Chapter 861


On the top of Jiuyou Mountain, there were bursts of air-conditioning sounds.

At the end of the mist, a monster with a weird look like a dragon and a dragon stepped out of the sky and stood on top of Ling Xiao’s head.

The original Long Xuan’s beautiful face was already covered with fine and terrifying scales, and a long red tail stretched out behind him, and the flames on it rose like magma.

Even on his arms, there is a pair of long cyan wings stretched out to cover the sky and the sun, covered with slender and dark hair.

At this time, she was not a monster at all, more like a fierce monster made up of pieces.

“You are proud to be able to force me to display this form, Human Race.”

Long Xuan lowered her head, looking at her own body now, her eyes turned out to be a bit of resentment.

She was originally a humble earth dragon in this northern frontier. She looked ugly and was ridiculed and cold-eyed.

It wasn’t until one day that she found a ten thousand year fire crystal in a mountain secret, and after swallowing it, after thousands of days of burning the body, she completed her transformation and became a famous Tianjiao figure of the monster race.

Originally Long Xuan thought that the old days of cold eyes finally passed.

But she never expected that it was because of her talent that she attracted more jealousy and hatred.

What is the qualification of a mountain demon to have supreme glory?

What’s more, it’s an ugly and humble earth dragon!

Although Long Xuan’s body contains a trace of dragon blood, but she can look at the holy state, but whoever is involved in the dragon is not arrogant and arrogant, how can she be regarded as the same race?

In the end, Long Xuan was captured by the immortal people because of comprehending the law of flames. She turned her into a formation and experienced endless years of suffering.

However, because of this endless suffering, not only did she not obliterate her will, but it made her want to be…strong even more.

Now that she is the Demon Emperor, and ten thousand demons worship, how can she be crushed by a human youth?

Although invincibility is the end, but this immortal journey ends, which one is not empty?

“and then?”

Ling Xiao smiled and looked up at the ugly but terrifying monster shadow.

At this time, ten feet away from Long Xuan’s body, countless mysterious scenes appeared alternately.

The power of the five elements, which is the foundation of the world’s Tao, is now integrated by Long Xuan, reflecting the power of the world and returning to the original, which can be called magical.

“Then you deserve to die.”

Long Xuan stretched out a slender fragrant snake and licked her lips lightly.

In the next instant, without waiting for Ling Xiao to react, it turned into an afterimage and fell from the sky.

Longyin Zhentian, the blue sky collapsed.

The ancient breath surging from the bones of the bloodline, behind Long Xuan, there is a sea of ​​fire for thousands of miles, burning all souls.

There is a wave of thousands of feet, washed away forever.

There is a sacred tree topping the sky, supporting the sun and breaking the moon.

There is a big Yue Xi falling, suppressing ten places.

And the foot she stepped on from the sky turned into an ancient dragon shadow out of thin air, piercing the void, and with the momentum of crushing the reincarnation, it fell toward Ling Xiao’s head fiercely.

Endless space cracks filled the land for thousands of miles.

The entire Jiuyou Mountain seemed to fall hundreds of feet under this foot, sinking into the ground.

Speaking unceremoniously, Long Xuan’s full kick at this time had already surpassed the limit that the god emperor’s physical body could bear.

The reason why the Yaozu can stand forever and immortal is based on the physical power that is far more powerful than the human race.

What’s more, the current Long Xuan still controls all the power of the five elements.

This kick really has a bit of momentum.

only! !

Facing the terrible offensive that fell like a star, Ling Xiao still showed no fear on his face.


Now the movement here has already spread throughout northern Xinjiang.

If you want to come to the second envoy, it’s time to show up.

From beginning to end, Ling Xiao never paid attention to the new emperor of the demon clan.

After all, what is the use of talent no matter how strong it is?

Looking at the nine days, who has the talent to match the demon?

The fate of the fate is terrifying because of the trace of cause and effect on their bodies, and they are sheltered by luck.

Without luck, no matter how powerful the talent is, Ling Xiao’s eyes are not worth mentioning.


Above Ling Xiao’s arm, Lei Guang was suddenly bright.

Under the endless silver brilliance, the Immortal Demon Armor quietly covered.

Whether it is the divine power of the second rank of the demon, or the power of the demon armor itself, how can a mere divine emperor be able to contend?

The golden dragon descends from the sky, looking forward to eternity.

The vastness of the dragon’s power swayed, and the space shattered into pieces.

Until Long Xuan’s figure fell, all kinds of visions in the void suddenly stagnated.

Then! !

Everyone was stunned to see that the figure of the demon emperor who was carrying ten thousand ways was actually held in midair by the black-clothed, immortal-looking young man…

Ling Xiao raised his hand and held Long Xuan’s jade feet tightly. There was a touch of indifference in his eyes, “In my eyes, you are nothing but an ant.”


The crisp sound of broken bones quietly resounded throughout the world.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Xiao’s palm pulled forcefully, directly dragging Long Xuan from the air and smashing it to the ground.

“Impossible! Impossible! How could I lose to you! I don’t believe it…”



The screams kept coming, and the Qinglong Emperor and others looked at Long Xuan, whose body was shattered by Ling Xiao’s punches, with a touch of unspeakable fear in their eyes.

“I do not believe!!”

The terrifying energy boiled in Long Xuan’s body, and a colorful glow suddenly bloomed from his back.

In the glow of the sun, there was an indescribable brilliance.

But Long Xuan’s broken body had healed at an incredible speed.


The original footsteps of the Qinglong Emperor and others stopped again.

Long Xuan’s immortal body was originally her invincible support.

Although Ling Xiao’s revealed strength is enough to shock the Ten Thousand Monsters, he is undefeated by not dying.

No matter how strong Ling Xiao is, he will eventually be exhausted, and as long as Long Xuan kills him today, it is likely that both his character and strength will be improved qualitatively.

“It deserves to be the Demon Emperor… This vitality is really terrifying.”

“Human! You can’t kill me! You can’t kill me at all!”

Long Xuan’s figure was still staggered backwards by Ling Xiao’s fist shadow, and even every time Ling Xiao’s offensive fell, she could shatter the five elements of her body and the vitality of the dragon’s bones.

But even so, her vitality didn’t seem to be affected by half, but her figure was slightly embarrassed.

“Can’t you kill you? You don’t really think that with a keel, you can be immortal, right?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and chuckled, his palms suddenly protruding out, without giving Long Xuan a chance to react, he squeezed directly on her neck.

“If you don’t have this bone, how can you not die?”


Looking at the handsome face that was close at hand and the wicked smile rising from the corner of his mouth, Long Xuan’s beautiful eyes condensed fiercely, and a chill suddenly rushed over her head from the bottom of her heart.

“You…what do you want to do…what!!”

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