Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 196 The weirdness intensifies, truth and falsehood

What is it like when you live on a dozen floors and see a huge shadow slowly walking by outside your window?

That's right.

Three days have passed, and most of the remaining people in District 13 have experienced this kind of terror.

Ghost shadows Chong Chong.

It's like being in hell.

Although there was no danger to their lives, the mere visual impact was enough to cause mental breakdown. Some people could not stand the torture and rushed out in vehicles as if they were fleeing, no matter whether they were escorted by extraordinary beings or not. District 13, trying to catch up with the previous convoy.

Maybe they would encounter ferocious beasts, but they were still tangible things and still within the scope of understanding.

What are those ghosts in District 13! ?

The unknown terror seems even more frightening.

"Mom, is it snowing outside?"

In a tall building somewhere, a boy of about eight or nine years old stretched out his hand as if he wanted to catch something.

The boy's mother, who rushed over after hearing the sound, saw that her son had opened the window at some point, and immediately rushed over and yelled: "You don't want your life! Didn't I tell you not to open the window? You are not afraid of being caught by people outside." The ghost captured and ate him!?"

When he heard the ghost, the boy's neck couldn't help but shrink, and then he seemed to think of something, and pretended to be tough: "What's so scary about this? Xiao Jiang in our class said that those ghosts are just projections of another world. , it’s all fake, he said he even ran out and touched it.”

Touched...touched! ?

The boy's mother trembled in her heart and scolded: "Close the window and hand over the phone!"

She knows very well that many children at this age are not afraid of anything. If no compulsory measures are taken, they will really go to heaven.

"But I haven't been out for three days..."

"In a few days, you can go out into the wilderness and see ferocious beasts!"


In this world, no matter how young a child is, he knows what wilderness means, so he looked bitter and reluctantly pulled back his outstretched hand.

The boy's mother stared at what was in her son's palm, walked up quickly and took a look out the window, and her expression suddenly changed.

What kind of snow is this?

It’s obviously paper dust all over the sky!

"Hurry up and wash your hands!" The boy's mother grabbed her son's hand in horror, shook the wisp of paper dust toward the window, and quickly closed the curtains, fearing that it would be contaminated with something ominous.

All of a sudden.

The whole city was once again in panic.

However, there are also many people with rough nerves.

There was a group of people carrying filming equipment and driving in a hurry through the dusty sky.

"Damn it, this city is getting more and more evil. Last time I didn't get the first batch of evacuation lots. I'm really unlucky!" Someone couldn't help but complain.

"We are a bit unlucky, but this is also an opportunity. Look at other people who have nothing to give up, and don't know how much they have to give up, and go to settle thousands of miles away. The days to come will be very sad. As for us, although we got the third The second batch, but there will also be more opportunities to take photos of this weird phenomenon.”

"I'm not sure, it can still be sold at a high price." One of the yellow-haired men said with relief.

Each urban area is too far apart, spanning endless wilderness, and cannot even be connected to a network.


He believes that the information on the vision in District 13 is still very valuable.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Compared with other people who flee in a hurry, he is the one who is prepared.

"By the way, how far is the cemetery you mentioned?"

"It's not that far away. Just ahead, someone claims that the cemetery is very strange. It appears and disappears at times, and the time it appears is unpredictable."

"Hmph, that's just right. The weirder it is, the more valuable it is!"

They rushed to the strange cemetery because someone had glimpsed the tombstones in the cemetery that seemed to have words engraved on them.

This piqued their interest.


It is used to record information.

The human world, however, knows very little information about other worlds.

If they really capture it, the rest of their lives will be settled.

You must know that extraordinary people regard the living habits and attack methods of each type of ferocious beast as precious information. The value of this kind of alien writing is probably inestimable.


This group of people arrived at a remote place in the suburbs based on the location provided by others.

The place was very desolate, with no vegetation, so there was nothing blocking the view. Looking up, there was no cemetery at all.

But they weren't too anxious.

Instead, he set up his photography equipment and took pictures of the surroundings.

Wait patiently for the graveyard to appear.

Time passed minute by minute, paper dust filled the sky, fluttering, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

It seemed that only the low sound of the car's engine was left, filling the whole world, which made them feel unreasonably irritated.

"Where's the promised cemetery?"

"I've been waiting for more than an hour, but I haven't seen a single ghost!"

"Damn it, are we going to be cheated?"

"Wait a little longer. If the cemetery hasn't appeared yet, capture the whistleblower and build a new tomb for him here. Anyone who dares to deceive me at this time will never die!" The yellow-haired man's eyes were cold and murderous. Yisensen.

At first, this group of people were still cursing to resist the irritability in their hearts.

But gradually, they lost their energy and became groggy, as if they were about to fall asleep.

Suddenly, I felt the inexplicable heat again, as if I was in a desert.


The drowsy yellow-haired man suddenly woke up due to severe dryness in his mouth.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a series of graves!

"Come out, appear!"

The yellow-haired man immediately woke up his companions: "Stop sleeping, the cemetery has appeared!"

Others who were awakened could not help but marvel at this scene.

This other world...

Are human burials also popular?

However, the size and proportion of these tombs are similar to those of humans.

Before they could think about it, the man with yellow hair had already opened the car door and urged everyone to go over and take pictures.

When everyone passes by.

Vaguely, he seemed to feel that he was being watched, and his hair suddenly stood up.

"My dear, you can't really be so evil." Several people muttered while taking pictures.

"Afraid of a ball? We have photographed those moving ghosts at close range. What are you afraid of these motionless things?" The yellow-haired man looked disdainful and squatted in front of a tombstone, carefully identifying it. Text.

Judging from the handwriting, it looks a bit like human writing...

However, it seemed to be covered by a layer of dust.

Although he knew very well in his heart that this was just a projection, he still stretched out his hand to wipe it by mistake.

next moment.

The cold touch on his fingertips instantly shocked him.

But before he could make a sound, his throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand.

Immediately afterwards.

There was fire all over his body, and in just a second or two, he was burned into charcoal, with countless ashes flying in the wind.

The other people who witnessed this scene had extreme horror in their eyes, howled loudly as if they had seen a ghost, and ran away.

Among them, a few runners who were running slowly also spontaneously ignited.

Only the two of them rushed back to the car, started the car in a panic, kicked the accelerator, and fled like crazy.

And behind him, there was that strange cemetery.

Suddenly, it disappeared again.

Even the charred corpses on the ground were missing.

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