Chapter 985 Supreme Secret Realm

“Weird armor?”

Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows lightly, what armor in this world could be more weird than the Unforgivable Demon armor on his body?

However, it seems that most of the fate of this fate lies on this armor.

I just don’t know, how many punches can this armor carry him?

“Yes! According to the emperor of the Holy Spirit, the armor is made of sacred wood, with a one-eyed blood pupil in the middle of his chest. Young Master…Should you send someone…”

“No need.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and then took out another sound transmission note, “Double Shadow, leading the dark guard, along the path of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty to the Supreme Ruins, looking for all suspicious people, and at the same time, I am about to descend on the Supreme Ruins. Spread it out.”

According to Ling Xiao’s guess, as long as Qin Chen dared to chase the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, he mostly made up his mind to avenge his brothers.

And the Supreme Ruins, perhaps what he thought was the best chance to hunt Ling Xiao.

He was in the dark, Ling Xiao was in the light, and this weird battle armor was standing next to him. No matter how you look at it, Ling Xiao seemed to be sure to die.

And Ling Xiao only needs to deliberately reveal some flaws and expose his whereabouts, so that the man of destiny feels that he is going to do it, and harvesting is naturally a matter of course.

On the contrary, Xiao Peng, who has returned to his clan for more than half a month, hasn’t heard a word of it. Is it possible that this guy is forced to pretend to be punished?

Of course, in terms of the luck of this guy, most of the people who can punish him are those with higher luck.

So, there is nothing to worry about.

It’s all leeks, the better it grows, the more fragrant it tastes.


The voice of the double shadow came from the autobiographical note, while Ling Xiao lay lazily in the midst of it, holding Ye Qingchan in his arms, and drank the drink with his head up.

The life of this villain is really boring.

The fate of some people and even some forces is determined by the time to drink a glass of wine at random.

It’s like those people of destiny, exhausted to search for good fortune, desperately practice, go through many hardships, spend their lives in exchange for beauty, and finally find that… everything is under the control of others.

Are you angry?

“My son, what is so happy?”

Ye Qingchan pursed her red lips, a smile on her face.

Even if she knew that she was far less important in Ling Xiao’s heart than Gu Chaoci.

But what does it matter?

As long as you can stay with the son, for her, it is a good fortune that can’t be resisted in nine days!

“Qing Chan, come, let me tell you a story about a warrior in armor.”

Qingcang northwest, thousands of miles away.

This place is called the Void Domain, and it is the sect of the Xianzong Void Dao Sect.

Rumor has it that there is also a Heavenly Sovereign in this Dao Sect, who has a profound background and powerful influence, who is in charge of dozens of star regions.

At this time, in the depths of the void realm, there was a golden light reflecting the heavens and the earth, evolving into auspicious clouds, and it seemed that the supreme will descended.

It is the place where the Supreme Secret Realm was born.

However, at this time, the entrance to that secret realm seemed to be enveloped by an enchantment, blocking all prying eyes.

At the entrance, several figures wearing black robes stood standing, frowning and looking at Jin Hui above his head.

“Sect Master, I am afraid that the movement of this secret realm can’t be covered.”

For the first place, a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance frowned in contemplation, surrounded by Shengwei, and it was Xu Mo, the master of this void.

Behind him, several Taoist experts sighed deeply, unwilling to face them.

Originally, they had discovered this secret realm a long time ago, but just yesterday, when everyone worked together to break the barrier at the entrance of the secret realm, they attracted a vision of heaven and earth, and this secret realm was completely exposed to the eyes of the world.

“Fine! Now that this secret realm has emerged, it is not my chance for the Dao Sect of Nothingness. Ask the disciples in the door to prepare, wait until the barrier is broken, and enter the realm to find good fortune.”

Sect Master Void sighed leisurely and turned away.

Although this supreme relic is present in his Void Realm, it can be the strength of the Void Dao Sect, but it is difficult to occupy it alone.

What’s more, early today, a disciple had passed a letter, and the young master of the Primordial Ling Clan had arrived from the battlefield of the gods and wanted to fight for the good fortune of this realm.

Even if he is unwilling, he can only let the flow go.

at the same time.

In the nearest ancient city to this supreme ruin, a figure of a young man in a large black robe fell from the sky, looking up with gloomy eyes, and looking at the two large characters in the center of the city gate, the rock cliff.

Just today, Qin Chen has also heard the news that Ling Xiao has rushed here.

For Qin Chen, wanting to avenge his elder brothers is now the best opportunity.

The secret realm is present, and Tianjiao fights for it.

Even if Ling Xiao was standing behind the guardian, with the help of the Immortal King Guangmu, he might not have the opportunity.

Everything is as expected.

And he only needs to hide in the dark, look for opportunities, or avenge the blood.

only! !

As soon as Qin Chen’s figure disappeared, a graceful figure emerged from the void again, and a sneer appeared on that white and beautiful face.

“Have you heard? The young master of the Primordial Ling Clan is also coming to Yanya City.”

“Really? It’s the young master Lingxiao who had great righteousness and joined hands with the young master of the world master hall to injure that demon?”

“It’s more than just a righteous heart, Young Master Ling Xiao is simply righteous Yuntian. It is said that he was almost swallowed by the turbulence of the void in order to save the next realm Fanling that day. Even Young Master Xue said that I am inferior to him!”

“Really? Young Master expressed such emotion. It seems that Young Master Ling Xiao is really a role model for my generation!”

“What’s more! A few days ago, the Holy Spirit Immortal Prince Ji won a bully and deceived others and forced the Emperor Ci to marry his wife, but was slammed by Young Master Ling Xiao in public! Bah, this Ji win is simply self-inflicted.”

“How did I hear…Ji Ying has a marriage contract with the Empress of the Dynasty, Young Master Ling Xiao is doing this…”

“Are you stupid? Who is the Empress of Chaoci? That is one of the ten major sequences of my Qingcang. With her natural background, why marry Ji Ying as his wife? It’s not the decline of the Gu clan and the fact that the background is not as good as before. Ji Ying was forced to take advantage of the loophole.”

“It’s reasonable for you to say that. If I were the female emperor, I would never marry him.”

“Yeah! What else to say, Young Master Ling Xiao, righteousness!!”

The original Rock Cliff City was just a savage town, with a small population in the city, and even the owner of the city was just a person of respect.

But early this morning, warships and ancient boats suddenly descended over the ancient city.

Many descendants of the family, the disciples of the ancient race, rushed to fight for the supreme good fortune.

However, the news that the young master of the Ling clan was also interested in the ruins here was like a basin of cold water, instantly extinguishing many Tianjiao’s desires.

Of course, for many arrogant women, this news itself is a great fortune.

If you are lucky enough to be favored by the young master of the Ling clan, even if it is accepted as a handmaid, for most people, it is a more attractive good fortune than the Supreme Ruins.

“I propose that, before Young Master Ling Xiao arrives, I will arrange something in the city and set up a banquet to welcome the Young Master coming!”

“It makes sense, just in the Yunyan Pavilion in this city! My Li family has some shares in this pavilion.”

“Just do it according to the highest specifications! The atmosphere group, 100-year-old immortal brews, all can’t be less!”

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