Chapter 978

“Gu Chaoci is my woman.”

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the Midie above his head. Although his face was calm, the hegemony between the words made the faces of many Gu clan experts change their faces.

Especially Gu Yanqing’s legs trembled and his long gown was soaked.

“It was Midie who was abrupt. I was just worried about the safety of the young master.”

and! !

What was even more shocking was that upon hearing Ling Xiao’s scolding, the ancestor of the Ling clan, whose cultivation base had already stepped into the heavenly supreme, was actually respectful and nodded without complaint.

In that tone, it was like facing a real emperor.

Just his mua is outrageous! ! !

“I’m the Ling clan, never bullying others with power, the ancestor of Midie, I hope you can keep this in mind.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, the abundance of gods and handsomeness, faintly blooming in his body, gorgeous and dazzling, fascinating.

How could he not guess what Midie was thinking, it was just that Gu Chaoqi had tens of thousands of fortunes and was in ill health.

It’s hard to imagine, waiting for her to completely open her heart knot, what a world there should be.

“I have seen Young Master Ling Xiao! I have seen the ancestor of the Ling Clan!”

In the depths of Gu Palace, three ancient figures stepped on from the sky and bowed to Lingxiao and Midie.

At this time, the breath of the three of them was a little sluggish, and it was obvious that they had suffered serious injuries in the anger of Midie just now.

At this time, Gu Chaoci just stared at the young man in front of him with cold eyes, and didn’t say much.

Domineering and indifferent, such a person is not worthy of being loved.

However, everything he did was for himself.

Although the Primordial Ling Clan had a profound background and great power, Ling Xiao had just been born, but he did not hesitate to offend the Shenwu Emperor, the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty, and even the Gu Clan.

Just to tell Qing Cang Yijie that Gu Chaoci was his woman.

To be honest, this kind of hegemony is extremely naive in Gu Chaoci’s eyes.

But inexplicably, people have an indescribable sense of security.

With Gu Chaoci’s beauty, talent, and background, there are countless pursuers in this green world, and most of them are descendants of the supreme power.

But no matter who it is, there is no such direct overbearing as Ling Xiao.

He didn’t even ask himself if he wanted to be his woman.

“What about the marriage contract?”

Ling Xiao raised his foot and walked to the third ancestor of the Gu family who was lying limp on the ground, with a cold tone.

“Marriage contract… Marriage contract…”

Gu Yanqing trembled all over, and hurriedly got up from the ground, and respectfully handed the marriage contract to Ling Xiao with both hands.

At this moment, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart that the young master of the Ling clan in front of him could see Gu Chaoci’s face and spare him his life.

What immortal emperor throne, Gu clan emperor line, now in his eyes is a cloud.

Being alive is the greatest good fortune of this immortal way.

“I have a marriage contract with Gu Chaoci. As the third ancestor of the Gu clan, you dare to force my fiancée to marry someone else. Are you convicted?”

Ling Xiao held the piece of gold paper in his hand and kneaded it into a ball, then pinched Gu Yanqing’s chin and stuffed it into his mouth.


Hearing this, Gu Yanqing staggered to his knees, looking desperately at the remaining three ancestors of the Gu family.

But at this time, the eyes of the three of them were not on his body at all, and there was a calm look on their faces.

The Primordial Ling Clan is the supreme power above the Shenwu Emperor.

With the background of the ancient Xianhuang dynasty, speaking unceremoniously, the ancestor of the Midie in front of him could easily uproot the Gu clan.

“Young Master!! Gu is really unaware, please… I beg the Young Master to calm down his anger.”

“Don’t know?”

Ling Xiao nodded slowly, and turned to look at Gu Chaoci, “If everything can be precluded without knowing it, then what is the rule of this world?”

“My Ling clan never bullies others, but you have touched my bottom line, the ancestor of the lost butterfly, kill it in order to follow your example.”


