Chapter 880

Using the means of the people of the Ye Clan, it should not be too difficult to shuttle through the barriers in the domain of the clan.

And this was the reason why Ling Xiao had doubts when he first saw the blood palace swordsman.

Ordinary forces, except for those who comprehend the principles of space, or who control the world-breaking gods, can hardly penetrate the barriers of the realm.

But the blood palace swordsman could appear in the land of the Eastern Desolation, chasing and killing Bai Zhixi.

Therefore, Ling Xiao had speculated at the time that the Blood Soul Temple might have something to do with the Holy Sect.

The reason why Ye Qingchan handed the Liuli Ancient Pagoda to Bai Zhirou again and sent her to the Lower Realm for a very simple reason.

I was afraid that Ye Qingchan at that time knew that Zhou Yandao had merged with the devil bone, and it would become a major disaster in the future.

With her strength, there is no guarantee that this demon can be killed.

and! !

In the ancient glazed tower, there may be other magic bones of the sealer!

only! !

What made Ling Xiao a little puzzled was why Ye Qingchan would delegate this important task to Bai Zhirou.

There are many strong saints and they are loyal. Why would she trust someone who betrayed her?

Secondly, even if Ye Qingchan was not sure to kill the demons, why didn’t he ask the Qingcangye clan for help?

From Zi Yan’s mouth, Ling Xiao knew that Ye Qingchan was slandered by the Ye Clan, and he was demoted to Shengzhou and became the guardian of this cage.

Of course, the aura of this lower realm cannot be compared with the Qingcang realm. What’s more, there is also the seal of the Eternal Dragon here, which shackles the heavens.

Could it be that Ye Qingchan did it out of anger?

Ling Xiao’s brows were tightly furrowed, and his heart was full of thoughts.

Although everything Bai Zhirou said was reasonable and flawless, he still felt a little strange.

It seems that everything is too coincidental.

Ye Qingchan once walked out of Central Xinjiang to look for traces of the demon, and probably also met the great demon Wen Ruyu at that time.

But at that time, she was already in the venerable state, how could she be injured by Zhou Yandao, who had just merged with the devil bone, and fell accidentally?

Moreover, Bai Zhirou’s lower realm was three hundred years old, but when Ye Qingchan was reborn, he gave birth to heirs and left the ancient glazed pagoda, returning to the upper realm?

If all of this is due to Ye Qingchan’s luck, it is not unreasonable, but there is a very strange feeling.

It’s just that if everything Bai Zhirou said was a lie, Ling Xiao really couldn’t think of her intention to do so.

Her hatred of Zhou Yandao must be true, otherwise she would not be sealed here and become a prisoner.

At the same time, Ling Xiao also expressed her willingness to overthrow the Shengjiao. She lied to herself, which was really useless.

“Since you were sent to the lower realm by Qingchan, how did you know that she was dead?”

Ling Xiao suddenly thought of something and glanced at Bai Zhirou with a cold expression.

“I know that Ye Master sent me to the Lower Realm to take the Liuli Ancient Pagoda out of the Holy State. The stronger the cultivation base, the greater the risk to the Lower Realm. At that time, I was no more than the Divine King, and I was the servant with the lowest cultivation level around Ye Zhu. After descending to Faner, at the cost of his spiritual power, he sealed the tower in the sea of ​​his soul, so he quietly returned to the holy state, wanting to know…knowing the news of Ye Master and Zhou Yandao, it was not a dream…”

Bai Zhi smiled softly, “The reason Zhou Yandao has not killed me over the years is because of the means he arranged in my soul sea. He has gained good fortune in the ancient glazed pagoda. He is afraid of being noticed by the leaf master, so he sealed my soul sea. Touching it is breaking, but unexpectedly, now it has become a restriction that restricts him.”

“So, did you hear the news of Ye Qingchan’s fall in his mouth?”

