Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 218 District 13, danger under calmness

"Oh my God, is this still where we lived?"

Near District 13, Lu Xiaohan opened his eyes wide and looked at the dense forest of mountains rising in front of him, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

If it weren't for the huge shadows in mid-air that were as weird as ever, she wouldn't have believed that this was the original District 13.

Shen Chan on the side said quietly: "When two worlds merge, the traces of the fragile one will be wiped out in an instant. The truth is so cruel."

It's only been half a month.

The original ruins have been replaced by vicious swamps, evil ridges, and miasmatic valleys and poisonous pools.

There was black mist everywhere.

Even high in the sky, the clouds are also dense and lingering for a long time.

Even though this extraordinary team was all apostle-level extraordinary beings, they still felt uncomfortable, and there was an inexplicable coldness that turned their bodies into nothingness and penetrated deep into their bone marrow and emanated from their bodies.

The majestic power of qi and blood in the body can't resist even half a cent!

"It's really strange. Logically speaking, such a strange place should be extremely dangerous. Why didn't you see even a ferocious beast?"

"Yes, the data shows that there is still a dimensional passage here, and a large number of king-level ferocious beasts came out. Why do they seem to have disappeared all of a sudden?"

at this time.

The team members were muttering as they installed various detective equipment and collected information.

"It's not dangerous, isn't it better..." Shen Chan smiled as she carried the ancient weapon on her back.

"Perhaps the real danger has not yet come, or it may be lurking."

"I think now is a good time to explore something crucial!"

Upon hearing this, the faces of the team members suddenly became solemn, and even Lu Xiaohan also tried to dissuade her: "Sister, didn't Lin Nan say that the key things will most likely be revealed when the world's integration process slows down? Come out."

"If we go in now, we will probably return in vain."

Chen Chan walked forward slowly, the smile on his face gradually faded, his expression became serious, and he said softly: "Do you still remember that when our team was first established, we collected strange information about a mysterious cemetery?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately thought about it.

When the photos of the cemetery appeared, everyone thought they were most likely to be the key!

Tombstone engraving.

Generally speaking, this is a custom unique to humans.

Creatures from other worlds rarely have this habit, and if there are extraordinary beings from the real world buried inside, this satisfies the conditions for the two dimensions to have the same aura.

"Do you really want to take the risk and go in?" Everyone was hesitant.

At this moment, Shen Chan narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath: "Our team is basically all extraordinary people who came out of the former Thirteenth District. Think about it, we apostles, with What is the difference between the apostles in District 9?"

"Most of them are inextricably linked to a certain force in the Holy City."

"And we have nothing left."

"In addition, clean up the company's training building. As you know, many extraordinary people have been promoted in it, but our foundation is already weak."

"If we don't show some results, we will probably disappear from everyone in the near future."

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's expressions tightened, and they all knew that Shen Chan's words were not alarmist.

Now, there are local extraordinary people in the Ninth District who have been promoted to the apostle level, and there is more than one, which means that the Ninth District has the soil to cultivate the apostle level.

Although he is now accepted by the Ninth District and entrusted with important tasks, in the future, he may not have the competitiveness of those apostles with strong backgrounds.

Extraordinary people have to compete with heaven, and even more with humans.

There are only so many resources.

If others get more, you get less.

One step behind, every step behind.

The current practice building is the best example.

"Yes, we are the top beings in the city after all. If we don't dare to take risks, who can we expect to come?"

"We will listen to your arrangements. If you have any plans, just tell us."

To be able to reach the apostle level, the most important thing for an extraordinary person at this level is the energy to fight and the desire not to be left behind!

Otherwise, how can they stand out from the crowd.

Shen Chan pondered for a moment and said seriously: "Indeed, if we go in this time, we will probably come back empty-handed, but with the current situation, we can also see that the danger is still dormant. If we don't take a little risk now, we can collect more Information, when the real key thing is revealed and the weirdness breaks out, we may have to pay a higher price at that time."

"Although District 13 is completely unrecognizable, we can still identify its specific location through some traces."

"Going straight to that location from the southwest is the shortest route. It takes less than three minutes to go at full speed. The cemetery only appears at a certain moment. Maybe we will stay longer, so it is limited to a quarter of an hour, regardless of whether there is All harvest must be evacuated!”

After all, he was a man who once took charge of a city. His words were clear and convincing.

Once the decision is made.

These people no longer hesitated and followed Shen Chan's footsteps into the dangerous swamp and ridge.

The front foot just walked in.

They felt that their vision suddenly darkened, as if the curtains were suddenly closed at home, but they were not surprised. After all, nothing unreasonable happened in this place, and that was the real weirdness.

Along the way.

Everyone walked quickly without speaking, and at the same time they were very careful not to touch any grass or tree here.

A three-minute journey was considered a very short journey for them, but it seemed extremely far away here.

Fortunately, we are halfway through the trip.

They did not encounter any danger.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a horrified voice came from the team: "Xiao, Xiao Jiang, he...is missing!"


Everyone suddenly froze.

They all turned around and looked behind them, the number of people...

Don’t even count.

The original team of ten people now only has nine people left!

Everyone's scalps were about to explode, and even Shen Chan felt boundless horror.

A big living person.

Even if an apostle-level transcendent is faced with a destructive power, he will not disappear quietly like this!

"What happened!?" Shen Chan's heart palpitated and she stared at him tightly.

The man's heart was frightened and his voice was trembling: "I don't know, Xiao Jiang has been following me and disappeared at some point!"

At this moment, everyone started to sweat.

There was no sound around, it was so quiet that everyone seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeats.

Uncontrollable fear suddenly climbed into my heart.

They looked into the darkness and felt a pair of malicious eyes staring at them.

"what to do?"

The appearance of an incomprehensible scene made everyone panic, and they all looked at Shen Chan involuntarily.

Advance or retreat?


Look for clues about the disappearance of your companions.

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