Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 197 The great world begins, despair and hope coexist

On the wilderness.

A motorcade with no end in sight was driving quietly. The people in the car did not speak and remained quiet. Even the children rarely made any noise.

In the past few days, such a large and conspicuous target has been attacked by ferocious beasts countless times.

At first, these extraordinary beings would do their best to resist the ferocious beasts for the sake of the benefits given by Shen Chan.


They become numb.

From now on, we no longer need to rescue or wait for anyone. Everyone is the same and each has his destiny.

It's not that they are cold-blooded.

It's that they have already reached their limit. If they continue to work hard, they may not be able to reach the ninth district safely.

Even the Apostles, who were running rampant outside the wilderness, were unable to cope with this massive migration of millions of people.

They are people too.

Energy and physical strength are limited.

Even Zuo Qing and other law enforcement officers who volunteered to escort them were still very excited at first, after all, they could participate in such a great migration. But now the excitement has faded away, leaving only deep tiredness. , and the meridians all over the body tingled as if they were being burned.

too difficult.

Although they can easily kill the ferocious beasts that attack the convoy.

Because of this, how could they just sit idly by and watch such a low-level ferocious beast attack the convoy, so they naturally responded to their requests. They had just finished dealing with one of them, when another distress signal came from the other side.

What kind of great migration is this?

It's almost the same as sweeping the outer reaches of the wilderness.

"I thought it would be easier to not have to face those king-level ferocious beasts, but I didn't expect that moving in the wilderness would be the real torture!" A law enforcement officer couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, it's hard to guard against the ferocious beasts that appear from time to time. If you have the ability, come together. It will save more effort if I kill them all at once." A companion took out the recovery potion and poured it in. This was already the first time today. Three bottles.

Not only the fleet is like this, but even the big ships in the sky are not immune.

Several ships were attacked by ferocious beasts one after another. Some were able to repel them with the firepower of the large ships, but those that could not be repelled would only end up being torn apart.

Although a large ship can carry more people, the probability of death is also higher.

Although the number of ferocious beasts in the sky is small, when encountered, they are basically king-level ferocious beasts.

The journey was not even halfway through, but the number of casualties was still increasing sharply.

This is wilderness.

A true place of despair.

Just such a big migration is enough for these law enforcement officers from the Holy City to understand why the major destruction-level powerhouses in the Holy City are unwilling to come here to take charge.

Ask yourself.

If they set foot on the destruction level one day...

The answer was cruel, so cruel that they could only use the excuse of protecting more humans to cover up the shame in their hearts.

This moment.

They couldn't help but think of the inhuman aliens in the Holy City who were cultivated in order to gain more profits.

as well as……

In District 13, he single-handedly suppressed the combination of ferocious beasts and became the leader in the city.

Perhaps, non-human beings are indispensable guardians in this area.

the other side.

District 13.

A strange man walked in the dusty sky. He took a deep look at the huge figures that flashed by from time to time, with endless sadness in his eyes.

"All races in the sky..."

"I can't be the only one who escaped."

"I will help you...find out the secret of immortality in this world."

After he let out a long sigh.

Then he walked out of the city alone without looking back.

After learning about it in the past few days, he knew that in the human world, the top transcendent beings all existed in the Holy City.


His goal is clear.


The four of them, Su Qi, have repelled several invasions of vicious beasts.

They found that the ferocious beasts lurking in the deep pits were becoming increasingly uncontrollable and charging out more and more frequently.

If they were not frightened by their powerful strength, they would have ravaged the entire Thirteenth District early in the morning.

However, Su Qi's eyes were attracted by those huge figures in the sky.

He had once set foot in that different world, but he had never seen those terrifying figures there.

If the world merges, a corner of the other world will be revealed.

But where did these things come from?

It's not scientific at all.

Su Qi informed Xia Shengxuan about this, and Xia Shengxuan was also confused about it.

A fusion between two worlds.

It's really weird to project something that doesn't belong to either world.

“After all, our understanding of this world is still too little.”

"When your strength improves a bit, find an opportunity to walk around in the Holy City."

"After all, that's where all the hope of mankind lies."

Although Xia Shengxuan was born in the Holy City, there are still many things that he has not been exposed to at his level, let alone staying in the Ninth District for nearly 20 years. The levels that the Holy City can explore may have reached an even more incredible level. degree.

After all, the Holy City has as many destruction levels as dogs, natural disaster levels are everywhere, and with the Supreme Holy Lord leading the way, it is absolutely impossible to stand still.

"Yeah, I will."

Su Qi has always longed for the Holy City.

However, unlike others, he does not yearn for the stability and prosperity of the Holy City, but rather wants to broaden his horizons and come into contact with the higher-level power of the extraordinary path.


His goal is to build another holy city in this area.

Although I still have a long way to go before becoming the Supreme Holy Lord, if I can get more help during this period, I might be able to accelerate my realization.

Su Qi knew it very well.

But with his own purification ability, he can at best promote the economic development of the Ninth District.

If you want to build a super big city, you still lack some enthusiasm.

At this time, District 9.

In addition to the intensive infrastructure construction, Lin Nan not only reported the news of world integration in the 13th District to the Holy City, but also reported it to other urban areas.

Pretty much what he expected.

After most of the city learned about the disaster in District 13, they only expressed their condolences symbolically.

As for the alliance, it was not even mentioned.

That is a disaster that can easily destroy a city. Whoever it affects can only wish for blessings. We can't even take care of our own city, so how can we send out manpower to help.

What's more, the scope of world integration can be large or small.

It may not affect all urban areas. Over the years, many urban areas have been destroyed. Everyone basically sweeps away the snow in front of their door, not caring about the frost on other people's tiles.

However, Lin Nan couldn't ignore it.

On the one hand, District 13 showed that it was here to defect.

On the other hand, Su Qina wants to build a super big city here, so let's treat it as an advance rehearsal.


He summoned Qiu Ran, Chen Zhen, and the heads of major forces.

A plan was finalized to dispatch a team of extraordinary people to respond.

For the major family chaebols, District 9 is currently prosperous, but this is obviously not enough. Compared with resources, population is also the top priority!

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