Chapter 986

In the ancient Xianhuang dynasty, above the golden hall, the dragon column stood tall, and the officials bowed down, a solemn meaning.

On the top of the golden palace, Gu Chaoci wore a robe of the Great Red Emperor, with clear phoenix eyes, three thousand hairs tied to the top of his head, and wearing a purple-gold Emperor crown. The beauty was thrilling.

even! !

Compared with the previous few days, the present Gu Chaoci has just revealed the supreme demeanor of a fairy emperor.

Indifferent, domineering, and weathered.

“What else is there to play?”

At this time, she held her fragrant cheek lightly with her jade hand, her expression was lazy, her eyebrows were tired, but she was a little more charming.

In the past few days, she returned to the throne, controlled hundreds of realms of the Gu clan, and dealt with countless affairs of the ancient dynasty. She was already a little tired.

Fortunately, with the title of young master fiancé of the Ling clan, whether it is a member of the Gu clan or other ancient clan families, he dare not disobey her a little bit.

But, why is that bastard… just lost all the audio?

“Returning to the emperor, Gu Yanqing’s line has been exhausted. Now the state of Xianhuang is stable and the people are harmonious. There is nothing wrong with it.”

For the first place, an old man in a blue official uniform bowed and said.

“It’s so good.”

Gu Chaoci waved his hand to dismiss the courtiers, holding his forehead with one hand, and there seemed to be a thought in his eyes.

Now that she knows Ling Xiao’s identity means, the worries and confusion in her heart have disappeared a lot.

However, even if Ling Xiao is gifted, he wants to take control of Qing Cang’s general trend, it still doesn’t happen overnight.

Even, with the forces of the Realm Main Hall suppressing the world, every step Ling Xiao will take next is extremely dangerous.

If it were in the past, Gu Chao would not care about his life or death.

But now, she hesitated a bit, rekindling some expectations deep in her heart.


In front of the temple in the distance, a golden armored guard suddenly walked over and bowed to Gu Chaoci.

“Check it out?”

Gu Chaoci made a pretty face, and slowly got up, his face has returned to the coldness of the past.

“I found out that the Supreme Secret Realm is in the territory of the Void Dao Sect. According to subordinates, there was once a Supreme Fallen in that place, who was a strong man in the Reincarnation Tianfu. Other than that, no strong man has fallen. .”

The Jinjiao guard had a respectful tone, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

“what happened?”

“Emperor, Young Master Ling Xiao is already on his way to the void.”

“Oh, I see, go on.”

Gu Chaoci nodded indifferently, there seemed to be a gleam in his eyes, and then he got up and went to the outside of the hall.

Even with Ling Xiao’s strength, Ordinary Tianjiao could not be his opponent at all.

However, I went to the void, not to help him, nor to miss him! !

I should also practice hard and add a foundation to the birth of my child!

Thousands of miles are empty, and the situation is turbulent.

I saw a blue phoenix shadow falling from the sky before Gu Chaoci.

The latter moved lightly, standing on the head of the phoenix, and swiftly moving in the direction of the void.

“Where did the emperor go?”

“Is there anything to say? I heard that Young Master Ling Xiao went to the Void Realm to practice, I guess the emperor was mostly uneasy and hurried away.”

“Can’t rest assured? Young Master Ling Xiao Xianzi is peerless, has the style of crushing a generation, looking at the green world, who dares to take action against Young Master Ling Xiao?”

“Aren’t you stupid? I can’t help but say it, but I don’t mean danger! I mean…hehehe.”

“Hey hey?”

“If you were a woman, would you be proactive about Shao?”

“You mean…poof, don’t talk about women, I’m a man and I want to marry Young Master Ling Xiao!”

Looking at the shadow that disappeared in the distance, many guards in the Immortal Phoenix Emperor’s Palace showed a clear look.

No see in one day, like every three autumns.

There are a lot of temptations in this world, and there is such a peerless prince, of course, you have to pay more attention!

Emperor, we understand! !

At the same time, in that void realm, a golden dragon and jade floated past, attracting countless attention.

Just when they felt the pressure of the holy realm emanating from the golden dragon’s body, many people’s expressions changed immediately.

The holy realm is the apparent power of almost all clan forces.

