia will have a better understanding of cooperation with him.

Secondly, it was the personalities of Qiu Ran and Chen Zhen that made Su Qi uneasy.

If these two people were to be thugs, they would be equally good.

But if they were asked to take care of people in battle, they might get impatient and rush forward with howls.

Xia Shengxuan was also shocked when he learned about the existence of spiritual medicine. He didn't expect that the treasure they were looking for was right under their noses. He couldn't help but sigh: "This girl Yunrou finally lived up to Boss Pei's regard for her. "

"You didn't tell Boss Pei about this, right?"

Su Qidao: "Of course I won't tell him. Let's not say whether Principal Pei agrees with our taking such a risk. It is still unknown whether the forbidden area deep in the wilderness has changed in the past few years, and whether the spiritual medicine has been used by others first. , this kind of thing, naturally it is better to succeed first before talking about it."

"After all, we can't let Principal Pei's happiness go in vain."

Xia Shengxuan nodded: "Well, yes, this matter should not be made public. Let's go and investigate first. It would be better if we can get it. If it doesn't work, we can call in other people to help."

"Now that disaster is imminent, top extraordinary people are needed everywhere to stabilize people's hearts."

In fact.

At this juncture, Pei Jing and other top apostle-level extraordinary people will show up from time to time.

The purpose is to show the attitude of advancing and retreating together.

In other words, Su Qi was relatively reclusive and had been practicing hard in the training building.


The corpse of this disaster-level ferocious beast is now in the cleanup company. If it is used directly, it will definitely attract the attention of those who are interested.

In order to ensure that this operation would not be suspected, Su Qi also found an excuse to go through it, that is, he wanted to lead Xiaoyan into the wilderness for training.

After all, this child is still here at this age, and the destructive power he controls will be one of the most important forces in District 9 to resist disasters in the near future.


Pei Jing, Lin Nan and others did not have too much doubts about this.

On the contrary, Qiu Ran always felt that something was wrong. This was just an experience. Why did you take Lao Xia to do this?

I don’t know, I thought you were going to attack another Evolution God Sect stronghold.

Time was very urgent, and they set off directly after three days.

In addition to the imminent disaster, probably after returning from this deep wilderness, Su Qi will usher in the restart of the big data killing mechanism and be able to use the heavens to reflect the true crystal again.

However, the day after Su Qi and others left District 9.

The City Lord's Mansion received important news from Shen Chan's extraordinary team.

In the mysterious cemetery in District 13.

Gather a large number of king-level ferocious beasts to wait for their graves!

The grave soil continues to spread outwards, and its trend is exactly in line with the rhythm of the world's integration and spread!

As soon as the news came out.

Lin Nan was stunned on the spot. On the one hand, it was because Shen Chan and others acted so recklessly, and on the other hand, this information was probably related to the key to the great integration of the world!

But Su Qi had just left District 9, so he hurriedly found Pei Jing as a last resort.

"Boss Pei, are you telling me whether that mysterious cemetery is the key to the great integration of the world?" Lin Nan's eyes were blazing.

If the key to the great integration of the world can be determined, then they can use all the top apostles in the city to hopefully end this disaster.

Pei Jing pondered for a while and said: "Even if it is not the key thing, it is still something very closely related!"

"Then should we announce this news, gather all our strength, and completely destroy that cemetery!" Lin Nan's expression was stern, and he was extremely excited.

It would be great if District 9 could use its own power to stop the process of world integration in advance.

This way.

They don't need to rely on the destructive power of the Holy City.

You know, it is easier to ask God than to send Him away.

If they were to discover the secret of the Ninth District Cleanup Company, the consequences would be equally disastrous.

Who can guarantee that those people will not be tempted when faced with such huge interests.


If the cooperative relationship can be maintained, Lin Nan is still very willing to see it, but what he is worried about is that the other party has too much appetite and wants to uproot Su Qi from behind.

Once that time comes.

Su Qi's future fate will no longer be decided by him.

At this time, after thinking for a moment, Pei Jing said calmly: "The news must be announced. Hasn't Su Qi been worried that the previous high-profile purpose of the Evolution God Cult was not pure? This time it's time to give him a try. In addition, this This time I will lead the team to District 13, and we must see the mysterious cemetery in person!"

"you go?"

"No, your body..."

"It's better for me to go, the Ninth District still needs you to be in charge." Lin Nan rejected it. He was too worried about Boss Pei's physical condition.

In response, Pei Jing glanced at him and said in a light tone: "Now that Su Qi is not here, who else can I do?"

"You don't have to worry about my body. At least I'll be able to beat you like...a dozen or so. It shouldn't be a problem."

The strength revealed in the words made Lin Nan unable to help but swallow the words as soon as they came to his mouth, and his eyes became resentful at the same time.

I devoted myself wholeheartedly to all the work in District 9!

Strength is also improving.


News about the appearance of something suspected to be the key to the world's great fusion in District 13 was passed on.

As a result, the whole city was boiling.

A group of top extraordinary beings were gearing up and acting impatient.

To know.

The great integration of the world is actually equivalent to a BUG.

The key thing is the source of this BUG. If the key thing is confirmed, then this disaster will probably be put to rest!

After all, it is better to face a mere cemetery than to face the boundless and still-expanding weirdness.

the other side.

Su Qi and his party, led by Yun Rou, crossed the wilderness at extremely fast speeds.

After all, we had a disaster-level beast as a means of transportation, and we basically didn't encounter any blind beasts along the way.

"This thing is really easy to use. If we get a few more, I'm afraid District 9 will be able to run amok."

While Su Qi was thinking this.

They had left the outer reaches of the wilderness and were approaching the real wilderness.

At this time, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere in the periphery and in the depths seemed to be completely different from each other like two worlds.

The former is barbaric, the latter is...


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