Chapter 979

“Lord of Destruction, Tu Ling Clan, Gantian God Sect, for thousands of years!!”

In the center of Qingcang, there is a barren mountain between Longyuan Sword Tomb and Emperor Shenwu Dynasty.

I saw people wearing black cloaks standing on the top of the mountain, clenching one hand and raising their heads, shouting loudly.

There is a ray of gloom in these people, which is obviously the evil way of the world.

And the location of this barren mountain is really cleverly chosen.

Longyuan Sword Tomb has always ignored the secular world, will not destroy the world, and the seven swords will not be released.

And the Emperor Shenwu Dynasty is the most vast and supreme power, a barren mountain, it will not be noticed by the Empire at all.

“The devil has already appeared, and the opportunity for the rise of my Gantian God Sect has come! Now, I inherit the will of the demon and come to the blue sky, precisely to lead you to unify the nine heavens and kill the gods!!”

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, there was a tall figure in a blood cloak shouting angrily, and the blood was drenched all over his body, even his eyes were a strange blood color, he was actually a strong man in the holy realm.

“The leader of God, follow him to the death!”

“Okay! Hand in all the blood spirits you collected.”

The blood-robed figure nodded lightly and waved his palms out, and saw a large black cauldron suddenly appear to be empty.

And those black robe figures stepped forward one by one, took out various bottles and containers from the Qiankun bag, and poured them into the cauldron.

A strong bloody breath spreads, like a purgatory on earth.

In the crowd, Chen Qingshan and Mengmo also wore black robes and worshipped blood spirits.

After such a long while, the blood-robed figure satisfactorily put away the cauldron, waved to disperse the crowd, and lifted his foot into the depths of the barren mountain.

“Holy Infant, the consecration is here.”

It wasn’t until his figure appeared in a gloomy cave mansion in the mountain that he bowed and sacrificed the great cauldron, with a touch of anxiety on his face.

“come in.”

In the cave, a ghastly child suddenly heard.

And a touch of horror appeared on the face of the blood-robed figure, but in the end he dared not rebelliously stepped into it with a giant cauldron in his arms.


In the cave, there is a sudden burst of spiritual light.

At the entrance, there seemed to be a formation barrier quietly dissipating, and a strong bloody aura came to his face, which was disgusting.

“Holy Baby.”

The blood-robed saint bowed down and dared not look up at the figure in the cave from beginning to end.

At this moment, at the end of the cave, there was a pool of blood rippling with brilliance.

On the side of the blood pool, a thin figure stood with his hands in his hands, also in a blood robe, actually a four or five-year-old child.

It’s just that there is not a trace of innocence on the child’s face, but a gloomy smile.

“Agan, how did you practice your Pluto Art?”

“Back to the Holy Child, it has been repaired to the third level.”

The Blood Robe Saint Realm’s tone was humble, and even faintly panicked.

although! !

The cultivation of the child in front of him did not step into the holy realm, but his skills and knowledge made the blood-robed saint amazed.

That’s right, this person is the Gantian guru from the southern border of Shengzhou.

And the exercises he practiced were taught by the Holy Infant, and then guided to ascend from the Holy State to find the true spirit of the Ming Clan.

When the leader of Gantian was ascended to Qing Cang, he was only a nine-tier god emperor.

But just a few hundred years, but under the baptism of the blood world, stepped into the holy realm.

Such a speed is terrifying.

You know, in the entire Qingcang realm, only a few people have been sanctified in the past five hundred years, and they are all descendants of the supreme Taoism and the ancient clans of longevity.

only! !

Such a rapid increase in cultivation level naturally has its drawbacks.

Immovable Pluto Art, using the dead energy and blood spirit as the guide, transforms into the underworld, and achieves immortality.

Once the blood spirit is insufficient, it will be backlashed by the phantom body and will not want to live in pain.

Nowadays, Gantian God Sect is taught the magic tricks, and the cultivation base is thousands of miles.

However, if you want to suppress backlash, you can only get rid of the pain and see eternal life in reincarnation by surrendering to the Holy Infant and getting his baptism.

In other words, the Holy Child is the true god in the eyes of those who have practiced the Pluto Art.

That kind of heart-wrenching pain is beyond the ability of flesh and blood creatures to bear.

But… people in this world are always greedy people.

If you don’t have a great talent, and you want to step into the pinnacle of heaven and earth, you can only find another way and practice evil tactics.

“Yes! As long as you help me do things with peace of mind, sooner or later you will step into the Supreme and become the real body of Pluto.”

The Saint Infant smiled sullenly, and blood lines appeared in his eyes, “Did you find the trace of the demon?”

“Not yet, but it is said that a few days ago, the Tianma once appeared in the Tianmu Ye Clan, and was severely injured by the Young Master of the Hall of Realm and the Young Master of the Ling Clan. There is no more news.”

“Hehehehe, it seems that today’s demon is no longer as courageous as before. This is our opportunity.”

The Saint Infant sneered, and on a naive and pale face, there was a touch of indescribable evil and gloomy.

“We have been dormant for hundreds of years, and there have been 3,000 congregations. If the demons were born today and slaughtered creatures in the name of the heavenly demons, even those long-lived ancient tribes, the Supreme Sect, would only focus on the heavenly demons, and would never think of it. We are the real demons!”

“Holy infant wise!”

“As long as this holy infant completes the blood sacrifice of all souls and enters the holy realm, he can use the Pluto’s Heart Technique as a guide to find the place where my clan is sealed. When the time comes, my blood boy will release the Nether clan, and this Azure Realm will be completely Falling into the hands of our clan, you, and those three thousand congregants are great heroes!”

The Blood Boy Shengyin had a high tone, and it seemed a little weird to say such tyrannical remarks in a childish voice.

“Holy Infant…If this matter is known by the demon…will it…”

The Gantian leader’s expression was slightly condensed, and his heart was somewhat apprehensive.

Swire demons, nine days are taboo.

Although the holy infant is a member of the Underworld by means of reaching the sky, once the heavenly demon arrives, how can they bear its anger?

“What are you afraid of! In the time of immortality, our clan was also a great clan of heaven and earth. Although it is now sealed by the immortal clan, the foundation is still there. The Temple of Heavenly Demon has already been destroyed in the long river of time. Younger Cang joined hands to take a heavy hit? If he dares to come, I will tell him to surrender to me!”

The blood boy Saint Infant snorted coldly, and he was domineering.

“Holy infant Tianwei.”

“Okay, let’s go down, continue to look for people who are destined to my Ming Clan, and… tell the three thousand religious people that they don’t have to deliberately cover their whereabouts, and collect blood spirits as soon as possible in the name of the demon!”


In the end, the Lord Gantian bowed, poured the blood spirit in the tripod into the pool, and turned away.

It wasn’t until his figure walked away that the blood boy Saint Infant’s eyes flashed with sarcasm, “Huh, humble human race, only worthy of my sacrificial offering.”

When the words fell, he saw the blood robe scattered outside his body and walked into the blood pool with his foot up.

Suddenly, the blood pool surged, and endless blood gas turned into a mist, covering his figure.

Above his head, a faint phantom figure stepped out of the air, looking hideous.

At the center of the eyebrows, a round of scarlet marks flickered, like the eyes of the underworld, exuding palpitating evil waves.

“Devil, haha, in this life, I think it will be the prosperous age of the Pluto clan!! When I take control of the Pluto’s seal and bring my clan back, you will all become the stepping stones on my path to the sky!!”

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