Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 162: Try harder, he won’t be able to hold on anymore

On the other side, Zuo Qing and Chi Jiaran also arrived at Blackwater Lake.

At first, I looked at the lake and the swamp connecting it from a distance, but I didn't see anything unusual.

When they landed, their expressions suddenly changed. Their eyes seemed to be covered, and their mental perception was only seven or eight meters away. They felt extremely uncomfortable.

Without much thought, the two immediately took off into the air, away from the strange miasma.

Even though they are both talented and brave, their range of perception is not as far as the eyes, which makes them extremely adaptable to people who are used to using mental perception. After all, at their level, once they start to use their hands, Seven The distance of eight meters is almost negligible.

"There's something weird here!"

“I can feel the climate changing from here!”

As an extraordinary person in the meteorological path, Chi Jiaran discovered something immediately. He could vaguely feel that the thick clouds above his head were slowly gathering together as if affected by some extraordinary power.

Zuo Qing pointed to some land below and said: "Look, the vegetation below seems to have just been destroyed by strong winds and rains. The vegetation on several nearby lands has fallen in different directions and is diverging."

"That means it was a point, caused by the fluctuations that broke out." Chi Jiaran understood immediately, and she looked in the opposite direction: "By the way, except for the fact that we captured a core member of the Evolution God's stronghold, Besides, the conservatives have also been caught, could it be them?"

Zuo Qing said expressionlessly: "There is a high probability that they are right, and the text messages we intercepted were probably disclosed intentionally by them."

Chi Jiaran also agreed with this guess.

If the core member captured by the conservatives really escaped, who would have come here one step ahead?

These obvious traces cannot be caused by the Evolution God Sect themselves.

"Could it be that the conservative faction didn't have absolute confidence in the other party's Evolution God Sect's stronghold, so they revealed it to us, but this doesn't make sense. Since they have no confidence, why should they take the lead? Are they out of their minds?" Chi Jia However, I can't figure out the other party's intention.

It seems that there are rules and regulations, but if you look deeper, it seems like you are playing cards randomly and randomly.

It was as if there was a layer of window paper blocking her eyes, and it felt like she could pierce it with just a little force.

But it seemed like there was no way to start.

Zuo Qing looked into the distance and said calmly: "I have a feeling that they are using us to achieve something."

"It's pointless to think about it now. All conspiracies and tricks are just playing with fire and burning yourself in the face of absolute strength."

The two of them thought it over and decided to follow the traces and investigate further before making any plans.

Under the ground, there are spacious and secret passages connected with each other, winding and twisting, like an underground maze, and also like a place formed by some terrifying beast running around.

Qiu Wanao ran at full speed, causing sand and rocks to fly everywhere he passed.

Su Qi chased after him closely. The two sides moved forward and backward, like two bolts of lightning shooting through this complicated secret passage. The distance never exceeded a hundred meters.

This made Qiu Wan'ao very anxious. From time to time, he directly smashed the inner wall of the secret passage and jumped into another secret passage.

But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't get rid of the opponent's pursuit.

damn it!

Which secret passage did each of them hide in?

After running for so long, I didn't meet a single helper.

If this continues, I will lure him into the underground base and kill him with the hands of the high priest.

Just when Qiu Wanao was about to lose his hold, he suddenly met a companion in a secret passage.

However, before he could ask for help, the inhuman alien just glanced at the pursuer behind him and immediately fled out like a frightened bird!

No, the Supreme Court came here so quickly! ?

"Qiu Wanao, don't fucking follow me! I'm not your father!" The inhuman alien's eyes were about to burst and he yelled.

At this time.

Qiu Wan'ao used all his strength and rushed directly to the opponent: "Don't... don't run. The guy behind him is not much different from me in strength. We can kill him together!"

"You want to trick me into being your scapegoat. Think I'm stupid."

"I'm really not lying. If his strength is really terrifying, do we still have a chance to run here?"

