Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 168: The trump cards collide and face the disaster-level beast

You Chong had no explanation.

Because even he doesn't know the reason.

When he found the corpse of the disaster-level ferocious beast, he had had such doubts and felt that it was a bit unreasonable.

But he didn't dwell too much on it.

The facts are before our eyes, and that is enough.


He stopped talking and prepared to let that great power reappear.

I saw You Chong raising his hands in vain, and a strong spiritual wave filled the world.


The ground below the peak collapsed suddenly, and a huge black hole appeared, with violent vibrations coming from inside.

It was as if some kind of terrifying giant beast collided with the earth, stirring the air and making a scalp-numbing sound.

these years.

The real reason why he established a stronghold here was to think about how to take possession of that great power.

to this end.

He tried many methods.

But in the end, I came to a conclusion, that is, if I directly absorb the remaining pollution characteristics of the beast's corpse, my own rationality may not be able to hold on, and I will directly enter the 'mature body'.

After long-term research, he found a way to get the best of both worlds.

That’s ‘grafting’!

Graft oneself onto the corpse of the ferocious beast through secret techniques, and refine oneself into a part of the corpse of the ferocious beast.

In this way, one can control this power while perfectly preserving rationality.

For three years, I have been sitting on the stone seat. It is not that I am silent, but that my pollution power is constantly blending and transforming bit by bit with the breath of the beast's corpse below the underground base.

This transformation process cannot be rushed.

After all, there is a qualitative difference between the two. If you are not careful, you will be assimilated in an instant.


In the huge pitch black hole below, an extremely rich black aura spurted out, almost forming a substance, like a black volcanic eruption that had been accumulating for a long time.


At this moment, an extremely ferocious and rotten head emerged.

Surrounded by endless death energy!

Especially the pair of huge, pale, lifeless eyes. Everyone present only stared at them in horror for a few seconds before they felt that their mental strength was a little unstable, their bodies could not help but tremble, and they might collapse at any time.

Su Qi also slowly raised his head, looking up at the corpse of the ferocious beast that kept rising from the ground, with chills all over his body.

And thick!

And long!

The horror is boundless!

Just like the black dragon in mythical creatures, after emerging from the huge cave, it slowly wound around the hundred-foot peak. Even so, it still had an unknown length of body hidden deep in the earth.

But the appearance revealed was enough to make everyone feel chilly.

Underneath the head, which is the size of a mountain peak, is a humanoid body. It is huge and boundless, with countless nerves and blood vessels exposed. There are a row of vertical red eyes on both sides of the chest, which looks particularly ferocious!

There are eight thick claw arms in total, and the fingers and claws glow with a faint light, like a broad knife. In addition, its back is covered with countless sharp bone spurs, blooming like wings.

The lower body is as slender as a snake or a dragon!

There is no end in sight.

Su Qi, who was usually calm, couldn't help but feel insignificant at this moment. It was too huge. He was probably not as big as a scale of this ferocious beast.

"Haha, at first I thought that the secret passage below this place was not made by human beings. I didn't expect that it turned out to be a prophecy. There really are such huge and terrifying creatures."

"I don't know how long this ferocious beast has been lurking in District 13. District 13 has been able to live in peace for so many years. I don't know whether it is lucky or unfortunate..."

Just when Su Qi was feeling emotional.

When the three nearby Shen Chan sisters saw this terrifying creature, their scalps went numb and almost exploded.

In terms of understanding and familiarity with various situations in the Thirteenth District, they are naturally the best.

However, they didn't know that there was such a terrifying creature hidden in Blackwater Lake.

When did this person break into District 13?

Before the city was built, or after the city was built...

However, thinking about these now has no meaning.

Now, he either chooses to cooperate with the Supreme Court and completely kill You Chong, or he becomes You Chong's puppet in the future.

If you want to deal with this terrifying creature, even if it is a corpse that has been dead for an unknown period of time, you will probably have to pay a huge price.

However, if the Supreme Court is defeated, then District 13 will probably fall completely into the hands of You Chong, and the future will be equally unimaginable.

For a moment, I couldn't help but fell into a dilemma.

At this moment, Zuo Qing finally understood why he felt such a huge fluctuation in power on his opponent before.

It turns out that he has mastered a power that does not belong to him.

He glanced at Su Qi next to him: "Where are the rest of you conservatives? Maybe they were so scared that they ran away."

Su Qi looked over doubtfully and quickly saw the other party's desire to cooperate.

Of course, he was totally willing to do this. He was not really a conservative, and he had nothing to do with the Supreme Court. Of course, it would be better if he could cooperate.


Su Qi couldn't be too obvious. After all, he was playing the role of a conservative, so he said calmly: "My companions naturally have more important things to do."


"Is there anything more important than dealing with this big guy?" Zuo Qing sneered, deliberately pretending to be scornful, as if he wanted to win more allies.

If this big guy in front of you is not handled properly, it may lead to extremely serious consequences.

Although he himself was fearless, he had to think carefully for the safety of his teammates.

Su Qi knew that the other party was using provocation, but he was also worried that the other party would run away before the battle: "To deal with this big guy, I am enough. If you are afraid, you can stand aside and applaud."

"..." Zuo Qing's tone paused.

Even though he heard the other party boasting about motivating generals, his face still became quite ugly.

Unexpectedly, in such a barren area, being looked down upon by a member of the organization who had disappeared for many years made it more or less difficult for him to adapt.

Just when the two people completed a rather unstable alliance, You Chong landed on the head of the ferocious beast's corpse, and most of its body merged into it. The two were connected together, making the ferocious beast's corpse seem to be alive at this moment. come over.

The huge pale eyes on the beast's head gradually turned blood red.

The terrifying aura raged out like a tidal wave, making the area of ​​Blackwater Lake seem to instantly turn into a hell swamp.

Even the ink clouds high in the sky rotate due to it.

Not only You Chong, but also Hou Yong and others above the peak were also affected at this moment. The pollution characteristics in their bodies boiled, and their strength instantly increased.

The degree of alienation on the body surface intensifies, and rationality seems to have stabilized.

This made them ecstatic.

Each one of them looked at the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court with fierce eyes.

"I didn't expect You Chong's trump card to be so powerful. Maybe we should all call him Archbishop."

"Hey, let's kill all those disgusting law enforcement officers first. We've already seen them unhappy. Now it's our turn to carry out a big cleanup. Don't even think about running away!"

Extremely arrogant.

Seeing this, Su Qi knew that the opponent had revealed all his cards.

Then there is nothing to say, just stud and compete with each other.


Dazzling golden light shines from the dark body!

Do not hesitate to activate the status of God's Favorite.

Let’s see if you master a part of the disaster-level power, or...

I have a part of the true power of God!

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