Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 169: Play with augmentation, I happen to know a little bit about it

"This guy can actually use a corpse to use domain abilities that can only be controlled by a destructive level powerhouse, and greatly increase his own life level in a short period of time!"

Zuo Qing looked solemn.

Not long ago, he fought against the bishops of the Evolution God Cult, and they were all killed in an indistinguishable manner.

Nowadays, the life levels of these non-human aliens have increased significantly, which will greatly increase the pressure on his teammates. After all, he has to devote all his thoughts to dealing with You Chong.

However, the terrifying aspect of the field is not just that.

I saw those inhuman aliens swooping down from the peak, as well as the huge combination of ferocious beasts, and suddenly their bodies almost blurred into a shadow.

Sense deprivation!

Everyone is affected differently.

As strong as Zuo Qing's level, the general outline can still be seen, but some details are still lost.

And most law enforcement officers can only see shadows.

What the three sisters Shen Chan saw were extremely abstract lines that looked like children's scribblings.

The soldiers on the big ship were even more miserable. The enemy seemed to disappear out of thin air. Fortunately, the ship's radar perception still played a little role.

Not only the enemies, but also teammates and the surrounding environment are all like this.

Fighting in this situation is extremely disadvantageous for the extraordinary.


Not being able to capture the opponent's specific attack method, and not knowing whether the opponent is wielding a fist or a knife, means that you have to go all out for every attack, and it is best to use energy attacks. However, in this way, you will consume a lot of energy. Very big!

This discovery made many law enforcement officers instantly pale with horror, and they could almost imagine what kind of fierce battle they would face next!

A corpse of a ferocious beast that had been dead for who knows how many years could still exert such a level of domain ability. If it were at its peak, its strength would be terrifying.

When the atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

A cold voice suddenly sounded: "Play with boost? I can do it too."

The next second, countless rays of light bloomed.

It's like a big sun falling into the world, shining out all the monsters and monsters!

Everyone was shocked to find that their life level was instantly raised by a level. In addition, their strength, defense, speed, and combat awareness were all increased to an incredible level.

"This is……"

Chi Jiaran and others looked at the brilliance surrounding them and couldn't help but be stunned.

Then he looked at the inhuman aliens rushing towards him, and found that there were more details that could be observed.

Suddenly, there was a shocking wave in my heart.

Could it be that... there is also a destructive level powerhouse on our side! ?

Among all the people present, only Zuo Qing could clearly see that it was the conservative member who used the ability, but this was definitely not a field increase, but more like an auxiliary ability.

However, there is no time for them to think now.

Those inhuman aliens at the bishop level have already rushed to the front, and the war is about to break out.

At this moment, Zuo Qing felt his incomparable power, and immediately manifested the virtual form of a mountain god. After blowing away the two inhuman aliens with his powerful and heavy fist, he shot out like an angry arrow and rushed towards You Chong. past.

The morale of the law enforcement officers was also greatly boosted, and they shouted loudly to kill each other, fighting fiercely with the inhuman beings.


Chi Jiaran, who was the first to take action, saw her floating in the air, and the clouds gathering high above her head dropped a series of thunder that destroyed everything.

It seemed to be able to automatically lock on to the enemy, slashing down one after another, blasting those inhuman and alien bodies into charred and bloody holes!

Such a terrifying method immediately attracted the attention of the archbishops.

Among them, Hou Yong's eyes were fierce, and he was the first to stare at her. His whole body was filled with a destructive aura, and he crushed the ground and blasted her with force.

Faced with Hou Yong's attack, Chi Jiaran did not escape.

When the opponent rushed in front of him, two slender arms stretched forward.

"Armillary Sphere·Splitting Sky Wind Yin!"

In an instant, Hou Yong's body was filled with a hurricane that connected heaven and earth!

Tens of thousands of wind blades, like knives from the sky, were constantly tearing at his body.

He roared angrily, and his fists were like explosives. After blasting hundreds of punches, he even managed to disperse the hurricane.

Chi Jiaran frowned slightly, waved his hand in the air, and used the 'Armillary Sphere·Heavenly Crying Thunder' again, but this time, it was not a large-scale attack, but a brazen attack after hundreds of angry thunders were gathered together. Cut it down!

Suddenly, various energies such as lightning, fire, and ice were intertwined.

The storm was raging, and nearly one-fifth of the huge island was sunk by both sides!

In this life-and-death fight, both sides suffered many injuries, but the inhuman aliens relied on the repair of the pollution characteristics to fight more and more fiercely, without paying any attention to any injuries.

Seeing this, Su Qi dropped a Pearl of Apocalypse and stopped paying attention to this place.

With a teleportation, he rushed straight to the 100-foot-high peak, aiming directly at You Chong!

Zuo Qing, who had rushed here early, found that the closer he got to the ferocious beast combination, the more severe the deprivation of his five senses would be, but he did not have any fear.

As long as the opponent doesn't run away, collision is inevitable.

Once there is a collision, the competition is not the five senses, but the strength!

So, he approached step by step. Wherever he went, a large amount of soil and gravel seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, floating into the air, forming dozens of dragons that were hundreds of meters long, constantly converging on the people behind him. The phantom of the mountain god is in the middle, making the phantom of the mountain god more and more condensed.

It seems that given enough time, a true god can be condensed.

When You Chong saw this scene, a sneer appeared on his lips.

He was not in a hurry to use the strongest means to eliminate these people. Killing a purge team of the Supreme Court was certainly his goal.

However, it is also important for him to enjoy this power.

after all……

Three years, three whole years.

He never left the stone seat.

Not just for today! ?

The corpse of the ferocious beast controlled by You Chong stretched out one of his hands, and with a bang, a ball of blood flames rose from the ferocious palm.

Then, he shook his hand violently.

The ball of blood flame was instantly shattered by his grasp, splitting into seventy-seven forty-nine blood-colored monsters, which rushed towards the opponent.

These blood-colored monsters are controlled by pure pollution characteristics. During the fight, they may invade along the enemy's wounds.

It would be fun for a self-proclaimed law enforcement officer to become the inhuman creature he hates most...


Facing these blood-colored monsters that were attacking like wolves and dogs, Zuo Qing's face remained normal, his fists smelled of earthy color, and he suddenly attacked them.

Bang bang bang!

As fine cracks in the void bloomed, Zuo Qing was unparalleled in his bravery and blasted three bloody monsters in an instant.

Nothing fancy.

It’s purely suppression with force!

However, the three bloody monsters he blasted gathered together in an instant and attacked again.

Although his combat power is unparalleled, his progress is slightly hindered in the face of such strange things.


A cold voice came from behind: "So slow?"

The words have not yet finished.

A golden bolt flew across the sky, with great momentum and as powerful as a god.

In an instant, seven or eight bloody monsters were smashed to pieces, and then with a whoosh, the pitch-black shadow flew past the bloody monster and shot forward!

At this moment, Zuo Qing's face turned red.

His fists were clenched tightly, and terrifying energy shook the void.

Didn’t you see that I was accumulating the false appearance of the mountain god? ?

I'm really building up my strength! ! !

His brows stood straight up, like a little boy who was questioned about his incompetence in certain aspects. He punched the ground, and terrifying energy exploded. The earth was like a splash of water, and it exploded in all directions with a huge force!

Kick away the bloody monsters around you and explode them one by one!

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