Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 200 At the spiritual level, great terror is brewing

"Dad, when did our family photos change!"

The woman looked at the family photo on the wall in horror. There was an extra person on it, who was her former boyfriend.

When the woman's parents looked up, they couldn't help but panic.

"How can we change this thing? What's more, we have never approved of your relationship with Xu Yingfu. Even if we change, we will not replace him!"

"Could it be his fault!?"

Hear this.

The woman couldn't help but think of the disaster that struck a few days ago. Her boyfriend wanted to move his family here, but she was ruthlessly rejected.


After the disaster occurred, she truly understood that in this world, only extraordinary people could protect their family, so she decisively chose to break up.

Last night, she suddenly received a call from her ex-boyfriend, saying that he had become a transcendent and they could be together forever.

But the woman sneered at this.

You can't find a better reason to lie to people. One of the Heavenly Reflection True Crystals costs 100 million, which is something a poor guy like Xu Yingfu can't afford.

But now, something strange suddenly happened.

There is hardly a relationship between the two.

Immediately, she picked up her father's cell phone and dialed her ex-boyfriend's number, but was horrified to find a familiar ringtone echoing in the room.

The woman's parents pointed to the family photo on the wall in horror and said in a trembling voice: "The ringing seems to be coming from there."

All of a sudden.

Extreme fear filled the hearts of the family.

The woman panicked and said to the phone call from the Security Department: "I don't know what happened. It's probably my ex-boyfriend's fault. His home is on Zhenxing Road, Baichuan District."

When the members of the Security Department heard about the location of Zhenxing Road, they couldn't help but frown: "Miss, is it your house that is having weird things, or your ex-boyfriend's house? Let's be clear, Zhenxing Road was blocked by a dark river last night. It was flooded and nearly thousands of people were killed!”

What! ?

Zhenxing Road was flooded?

Then her ex-boyfriend...

Is he dead? ?

He is dead, why is he so unlucky to appear in his family photo?

When she was puzzled, the number dialed by her father's mobile phone was connected.

The woman yelled at the phone like crazy: "Xu Yingfu, are you dead or not? Are you the one responsible for my family?"

However, on the other end of the phone, there was an emotionless murmur echoing all the time.

"Xiaoqian, I have become a transcendent, and we can be together forever..."

It seems like I don’t know when it started.

Weirdness seemed to have completely broken out in this city.

Countless calls for help overwhelmed the Security Department's routes. Even if they could get through, they had no time to allocate manpower to deal with them and could only report to the city lord's palace.

Seeing the strange report coming like snowflakes.

The scalps of the three Shen Chan sisters were numb.

The whole city seems to be spinning out of control!

It seemed to indicate that some kind of disaster was about to come.

"Did you analyze it? How could these weird things suddenly get out of control like this!?"

Shen Chan and the other three came to the analysis department. Everyone here was sweating profusely and worked continuously to analyze the strange things in the city.


When they took over, they had a clearer understanding of the disaster.

The world is like a prison!

District 13 is no longer a place where ordinary people can stay.

One of the old men with gray hair and bloodshot eyes replied: "There are more than 2,700 weird incidents reported that have caused casualties to the public. These weird incidents all seem to have one thing in common!"

"What do they have in common?" Shen Chan's expression was extremely solemn.

Not long ago, I found out from my third sister, Lu Xiaohan, the identities of those who cut off the entire city's rear in Blackwater Lake.

Before there was time to be happy, such a change occurred in the city. It was a blessing and a misfortune.

"People's hearts!"

"When a person's emotions are out of control to a certain extent, something strange seems to occur, causing ominous things to happen!"

"If the chaos continues, it is likely that unprecedented terror will brew!"

Hear this.

Shen Chan's eyes narrowed. To put it another way, it involves power at the spiritual level.

Awakening level, control level, overlord level, and apostle level all involve very little spiritual power. Only the rumored destruction level and above can deeply control the power on the spiritual level.

Doesn't it mean that there is nothing they can do about such a disaster?

"Is there... any countermeasures?" For some reason, Shen Chan actually asked such a question.

Apparently he was starting to panic.

The old man shook his head and said: "Maybe try to block the news and try to appease the people. Maybe we can reduce the harm caused by some weird things."

Shen Chan heard this.

You know this is just a temporary solution, not the root cause.


Even if she stepped forward to appease the crowd, it would probably have little effect.

In the face of this kind of disaster, the identity of the city lord still seems so powerless.

But no matter what, she had to try.

"Okay, I will hold a press conference immediately to appease the people."

"Also, Xiaohan, please contact Mr. Su Qi and ask if there is any other way. Since he mentioned the weirdness before, he may know some inside stories about the weird outbreak."

After receiving the order, Lu Xiaohan immediately dialed Su Qi's phone number.

Inform about the strange outbreak in the city.

On the other side, after Su Qi learned the details, his heart tightened. Sure enough, the strange erosion was getting more and more serious, and now it had begun to threaten the lives of ordinary people.

If the situation is not checked.

I'm afraid spiritual power might be brewing that would endanger the extraordinary.

Once that happens, District 13 may become a truly forbidden area!

"Although my current state does not have much access to the power on the spiritual level, there are many BUFF abilities that point to the power on the spiritual level."

For example, although rapid healing is only a restorative magical skill, physical peace will also reduce mental stress.

There is also the gift of courage, which can bless strength and courage.

Even if the impact of the weirdness cannot be completely solved, it may be able to slow down the spread of the weirdness.

Now, what District 13 lacks is time!

As long as the city's great migration is completed, no matter how dangerous the place becomes, he can leave calmly.

Think so.

He said to Xiaoyan: "I have something to do and I have to leave for a while. You can hold on for ten minutes, no problem."

Although Xiaoyan didn't know what happened, but even Su Qi was so solemn, it was obvious that the matter was definitely not trivial.

"Well, even if I die, I won't let a ferocious beast escape from here!"

Hear the words.

Su Qi couldn't help but smile: "It's not that serious. If nothing can be done, there is no need to take risks. Now one-third of the people in the city have been evacuated, and the remaining people are staying away from here. A few running away will not cause anything. Chaos, safety comes first.”

Then after explaining something to Mr. Xia, he turned into a stream of light and left Black Water Lake.

A spiritual force that spreads throughout the city.

Could it be a sign that the key to the great fusion appears?

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