"Are you serious?" When the non-human alien heard this, he calmed down in an instant, and while running away, he used his mental power to explore behind him. However, due to the special nature of this place, he could only vaguely sense the strength of the opponent's aura. .

"If you don't believe it, watch my performance."

Qiu Wanao gritted his teeth, paused, folded in the air, and turned around with the sharp blade on his right arm slashing down!


Su Qi quickly acted very reluctantly, his knees slightly bent, as if it took a lot of strength to carry it down.

The performance is quite good.

When the inhuman alien saw this, he hesitated and realized that Qiu Wan'ao had not lied to him.

This guy is as powerful as them.

Could it be that he is not a law enforcement officer of the Supreme Court, but a member of the conservative party?

That's right.

The opponent's outfit didn't seem to be that of the Supreme Court. After calming down, he finally couldn't help but join the fight after Qiu Wanao fought with the opponent for several rounds.

He wanted to get rid of this person quickly so as not to expose his position and attract the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court.

Bang bang bang!

The three of them immediately fought together, and a terrifying wave broke out instantly!

Qiu Wan'ao and the other two instantly realized that the other party was facing their attack, and it was obviously difficult to withstand it.

But when they wanted to kill each other in one go, the other party was able to defeat them in a hurry.

Even if they have the upper hand in this kind of battle, they still feel very frustrated.

"Qiu Wanao, try harder, he can't hold it anymore!" The inhuman alien roared loudly, and the black light surrounding his fist surged, like the light of hell, it was extremely frightening.

Qiu Wanao, on the other hand, was so suppressed that his face was red and he couldn't say a word, as if the anger in his heart would be released as soon as he opened his mouth.


I don't know how many secret passages were opened, and Qiu Wan'ao and his two men fought for nearly ten minutes before they finally understood.

The other party is so tough!

It's just that little difference, it's always that little difference, before you can kill the opponent!


"Find more help!"

Soon, the two non-human beings reached an agreement and ran away unwillingly.

They feel that if they continue to fight at this critical moment, the other party will definitely die!

Now, they can't afford to delay!

Not long after, they met a companion again.

Under the combined attack of the three, Su Qi finally felt a little pressure and barely showed about 50% of his strength.

Without using the ‘God’s Favorite’, this was already very terrifying.

All of this is due to his extremely solid foundation and the blessing of various BUFF abilities.

Although the core members of the three strongholds were aggressively attacking, the other party was still able to hold on.

They had to attribute the reason to the fact that the space of the secret passage was not enough to take advantage of the siege, otherwise they would definitely be able to kill the opponent!

So, he embarked on the road to escape again, hoping to find a more powerful master.

However, the newest member of the group, the inhuman alien, suggested splitting up and taking advantage of their speed, they dived into another secret passage.

"If you don't lead the way properly, you're looking for death!"

Su Qi also quickly chased after him, activating the divine power of the Divine Punishment Hammer and slamming it out.

The inhuman alien was extremely angry when he saw that he was being targeted instead of running away alone.

He burst into a furious attack, as if he wanted to show that he was not someone to be trifled with!


The next second.

He felt a force dozens of times stronger than the previous confrontation, erupting in him!


"You! Are... hiding your strength!"

In the frightened voice of the inhuman alien, the sonic explosion exploded, and after the entire secret passage erupted in violent vibrations, it suddenly collapsed, and all the falling soil was shattered into pieces!

And under the bombardment of this terrifying force, he was directly hammered and died tragically on the spot.

After dealing with this person, Su Qi once again acted like a herder, driving several other people away.

When the two inhuman aliens saw each other chasing another accomplice, before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, they saw the terrifying figure that was seducing people and seeking their lives chasing them up again.

They naturally heard the movement behind them.

Although they didn't know what happened, they were still scared to death, and at the same time they realized that this person was not as easy to deal with as they thought.

It is estimated that only the high priest can completely kill this guy!

High Priest, help...oh no, we caught a fish for you!

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