Chapter 974

“Second brother!!”

Long Xiao’s expression was dull, with a look of consternation.

Originally, he wanted to, with Shigen’s strength, to face the evildoers of this younger generation, even if he was lost, he would never fall so easily.

But he really didn’t expect Ling Xiao to be so strong.

With one foot, the second brother, who has always been known for his physical body, was stepped into mud.

Long Xiao roared angrily, his eyes suddenly flashed with a touch of vicissitudes.

He was originally an abandoned son of the demon clan, with a cool nature.

However, the demon would not tolerate him, but he unexpectedly ran into these three human youths, and was moved by their true feelings and became brothers.

Calculated by age, Long Xiao is now more than a thousand years old, and he is naturally recognized by them as the eldest brother.

only! !

What really moved Long Xiao was that Ji Ying occasionally got the mark of reincarnation at the beginning, and it was too reluctant to say that they gave it to the latter.

To be precise, it was the Mark of Reincarnation who chose Ji Ying.

But, because of this kind of good fortune, Ji Ying did not monopolize it, but shared the nerves of the emperor Daolong with everyone.

Especially Long Xiao, which originally contained the blood of the dragon family, and cultivating this sutra was like a fish in the water. In just a few years, the miscellaneous veins had faded and the real dragon sacred prestige was achieved.

Of course, in this mortal world, the so-called Dragon Sacred Prestige is nothing but a comparison.

How can the true nine-day real dragon be trapped in such a wasteland?

“A half-holy demon dragon?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were clear, and he looked down at Long Xiao, whose hands were clenched, with a stern expression, and said in a calm tone, “I lack a stubborn animal, are you willing to surrender?”


Long Xiao gritted his teeth fiercely, and there was a sudden raging flame rolling in his eyes, and then directly under the dumbfounded gaze of a group of immortal powerhouses, he turned into his body and bit towards Ling Xiao angrily.

At this time, everyone felt that there was clearly a trace of dragon dominance in Long Xiao’s body, and this bloodline was enough to be called a pure and terrifying sentence.

But… At this time, Ling Xiao’s face seemed to flicker with playfulness.

The dragon bloodline, these nine heavens and ten earths, apart from the living ancestral dragons, who can be more pure and domineering than the dragon soul fused in his body?

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and saw a gloomy look in his eyes, “Nicky beast, since you don’t want to surrender, I will erase your mind and make you a slave forever.”

When the words fell, Ling Xiao stepped out, and there seemed to be a dragon shadow standing behind him.

It’s just that this dragon shadow, as if being blocked by Xianxia, ​​can only see layers of shimmering golden scale armor, and a vast and sacred world.

At this moment, the order of the heavens and the earth is frozen, even time is like a freeze frame, no matter how hard it is to move forward.

Long Xiao’s mouth opened in anger, and the flames all over his body were extinguished. There was an indescribable gleam of fear in the eyes that were the size of a two-person head.

Compared to the people of Xian Dynasty, Long Xiao’s feeling is undoubtedly more real at this time.

He actually felt an absolute suppression from the bloodline on this black-clothed boy!

Such as the falling ice cellar, it is difficult to produce the slightest heart of resistance.

You know, this kind of suppression hasn’t even been given to him by those dragon powers he has seen in the extreme south.

However, a human teenager completely suppressed him in his blood.

Of course, even at this time, the people of the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty did not have such a strong sense.

But they all contained a trace of demon veins, so they were also terrified of such holy powers of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ling Xiao’s figure stood in the sky, and his black clothes floated.

It’s just that in those pair of eyes, there seems to be golden brilliance blooming, and the eyebrow lines evolve into endless visions.

Heaven and earth seemed to surrender at his feet at this time.


Immediately afterwards, I saw his palm sticking out, transforming into the size of a thousand meters out of thin air, holding Long Xiao’s cage and dragging him to his front.

“No… don’t… I surrender…”

At this time, Long Xiao had already forgotten his inner obsession in the face of absolute fear.

Especially the indisputable trace of dragon sacredness in Ling Xiao’s eyes made him have a tremor of blood and heart.

“Chance, only once.”

Ling Xiao’s tone was indifferent, and the radiance of his eyebrows suddenly flourished. There seemed to be a faint shadow of a magic rune, which crushed Long Xiao’s soul sea to pieces.

The dignified demon clan is half-sage, completely reduced to a livestock, no more wise, only simple soul consciousness.

“Gu Chaoci is my unmarried wife of Ling Xiao. The prince of the Holy Spirit is greedy for her appearance. The emperor uses the power of the immortal dynasty to coerce and tempt her to make a marriage contract and die.”

The sky stands up in the void, like a god who proclaims the life and death of living beings.

When he heard what he said, the Holy Spirit Emperor among the crowd turned pale and almost collapsed to the ground.

“No! That’s not the case! The young master clearly observes that it has nothing to do with my holy spirit immortal kingdom, it is the third ancestor of the Gu clan…”

“From today, in the entire Qingcang realm, anyone who dares to hurt her, miss her, provoke her, kill without mercy, slaughter the ten clan, Qingtian will not forgive, and the immortals will punish her.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, the infinite idols of thunder, flames, and sacred trees outside one after another.

The wind blows 30,000 miles, the big day is in the sky, and when you look around, there seems to be darkness at the end of the sky like a tide of water.

Three thousand phantoms of immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons appear alternately, or kneel down and worship piously, or prostrate chanting sutras.

The general situation of the world, at this time, is not as powerful as the young man’s thoughts.

Then, he just glanced at the Holy Spirit Emperor indifferently, stepped on Long Xiao’s head, and walked towards the distance.

Behind him, the Holy Spirit Emperor’s face was pale, but his eyes flashed with extreme resentment.

only! !

Just as he stepped forward and was about to swoop towards the black-clothed boy, there was another sigh that resounded leisurely between the heavens and the earth.

The fierceness on the original face of the emperor of the Holy Spirit suddenly solidified.

He looked up in a daze, looking at the figure of the emperor standing above the cloud dome, the vicissitudes of life in his eyes were full.


At this time, Ling Xiao’s figure had already disappeared at the far end of the sky.

Since the ancestor of the Ji clan has awakened and has not yet appeared, he has made a decision in his heart.

Today, Ling Xiao did not slaughter the Immortal Dynasty, not because of kindness in his heart, but… another plan.

That Qin Chen will appear sooner or later, and will definitely come to the Holy Spirit Immortal Dynasty to inquire about the news.

And because of the fear of the Ling clan from these immortal people, most of them will give him some different surprises at that time.

In the eyes of the people of Xianchao, he had done his best to be kind, and without Ling Xiao’s action, the ancestors of the Ji clan would take the initiative to clean up the door and punish all the dragon sleeves related to Ji Ying.

In the final analysis, whether Gu Chaoci or Nian Qingjun, they are all set by destiny and have an upright mind.

Even if he is indifferent, he is not a treacherous person.

If Ling Xiao really slaughtered the entire immortal dynasty today, he would inevitably not be jealous and jealous of the world, which would hinder his next layout.

Killing is called art if it has the greatest value.

Everyone is a chess piece, and alive is just a waste of heat.

Once Ji Ying died, who else in this green world would dare to miss Gu Chaoci?

As for whether this fairy empress will be moved, Ling Xiao guessed that most of it would.

From the moment he saw the ancient Qingxiao sword in her hand, everything was doomed.

And, for some reason, since seeing Gu Chaoci, Ling Xiao always felt a strange feeling in her inexplicably.

In this way, the empress also concealed many secrets of her own.

But, do you think I did all this just to change her for a touch?


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