Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 217 The whole city is on the rise, and the level of destruction is in sight

Unfortunately, it is impossible to master this breathing rhythm simply by relying on memory.

Even Su Qi.

Even after exiting the state of God's Favorite, it cannot be completely reproduced.

It is like the supreme principle of heaven and earth, simple and mysterious.

Only by listening again and again can your breathing rhythm change and reach a higher level.


Everyone's understanding ability is different, and the degree of transformation is naturally different.

Some people bid for places in the training building several times in a row, but each time, their strength is only improved, and their breathing rhythm cannot change.

Although some people have only stepped into the practice building once, their own breathing rhythm has undergone transformation. Even if the transformation has not reached the state that they heard in the practice building, it is still precious. After all, this is for them , which is a permanent improvement.

As a result, the practice building became famous.

Many people gave it another name - Black Tower.

On the one hand, there is the appearance of the entire training building. Due to the mixing of special materials, the overall color tends to be black.

On the other hand, the charges are too expensive, but everyone knows that they also raise the price themselves.


In the past half month, drastic changes have taken place in District 9, and the strength of many extraordinary people has also grown by leaps and bounds.

Everything is full of vitality and hope.

If it weren't for the world's great integration and change, it would definitely be a day that everyone dreams of.

After opening the training building several times, Su Qi's strength has become much stronger than before, breaking through to the thirty-fifth apostle level. The energy quality in his body is frighteningly high. With a slight movement, an extraordinary aura emerges. Magnificent and majestic.


In the dark, he seemed to hear some voices.

There seems to be nothing.

At first, Su Qi thought that he was exhausted physically and mentally due to the continuous use of full power to absorb energy, which led to auditory hallucinations.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't look like that.

Although the body is a little tired from being stretched, mentally, it is surprisingly good.

"Could it be that...this is not an auditory hallucination, but a perception of the spiritual world!?"

A thought flashed through Su Qi's mind.

He looked at the sky. The night was vast and vaguely different from before. It was as if the sky had been broken open, revealing its true appearance.

At this time, a feeling emerged in my heart for no reason. Perhaps before I completed my promotion and accumulation, I could imprint my true name in the spiritual world.


He did not try hastily, but was patient.

"If the guess is not wrong, it is now comparable to Principal Pei at his peak, or even stronger. No secret method is needed to forcefully enter the destruction level!"

"However, this also risks unstable energy imprinting."

Su Qi felt it carefully for a while, and then turned off his mental perception.

The vague sounds that came to my ears suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The results of this period of hard work are still very significant.

He has already gotten a glimpse of the realm of destruction.

On this day, Su Qi came to the city lord's mansion.

Lin Nan rubbed his dry eyes and said, "The research on the power of chaos has failed."

Su Qi also knew about this plan.

After everyone discussed the feasibility of developing non-human alien pathways that day, Lin Nan took the lead in proposing a research plan on the power of chaos, which was to use other extraordinary beings who could control ferocious beasts to try to separate the chaos from the pollution characteristics. Power.

I want to verify whether humans can extract this power through ferocious beasts.

Obviously, it ended in failure.

Su Qi looked at the test data and muttered: "There are too few samples. The problem may lie in the level of the beast. Perhaps only the disaster-level beast can do it, or the disaster-level beast that has been sacrificed can do it." There is something special about corpses that we haven’t discovered yet.”

"Well, having said that, the extraordinary person who may be able to control the disaster-level ferocious beast... must be a destructive-level powerhouse. We cannot control such a person at all." Lin Nan spread his hands.

There is only one conclusion at present.

If you want to implement a non-human alien training plan, you can only choose to trust Xiaoyan unconditionally.

Except her.

In District 9, there is no other person who can extract the power of chaos from the characteristics of pollution.

During this period of time, Pei Jing and others have been having in-depth discussions on whether to implement a non-human alien training plan, and Lin Nan even organized a think tank from the City Lord's Mansion to analyze it.

Of course, he threw it to the think tank with the proposition "What are the consequences of supporting the development of non-human beings?"

After all, the ‘Power of Chaos’ is still in the confidentiality stage.

Since most people in District 9 have always been convinced that there are conservatives from the Cult of Evolution behind the cleanup company, such a proposition will not appear too abrupt.

In fact, such an argument is not very meaningful.

In other words, history has already given the answer. The former Evolutionary Cult is the best example. From conservatives to today's radicals, it has been proved that the non-human alien path is a double-edged sword.

Their existence will not be affected by personal will.

Even in the Holy City where the Supreme Court sits, there are still many inhuman beings hidden.


In such a difficult world, everyone longs for extraordinary power.

The pollution trait is one of the most direct and powerful extraordinary powers.

Pei Jing and others also understand this.

In fact, they have already accepted the plan to cultivate inhuman aliens in their hearts.

It's just that I want to find a more stable and appropriate way to implement it.

"How far has the disaster in District 13... developed?" Su Qi changed the topic. Now that the destruction level was in sight, the urgency in his heart naturally diminished a lot.

in addition.

Xiaoyan has just broken through to the apostle level, and the power of chaos she has extracted now, in addition to improving herself, is supplied to Fan Shixing and his son.

The improvement of the strength of these three people is also an indispensable part.

If there are no other surprises, Su Qi will make them the spokesperson of 'conservatives'.

Lin Nan called up the map on the light screen, with a large red circle marked on it: "The Great Fusion has advanced tens of thousands of miles in all directions. The scenery and directions in that area have been confused. Fortunately, the weirdness still seems to be concentrated in the ninth place." near the area.”

"Chen Chan led the extraordinary team and went deep into the area several times without encountering any accidents."

"But there is still no clue about the key to the great integration of the world. Oh, her request to lead the team into the Thirteenth District was rejected by me."

"The situation in the Thirteenth District is currently unclear and full of strange things. Perhaps the real key thing has not yet been revealed. If you enter at this time, you may not gain much, and there may even be a risk of casualties."

Su Qi could understand Shen Chan's eagerness. He nodded: "Well, her mission is to pay more attention to the changes in the 13th District."

"As for the key thing..."

"It still needs destruction-level power to guarantee it, which is more secure."

Under disaster.

Casualties are impossible to avoid.

However, in this germination stage, what can be avoided as much as possible is not to be too impatient.

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