Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 199: Reveal identity, weirdness spreads

Su Qi caught the humility in the other party's words and accepted it happily.

Under the command of Lu Xiaohan, a simple tent was quickly set up on the hillside at the edge of the battlefield, and prepared food and drinks were also placed.

A messy battlefield.

In the sky, huge figures surrounded them.

In this atmosphere, enjoying the food quietly, Xiaoyan couldn't help but have a strange feeling of a god king eating and being served by gods.

She couldn't help but take a peek at Su Qi in the main seat.

To be honest, before this, she had never thought that someone of their age could influence the fate of a city.

Everyone ate the delicious food, and their tense mood seemed to be relieved.

After several days of fighting, in addition to physical exertion, it was more of a mental exhaustion.

"How is the urban migration going now?" Su Qi asked abruptly.


Lu Xiaohan sat at attention on the side and replied: "Currently, one-third of the population has migrated in the first batch. If everything goes well, they should have almost reached the ninth district by now. When the accompanying extraordinary people return, the remaining people should migrate out at once. .”

Su Qi nodded, and then said: "You don't have to wait for them to return, the ninth district will send extraordinary people to assist."

"ninth District?"

"We were the first to send out to contact the extraordinary people over there. We haven't received any news yet. We are very grateful that the ninth district is willing to accept us people. As for sending extraordinary people..." Lu Xiaohan heard the other party mention the ninth district. , suddenly thought of the rumors that the cleanup company in District 9 was closely related to the conservatives of the soon-to-be Evolutionary Cult.

Su Qi was full of confidence in Principal Pei and others, and said very firmly: "Don't worry, District 9 will not just sit idly by."

"Well, the person next to you is the president of the Ninth District Transcendent Guild."

Hearing this, not only Lu Xiaohan, but also Fan Shixing could not help but turn their attention to Xia Shengxuan.

Xia Shengxuan nodded slightly.

At first, Su Qi didn't think about exposing Mr. Xia's identity. He was worried that District 9 would come into the sight of a transcendent force like the Evolutionary God Cult in advance. After all, although District 9 is currently in a stage of vigorous development, its strength is still much weaker.

However, judging from the current situation.

Fan Shixing and Xiaoyan are already important members of Su Qi's internal cleanup company, and with the two major districts being merged into one city, with Lu Xiaohan's strength, he will also be a high-level employee in District 9 in the future, so there is no need to hide it.

After Lu Xiaohan learned Xia Shengxuan's identity, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The president of the Ninth District's Extraordinary Guild has already arrived here, which is enough to illustrate the relationship between that ancient force and the Ninth District.

"Sorry, I have heard about some of You Chong's actions before. If we could do it over again, we would probably choose to cooperate with you." Lu Xiaohan said solemnly, fearing that his past relationship with You Chong would make the other party feel grudge.

"It doesn't matter, it's all in the past."

Su Qi didn't take it seriously.

In such a world where people are struggling to survive, it is understandable that they choose to cooperate with Hua Shen Cuo. He does not require everyone to make perfect decisions.

not to mention.

The Evolution Cult stronghold in District 13 did not cause substantial damage to District 9.

"By the way, are there any unusual changes in the weird things in the city now?" Su Qi glanced at the huge figures in the sky.

After learning the identity of the other party, Lu Xiaohan's attitude obviously changed, and his posture became lower: "We haven't found it yet. Now most of our energy is focused on the Great Migration. We don't pay too much attention to these weird things."

Su Qi understood in his heart: "Well, if there are any special changes, I hope you can collect more information in this regard. You don't have to do it deliberately. You can publish the news and let the public pay attention to it on weekdays. "

"I see."

After the meal, Lu Xiaohan took Su Qi's instructions and left Blackwater Lake.

At this time, she had already somewhat assumed the role of a subordinate.

This is something I have never experienced before, and it feels quite good to have someone behind me.

At least, there's a sense of security.

In this way, she is even more looking forward to what kind of life it will be like after joining District 9.

"You still want to find out the key to the great integration of the world. It seems that you are still worried that the process of the great integration of the world will affect a wider area." Xia Shengxuan understood Su Qi's worries as soon as he heard what he said, but Still have to warn: "The key thing that can trigger the fusion of the two worlds is by no means ordinary, and it is very likely to contain great dangers."

"If possible, try not to touch it."

Su Qi nodded: "Well, I won't act rashly."

"Now it's just a matter of taking advantage of this period to get as much information as possible, just in case."

"It would be better if this world integration process could be concluded early."

at this time.

The changes in the city continue.

Some places become downright terrifying, while others are relatively peaceful.

So those people had to move frequently.

Although there are some weird things, the fangs have not been revealed for the time being, but who wants to stay in a place surrounded by weird things.

"Hello, Chief of Police?"

"Help, my house is haunted, come here quickly!"

At this time, a security department received a call for help. They were not surprised by such a thing. However, most of the extraordinary people in the security department were deployed to escort people to the ninth district. There was a serious shortage of manpower. If it were not extremely In urgent situations, comfort is generally the main approach.

"Miss, don't panic yet."

"Can you tell me more specifically about the weird things you encountered? Strange things can be seen everywhere now. If your life is not threatened, I hope you can treat it calmly and wait for the next batch of migration operations."

On the other end of the phone, a girl's voice sounded extremely panicked: "Everyone else in my entire building is missing. Did they all move and forget to notify us?"

"Also, this building is like a ghost beating a wall, you can't get out at all!"

"What is your address?" The operator of the Security Department frowned. They felt it was necessary to record this strangeness that appeared for the first time. The City Lord's Mansion had just issued a notice requesting that the strangeness be reported. After all, it may be related to their own safety. .

"Sunshine Garden Community, Building 18, 412, come quickly!"

The operator recorded the address and sent someone there.

After two members of the Security Department arrived at the Sunshine Garden Community, they found that there were quite a lot of people in the various buildings here.

It was completely different from what it was on the phone.

This made the two members of the Security Department secretly curse: "At this time, you are still playing a prank!"

Arrive at No. 18 Building 412 on the phone.

Looking at the empty room, the two security directors immediately called back: "Did you report the wrong location? I'm already here. All the neighbors you said are here. Where are you?"

"I'm right at home!"

"Is there a family portrait of three people hanging in the hall of your house?"

"That's right..."

On the other end of the phone, the woman who reported the crime glanced at the family portrait on the wall, and suddenly she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

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