Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 163 Sorry, I’m not a conservative

The long secret passage winds downward.

It seems like a direct connection to the Nine Netherworld.

Su Qi had a bad feeling in his heart, and had the urge to swing the hammer of divine punishment and smash everything in front of him.

Such a huge underground fortification cannot be completed by just a stronghold of the Evolution God Cult.

At this point, there is no turning back.

No matter what weird things happen to you, just hit them and if you can't hit them, run away. Anyway, there are still those guys from the Supreme Court wiping their butts.


While thinking about it, he stared closely at the two inhuman beings in front of him who were panicking and choosing their own way.

At this time, I don’t know how far deep into the ground it is.

Qiu Wan'ao and the two men were running wildly ahead, with smiles on their faces as if they had survived the disaster.

Suddenly he turned into a special secret passage.

This place is different from other secret passages in that it has obvious human traces.

The ground is paved with bricks, and stone pillars stand on both sides, but now many of them have collapsed.

Su Qi immediately realized that the Evolution Cult's stronghold... had been found!


Passing through this special secret passage, he soon came to an extremely spacious underground base. Almost instantly, he noticed more than a dozen powerful and crazy auras.

at the same time.

Ruan Maoshan and others who were still stationed here also noticed Qiu Wan'ao running for his life, and... the mysterious man behind him.

At this moment, their eyes shrank sharply, and their hearts kept falling!

Could it be that... the outside has been completely lost! ?

How could it be invaded here so quickly!

"Qiu Wanao!"

"How did you two losers lead the enemy here!" At this time, someone couldn't help but yell.

After Qiu Wan'ao and the two returned here, their confidence suddenly increased, and he explained loudly to them: "High Priest, we have attracted a conservative, and his strength is not as strong as the perverts in the Supreme Court. !”

"We can capture this man easily!"

After hearing this, Ruan Maoshan and others looked at the intruder again and found that the aura on this person was indeed similar to the characteristics of pollution.

Among them, Ruan Maoshan's eyes were deep and gleaming with a cold light.

He was still aware of the difference between the two auras, and couldn't help but think of what Master You Chong once mentioned. If non-human aliens want to step into the destruction level, it is not just as simple as piling up pollution traits, but also to let the pollution in the body Characteristics undergo qualitative changes to form a higher-level energy substance.

Now, Ruan Maoshan vaguely sensed an aura from the other party that had the same origin as the pollution characteristics, but was higher than the pollution characteristics.


Could it be a destructive level powerhouse...

As soon as this thought arose, he immediately killed it.


If a truly destructive level expert could easily wipe out the entire Blackwater Lake, there would be no need to expend so much effort to find this place.

As for Qiu Wan'ao's statement that he could be easily captured and killed, he couldn't believe it at all, so he suppressed his anger and asked, "Are you sure?"

"If you don't believe it, watch my performance." Qiu Wan'ao could see the fear of the high priest, and he was already able to deal with this kind of doubt.

As he said that, he followed the inhuman alien beside him to the left and right, and attacked Su Qifeng.

Preconceptions can easily affect judgment.

They understand this very well.

In order to get rid of everyone's unnecessary vigilance, and even more to show that he, Qiu Wan'ao, is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, all he has done is to invite you to the urn.

Seeing the two men coming to kill again, Su Qi looked indifferent.

Instantly activating the power of the true God contained in the Hammer of Punishment, it crashed towards the two of them at an incredible speed.

Bang bang!

The power of heaven and earth vibrates, and the supreme power condenses into one point, exploding and destroying in an instant.

Qiu Wan'ao and Qiu Wan'ao were attacked almost at the same time, and most of their bodies were turned into blood foam and sprayed away!


The body was suddenly shattered, and the severe pain it caused tore apart every remaining nerve in their bodies, causing the two of them to scream uncontrollably.

An injury of this degree would be considered fatal for an ordinary extraordinary person, but for an inhuman alien with tenacious vitality, it would not be an instant death!

However, they were not far off even if they were not dead.

I saw the faces of these two people were distorted, and the dark pollution characteristics emerged crazily. While repairing the broken bodies, their horrified eyes suddenly lost their luster, replaced by endless death.


The two people who had recovered now lost all their human characteristics, and their bodies expanded at an extremely fast speed, looking like ferocious beasts that choose people to eat!

The faces of Ruan Maoshan and others changed dramatically, and they gathered together instantly, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Losing half a life with one blow, this is an easy capture! ?

They wanted to curse Qiu Wan'ao and the two, but those two were now dominated by "instinct", so the curse would be in vain.

Ruan Maoshan's mind was spinning and he shouted very fast: "Wait a minute! This friend, the conflict between conservatives and radicals has passed for so many years. Now that you are back again, there is no need to be affected by the grudges of the previous generation. !”

"Why don't you put aside your prejudices for the time being and deal with the Supreme Court together? I think you should also understand the malice of the Supreme Court towards non-human beings."

Although he disdains conservatives, now that a powerful enemy is in front of him, he has to put down his dignity and hope to cooperate with the opponent.

After all, the combat power shown by the other party has been recognized by him.

Su Qi wielded the Hammer of Divine Punishment and blasted the two aliens with an unparalleled domineering attitude. The absolute speed and power brought about absolute crushing!

Even though he was a completely alienated alien, with soaring strength and explosive resilience, blood still spurted out, and his whole body was tortured!

He showed his attitude with actions!

Sorry, I'm not a conservative...

If you dare to attack District 9, you must bear the corresponding price.


With his peripheral vision, he kept paying attention to the silent figure on the high platform.

The existence of that guy brought a great sense of oppression to Su Qi, and he seemed to be undergoing some kind of key transformation.

He cannot allow this.

When Ruan Maoshan saw that the other party was unmoved and determined to fight against them, his expression became vicious: "We can't be friends, we can only be enemies. Kill him!"

As soon as the order came out.

All the non-human beings jumped out, enveloping them with unparalleled evil aura, and instantly accelerated to an almost teleporting speed.

This is too much!

They can't defeat the Supreme Court, but this kind of loser who was once defeated by his subordinates and a conservative waste who is still alive dares to humiliate them!

court death!

If a dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall.

And the death-defying counterattack of the non-human beings is absolutely earth-shaking!

A true apostle-level battle.

A complete explosion!

The concussive force, like a Category 18 hurricane, tore everything in the underground base to pieces!

at the same time.

Zuo Qing and the two people above Blackwater Lake suddenly noticed several terrifying auras approaching suddenly!

The people who came were none other than the bishops of the major evolutionary religions who had received Ruan Maoshan's message asking for help. Along the way, they saw many law enforcement officers from the Supreme Court killing the 'mature bodies', but after receiving the message, they were the first to Time is coming here.

Although they have no interest in the destruction of the stronghold in District 13.

However, they were quite interested in You Chong's confidence in saying that he wanted to destroy a large-scale purge team.

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