Chapter 973

“Repay a hundred times?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, with a pleasant face.

At this moment, he could feel that there was an extremely terrifying general trend hidden in the void above his head.

Obviously, the supreme ancestor of the Ji clan should have arrived.

If it had been in the past, Ling Xiao would be extremely vigilant, for fear that the ancestor of the Ji clan would become angry from embarrassment and kill him.

But now, in his domain, there is a heavenly puppet.

Even if the Heavenly Sovereign’s combat power is not one in ten, he still has no problem dealing with a few Earthly Sovereigns.


In the bloody spirit world, Ji Ying glanced at Ling Xiao for the last time, and his figure was about to disappear.

Can! !

At this moment, the space in front of him seemed to freeze for a moment.

Immediately after that, the black figure that was originally a hundred meters away suddenly tore the void and appeared in front of him.

Ji Ying was taken aback for a moment, with an extremely unreal sense of absurdity.

How did he pass through the space, penetrate the barrier, and appear at such a weird speed?

In other words, how many secrets are still hidden in the young master of the Ling clan?

“You have no chance.”

Ling Xiaoyu was mild, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Then, without giving Ji Ying a chance to escape, he stretched out his palm and shook it straight.

Although Ji Ying had recovered from his injury at this time, Daoxin had already been shocked by Ling Xiao’s strength.

In front of him, Ji Ying no longer had a sense of war, this kind of despair was originally stronger than when he fell down the cliff and his life was hanging by a thread.

There is no life, no more accidents.

Even now, Ji Ying had already believed that if Ling Xiao wanted to kill him from the beginning, he really didn’t have a chance to show his hole cards.

“No! I can’t die! I can’t die!!”

Ji Ying’s face was pale, and then a strange rosy came out.

However, just as the spirits bloomed outside his body and the golden wings were re-opening, he saw the white palm protruding out of the void, and with a slow but unstoppable force, it easily crushed heavily. Linghui held it on his neck.

At this moment, Ji Ying’s heart trembled, her eyes frightened, and the world in front of her began to become golden.

In the faint, he seemed to see a woman with a long feather dress, black hair like waterfall, a graceful figure, standing in the sky, smiling at him.

Third brother, I am waiting for you on the cycle of reincarnation.


Ling Xiao squeezed it lightly, and there seemed to be divine beauty in his eyes, evolving the universe, suppressing and devouring Ji Ying’s spirit consciousness.

“Drip! Congratulations to the host for successfully using the Qi Luck Plunder Talisman.”

“Di, congratulations to the host for killing the Son of Destiny. The plundering luck is worth 8,000 points, and the villain is worth 80,000 points.”

“Di, congratulations to the host for killing the Son of Destiny, and get an extra reward: Destiny forged value 3% (total 46%).”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for obtaining the ancient classic: Emperor Daolong nerve.”

“Dip, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Golden Finger dual demon spirit of the Son of Destiny. Since the host itself is fused with the Eternal Dragon Soul, the rank is ten thousand times higher, and the demon spirit will return to soul power.”


Looking at the corpse that Ling Xiao casually dropped from mid-air, the Holy Spirit Emperor looked gloomy, but he remained silent unexpectedly.

He didn’t dare to intervene at will when his peers competed.

Oh, in other words, if it wasn’t Ling Xiao who killed him the prince of the Immortal Dynasty, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came today, he would definitely not be able to leave the realm of the Holy Spirit.

However, facing this, he dared not move, he dared not move at all.


Above the void, a deep sigh suddenly came, and then Ling Xiao felt that the supreme breath that was hidden in the distance quietly dispersed.

Obviously, the ancestor of the Ji clan deliberately released a breath just now to test Lingxiao’s bottom line.

But now that Ji Ying is dead, he already knows the answer.

“The third brother!!”

only! !

As Ling Xiao lowered his head and looked down at the pilgrimage realm below, two roars of grief suddenly came from the sky in the distance.

Immediately, two tall, dark-skinned figures descended from the sky and stood beside the corpse that had been smashed to pieces.

Ling Xiao’s eyes shrank slightly, but he knew the origin of these two people from the bottom of his heart.

When he had only devoured Ji Ying Shenhun, he had a general understanding of his experience over the years.

The two of them, one named Long Xiao, was from a monster clan and contained a trace of dragon clan blood. It was a pity that he was from a humble background and was abandoned by the clan.

The other person was a bald young man named Shi Geng, who cultivated barbaric clan physique, with great power.

In addition to these two people, they also have a fourth brother named Qin Chen who is determined to kill and fight.

Originally, all three of Ji Ying’s wedding were supposed to be there, but Qin Chen suddenly lost the news, so it was… escaped?

Qin? dust?

Just listening to the name, do you say that he should be out of luck, and he is worthy of his loss of contact this time?

“It’s you! Did you kill my third brother?!”

The bald young man raised his head and looked at the gentle young man in black.

At this time, in his eyes, there seemed to be a sea of ​​killing, and even a strange totem between his neck seemed to burst out with blood.

A force of qi and blood visible to the naked eye faintly turned into a cloud of blood on the top of his head, whizzing around the world, shocking Cang Ming.

“Yes! Not only Ji Ying, but Ji Hanyu is also the one who killed me.”

Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, and Shi Geng’s face clearly flashed with surprise, and then, those eyes suddenly turned blood red.

“court death!!!”

Although at this time, he didn’t know what happened in this Immortal Emperor City.

But the Ji clan powerhouses are all here, but they watched the third younger brother and fifth younger sister be slaughtered by this young man alone.

Obviously, this black-clothed boy must have an identity background that the Lingji clan is afraid of, but… so what? !

At the beginning, the four people bowed and sweared by Dao Xin, and died together, and lived through the storm.

It is shameful and tragic to be killed in the imperial palace on the eve of Ji Ying’s wedding.

No matter who this boy is, he must die today! !


Shi Geng blasted a punch, and the vast blood spattered away.

Outside of him, there seemed to be a tiger phantom who jumped up and pounced towards Ling Xiao.

Eight grades of respect.

Judging from the age of this Shi Geng, he was obviously over five hundred years old. He had no luck in himself. Although he had a bit of brute force, in Ling Xiao’s eyes, he was not as good as Ji win.


Ling Xiao sighed lightly, there seemed to be sadness between his brows.

An ant, for the sake of the friendship in his heart, was fighting with him in such a desperate posture at this time.

How touching and sincere! !

only! !

Just as Shi Geng’s figure jumped into the air, he saw that the void in front of him suddenly shattered and opened.

The sole of a foot fell from the sky and lightly stepped on his bald head.


Like fireworks blooming, sway a boundless curtain of blood.

With Ling Xiao’s current fusion of devil bone power, let alone a person of noble realm, even if a strong holy realm is stepped on by him, his body will inevitably be broken.

even! !

Shi even didn’t react, and the figure had fallen from the sky, and its vitality was exhausted, leaving only a spot of blood stains floating and flowing, which stained most of the square.

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