Midie’s eyes were cold, and suddenly there was supreme divine power all over her body, and with a palm print out of thin air, the vast world suddenly fell.

And the third ancestor of the Gu family even had time to beg for mercy in the future, but was photographed into a muddy place by that black palm.

The whole square was silent.

Everyone looked at the pool of flesh and blood on the ground, and there was a strong shock in their eyes.

A man of the supreme and powerful, being killed by the palm of a man in this way, such a shock is really shocking.

“Lady, are you satisfied?”

Ling Xiao’s face suddenly bloomed with gentleness, which was completely different from the coldness of just now.

At this time, everyone discovered that this young Ling clan master didn’t seem to be so overbearing and cold-blooded.

At the very least, in front of Gu Chaoci, he was always gentle and gentle.

“Humph! Gu Chaoci is not worthy of the young lady of the Ling Clan young master.”

Gu Chaoci’s pretty face was cold and his tone was indifferent.

To tell the truth, with her temperament, she would never say such ill-tempered remarks.

But every time I see him, I feel inexplicably bored, like a kind of destiny that has gone through thousands of years.

“Oh? The lady has forgotten, we already have the reality of husband and wife…”

“You…you shut up!!”

Gu Chaoci’s beautiful eyes trembled, the roots of his ears were red, and the coldness on his face suddenly disappeared, turning into a touch of shyness.

Looking at the two people in front of them, a group of strong Gu clan suddenly dispersed with interest.

Even Midie sighed and disappeared into the void.

“Hehe, it seems that the lady still remembers, I thought she had forgotten.”

Ling Xiao smiled mildly, but the evil in her eyes made Gu Chaoci’s mind tremble, “You once said that if I two get married, we should be congratulated by heaven and earth. Now you are the young master of the Ling clan and have a noble status. But…the heavens and the earth celebrate together, I’m afraid it will be a little difficult.”


Hearing the depression in Gu Chaoci’s tone, Ling Xiao’s eyes were slightly cold, “What does the lady mean?”

“It’s okay if I want me to marry you, but I have to wait for the day when you stand on top of the blue sky.”

“Oh! Then you wait.”

Ling Xiao turned around and went straight to the outside of the imperial palace.

Seeing his decisiveness and freedom, Gu Chaoci’s lips trembled, but in the end he didn’t say much.

At this time, there were also some complicated emotions in her heart. To Ling Xiao, she did not resist, and even an expectation made her a little guilty.

She was supposed to accompany him to conquer nine days and walk the way of God.

But now, she can only urge him to move forward in this almost unreasonable way.

Now, she is carrying a demon seed and cutting the avenue by herself, and she has long since missed the opportunity to stand on top of the sky.

Only Lingxiao, the immortal posture is unmatched, backed by the Ling clan, carrying a great rhyme of heaven and earth.

Only when he achieves the emperor realm, her child has a ray of life.

Ling Xiao, you won’t leave me, will you?

Can! !

At the moment when Ling Xiao’s figure was about to disappear, a panic flashed in Gu Chaoci’s eyes, and a complex hesitation appeared on that white fairy face, “Ling Xiao!”

After all, she has hope in her heart, and she won’t be as depressed as before.

What about the self-slashing avenue, this immortal opportunity is nothing but a new start.


Gu Chaoci pressed his red lips tightly, watching the black figure stop and walk away, after all, he was a little bit unspeakable.

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao didn’t look back, just raised his hand and waved lightly, but there was some inexplicable deep meaning in his eyes.

His path to immortality is to step into the nine days, how can a great blue sky be enough?

Gu Chaoci, you did not disappoint me after all.

Now, in the eyes of all the forces of Qing Cang, you are my flaw.

Haha, a flaw in a person who is extremely lucky and protected by the heavenly way.

A man can be called a god without flaws.

But “people”, how can there be no flaws?


Above the void, golden light overflows.

The young man stepped forward, and there was a dragon shadow floating cloud beneath him, tearing Cang Ming and rushing towards the horizon.

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