Chapter 879

“Da da da.”

In the dark and secluded abyss, there was a sudden sound of unhurried footsteps.

Ling Xiao’s figure fell from the top of the abyss, looking at the dark and deep Changyuan in front of him, his eyes condensed slightly.

At this time, he didn’t feel a trace of formation seal in this great abyss, nor did he have the strong breath.

In other words, Bai Zhirou seemed to be willing to be imprisoned, not being forcibly imprisoned at all.

It wasn’t until a dim light suddenly lit up in front of Ling Xiao’s eyes that his footsteps came to a halt.

At the end of his line of sight, a figure in white clothes was sitting quietly cross-legged.

The blue silk was scattered, covering half of her cheek, but even so, the remaining half of the fairy face was still beautiful and thrilling.

The thin lips are shallow, and the beautiful eyes are tightly closed, like a masterpiece of ancient painting, and like a beautiful landscape.

In short, seeing her, Ling Xiao actually felt a quiet and peaceful mood.

This feeling is not lined by temperament, but more like a precipitation over time.

However, this Baizhi Rouman was only three hundred years old, similar to Jiuyou’s age.

Even Zi Yan had no such artistic conception in her body, inexplicably, Ling Xiao was a little puzzled.

“Are you Bai Zhirou?”

Ling Xiao opened his mouth and broke the silence.

Although he did not feel a trace of spiritual power fluctuations in Bai Zhirou, Ling Xiao instinctively felt a little familiar.

Is it because of Baizhixi or Mengyuan?

At this time, Ling Xiao had opened up the realm so that Meng Yuan could hear the conversation between the two and understand the real Shengzhou past.

“Who are you?”

Bai Zhirou opened her eyes, her jade hand fluttered her hair lightly, in just one action, she was full of charm.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. I am here today and I have a few questions for you.”

Ling Xiao stood with his hands in his hands, with a calm temperament and a kind of detached mood.

But Bai Zhirou just frowned and said in a cool tone, “Since you have come here, you should know why I am trapped, so you are not afraid of causing annihilation?”

“What is the relationship between you and God Lord, oh, or, Zhou Yandao?”

Ling Xiao shook his head. Bai Zhirou had been trapped here for more than ten years. As far as the life span of the monster race was concerned, it was just a snap.

However, in the past decade or so, many major events have happened to change the destiny of Saint State.

Ye Qingchan was reborn, and the demon came to the world. Is all this a coincidence, or is someone deliberately doing it?

“Zhou Yandao? It seems that you are not from the holy religion.”

The guard on Bai Zhirou’s face quietly dissipated, “However, boy, I advise you, knowing too much may not be of any benefit to you.”

“Don’t you want to kill Zhou Yandao and regain freedom?”

Ling Xiao was not in a hurry, now he still doesn’t know Bai Zhirou’s attitude towards Zhou Yandao, so everything can only be done step by step.

After all, no one knows whether this woman has a way to secretly contact the god master.

“Yes! Of course I do! I look forward to his death all the time! But, his cultivation has entered Yuanzun, who is his opponent in the entire Holy State! It doesn’t matter if I die, but I can’t hurt the Qingqiu clan.”

Bai Zhirou sighed lightly, helplessness between her eyebrows, “Unless…”

“Unless what?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and Bai Zhirou’s eyes suddenly flickered with resentment, “Unless the leaf master reincarnates.”

“She has returned.”


Bai Zhirou’s expression was taken aback, her eyes widened, and she stared at Ling Xiao, “You said Lord Ye… is back?!”


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently. From this Bai Zhirou’s reaction, he did not see the slightest flaw.

Is it possible that Ye Qingchan and Ye Fan are in the same clan, does she really know this?

In other words, when she gave birth to Ye Fan, she was captured and returned to Shengzhou, but Ye Qingchan was far away in Xuanjian Sect and didn’t have the slightest involvement with Ye Clan?

This is not impossible, after all, Ye Qingchan is the real daughter of destiny.

However, Ling Xiao still felt something was wrong.

“Great! Great! Lord Ye…”

Bai Zhirou was trembling all over, unable to hide her excitement, and there were tears in her eyes.

“This is karma, karma! Young man, where is Ye Master now, can I… see her?”

“I’m afraid it won’t work. If what I expected is good, Qingchan should have gone to Zhongjiang, Shengzhou. Today I am here to find out what happened three hundred years ago, and then I can save her, the princess, back then, what happened?”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, and his black eyes were deep.

At the moment, the princess Qingqiu seems to have a history with Ye Qingchan and Zhou Yandao.

It’s just that Ling Xiao still couldn’t understand what role she played.

This feeling is quite strange, and this is the first time he can’t see through a person.

“Before I said, tell me, how do you want to help Master Ye? With your strength…”

Bai Zhirou took a deep breath, her face suddenly dignified.

“The princess can rest assured, since I dare to come here, I must have full confidence. Who would think that my life is too long?”

“Yes! It’s always the return of Ye Master, my mission is done, it doesn’t matter if I tell you.”

Bai Zhirou pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

“I was the maid next to Ye Master, and Zhou Yandao was the one I met when I was traveling in Shengzhou… sweetheart.”


Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and some fragmented clues in his heart were actually connected under this sentence, and there was a picture.

“At the beginning, I worshipped the holy religion and followed Ye Zhu, and Zhou Yandao followed me to Zhongjiang. For him, Ye Zhu seemed to have long seen that this person was not righteous. Although he was extremely talented, he had magical thoughts, so … Ye Master forbids me to see him again.”

“It’s just that at that time… I was young and ignorant, and I was deceived by him. The more Ye Master blocked me, the more difficult it was for me to give up… Finally, I concealed it from Ye Master and married him…”

“Later, he was irritated by Ye Master for blocking our marriage. I also knew that he had great ambitions in his heart, so he often took the Holy Religion’s spiritual pill to help him practice. It’s getting heavier and heavier, and I’m scared.”

“Once, I heard Lord Ye mentioned by chance that her natal spirit treasure can suppress demons, so…”

Bai Zhirou closed her eyes in despair, and Ling Xiao had already guessed what happened next.

It was nothing more than that Bai Zhirou did not know how to steal the Liuli Ancient Pagoda and handed it to Zhou Yandao. He wanted to suppress the magical thoughts on his body, but unexpectedly, he completely fell into the magical way.

“So, that person who has entered the Liuli Ancient Pagoda is Zhou Yandao?”

Feng Chime had said before that before she was transformed, she had felt someone enter the ancient glazed pagoda.

And three hundred years ago in Shengzhou, there was a taboo physique.

In this way, this taboo physique is Zhou Yandao, who has obtained the remains of the Heavenly Demon in the glazed ancient pagoda!

“Yes! I didn’t know what Zhou Yandao got in the Liuli Ancient Pagoda at the time. In short, when I returned the old pagoda to the Ye Master, she immediately noticed it.”

Bai Zhirou nodded fiercely, her eyes flickering with fear, “When I saw that the Lord Ye was angry, I told her the reason. Unexpectedly, the Lord Ye handed the ancient glazed pagoda back to me and sent me to the lower realm. ”

“Is that so.”

Ling Xiao sighed in his heart and finally understood why this Bai Zhirou could appear in the Four Desolate Lands.

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