“Yes! Not only did I know the fall of the leaf lord, but I also knew… It turns out that what he got from the ancient glazed pagoda was actually the remains of a celestial demon!! Now he is a high god in the eyes of the world. It’s a real demon! The demon!!”

Bai Zhirou was agitated, and turned a little bit disappointed, “But these things, let alone the world’s unbelief, presumably even my Qingqiu clan, they may not believe me! Once I spread this matter out, I am afraid that Qingqiu will be annihilated. ”

“So, do you and Zhou Yandao have a daughter?”

Ling Xiao nodded silently, dispelling all the doubts in his heart.

It seems that Ye Qingchan’s rebirth in the Lower Realm was really due to fate. The Liuli Ancient Pagoda was originally her life spirit treasure. Perhaps it was precisely because of this causal relationship that she was born into the Eastern Desolate Leaf Clan and had the opportunity to regain this tower.

“how do you know?”

Bai Zhirou was visibly taken aback, her eyes flickered with surprise, “It’s just… his daughter and I died at birth…”

“Premature death?”

Ling Xiao frowned, and finally understood why Meng Yuan would be sealed by Zhou Yandao for more than two hundred years.

Although this god master was cruel and merciless, he obviously had some affection for his daughter.

“What are your plans next?”

“What plans can I have? I have decided to live here alone in this life, praying in meditation, to redeem the sins of the past.”

Bai Zhirou sighed lightly, her brows were full of loneliness.


In the end, Ling Xiao didn’t say much, turned and left.

This Bai Zhirou was in the lower realm three hundred years ago, so she didn’t even know who Ye Qingchan was hurt by.

It seems that the ultimate mystery is still to be found from the divine lord.

Counting the time, Ye Qingchan has been in Zhongjiang for more than a year. I don’t know if she is now, she has not found the divine object that guided her to go.

But in any case, God’s retreat is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

As long as Xi’er merged with the dragon bones, he should also set off for Zhongjiang to plot the dragon soul.

Although there are many risks in this trip, it is a step that has to be taken.

Using the power of the four borders, killing the gods, and fusing the dragon soul, this is the real opportunity to aspire to the peak of the holy state.

Although the body of the heavenly demon was terrifying, but under the suppression of an innate creature, Ling Xiao was afraid it would be difficult for Ling Xiao to step out of the noble state.

Only integrating with the will of this world is the only way out.

As for whether the Divine Lord had merged that dragon soul, Ling Xiao didn’t have a trace of worry.

According to Zi Yan, the power of the dragon soul is vast and infinite, and it is by no means a person of respect.

Since Long Xuan and Xi’er were the destiny of heaven, they were the most correct way to plunder this good fortune.

It wasn’t until Ling Xiao’s figure appeared above the Great Abyss that Bai Zhixi let out an exclamation and rushed to his side.

“My son! How about it, did you tell my elder sister that her child was killed by you?”

“Are you planning to stay in Northern Xinjiang and be your demon emperor, or leave here with me?”

Ling Xiao smiled, he naturally wouldn’t tell Bai Zhirou this secret.

Even though she wanted to ask Baizhixi to kill Ye Fan over and over again, she was afraid that the Liuli Ancient Pagoda would fall into the hands of the god master.

But once she knew that Ye Fan died by her own hands, she might not have resentment.

This woman has a cruel heart, which is why Ling Xiao didn’t completely believe her.

“Of course I have to follow the son! Otherwise, the son will be distracted thinking about me.”

Bai Zhixi hugged Ling Xiao’s arm tightly, turned his head and made a face towards Bai Qian and the Queen of Nine-Tailed Fox.

“Two, Northern Xinjiang is no longer under the control of the Holy Sect. If Qingqiu is interested, he can sit on the seat of the Demon Emperor.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, but Bai Qian shook his head and smiled, “Thank you for your kindness, but the people of Qingqiu have always had no desires and desires, and have no intention of joining the world.”

“So farewell.”

Ling Xiao nodded, and led Baizhixi towards Jiuyou Mountain.

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