After all, the cultivation level has reached the supreme step, and few people will be distracted by vulgar things anymore.

But at the moment, this golden dragon with a cultivation base and sanctification is just a beast that pulls away.

“Who is so arrogant, so arrogant with the holy dragon?”

“Woe to madness!”

“I heard that Young Master Ling Xiao was in the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, and once captured Ji Ying’s eldest brother and made him a slave. That guy seems to be a golden dragon.”

“You mean… Hiss! You deserve to be Young Master Ling Xiao! How can this be called arrogance! Only the true power of the holy dragon is worthy of Young Master Tianzi.”

Countless young Tianjiao looked up at the void, with a trace of awe in their eyes.

“My son, you mean, the duty of the armored warrior is to protect the common people?”

Among the dragons, Ye Qingchan’s pretty face was surprised, seeming to be attracted by the story Ling Xiao told.

“Do not!”

Ling Xiao shook his head slightly, staring at the golden pillar in the distance, “This immortal journey and all spirits are struggling to cross. The so-called sheltering the common people in the eyes of the world is just a way of practice. Buddha cultivates incense and immortals. The power of cultivation and the killing of magic cultivation are fundamentally the same. They are all just trying to achieve the supremacy of heaven and earth.”


Ye Qingchan nodded blankly, seemingly understanding, “Master, can I ask you a question?”


“If you step onto the top of the sky and become a great emperor in the future, what will you do?”

“The Great?”

Ling Xiao smiled, looking down at the outline of an ancient city below, a flash of coldness in his eyes suddenly, “If I am the emperor, I shall push all enemies in the world.”

He had just received a letter from Duplicate Shadow, saying that there was a young man in a black robe who had come all the way from the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, and he first stepped into this ancient rock cliff city.

According to Duel Ying, this person’s cultivation base was covered up, his face was pale, and he was dressed in a large black robe that was extremely unfit.

If Ling Xiao expected it well, he should be Qin Chen.

Before, Ling Yuanxing had said that Qin Chen had a strange armor on his body, like a dead tree.

Such an image has some potential for the reincarnation of the demon.

It has been more than a month since he fought against Xuexiyan in the Ye Clan, and it is time to put some pressure on the young Tianjiao of the Azure Realm.

Only in this way can they practice harder and meet this… troubled times!

If there is anything to say, call me, son, righteousness! !


only! !

Just when the Barbarian Demon Yulong was about to fall from the sky, a loud and bright phoenix chant came from thousands of miles away.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and when he looked up, he saw a red-clothed emperor’s figure coming with a phoenix, which instantly attracted countless eyes from this rock cliff city.

“It seems to be… the Emperor of Chao Ci!!”

“Really the Empress of the Imperial Civilization? I didn’t expect that a supreme relic could attract the Imperial Civilization of the Imperial Civilization.”

“The top ten contemporary sequences! The female emperor really looks like a fairy!!”

“Look at it, she seems to be heading at that Long Nian? Could it be…”

“Guru! The female emperor is obviously coming for Young Master Ling Xiao, OK!!”

“It turns out that the lady has arrived.”

Ling Xiao sat in the sun, with a gentle expression, shook the jade cup in his hand, and sipped his drink, “Why, did the lady miss her husband and came all the way? How do I remember that we just separated?”

Hearing this, the whole Yanya City suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Lady? For husband?

Really Young Master Ling Xiao? !

What kind of godly couple is this, even the mounts are so matched!

Golden dragon and green phoenix, heaven and earth unite! !

But, what’s the matter with this extremely sour smell?

Bark bark!

Hearing what Ling Xiao said, Gu Chao’s eyebrows twitched lightly. The words that had come to his lips, he swallowed again the moment he saw Ye Qingchan.

Then, she ignored Ling Xiao, and landed from the sky before landing in front of a magnificent fairy building in the middle of the city.

“This temperament really hasn’t changed at all.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and laughed lightly, not annoyed, especially Gu Chaoci’s luck that had climbed to 70,000, made his eyes light up, and he couldn’t help but wonder.

It seems that my lady has been in a good mood recently.

But, Gu Chaoci, I haven’t tried my best yet, so you started chasing your husband for thousands of miles?

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