Chapter 860


Between heaven and earth, there was a knife groan resounding thousands of miles, stinging the eardrum.

The sound of the Immortal Buddha Dao sound from the ears of the monsters almost disappeared in an instant.

Faintly, thousands of magical shadows appeared in front of everyone, standing in the sky, overlooking the muddy world.

only! !

What makes people feel frightening is that the demon shadow is ferocious, but it does not contain a trace of magic.

On the contrary, there is an immortal meaning of Taoist rhyme beyond the emptiness, which diffuses from the emptiness.

The aura that had originally gathered on Long Xuan suddenly had a stagnant momentum.

However, Ling Xiao’s body has the aura of the Great Dao ascending, like a fairy and a god, immortal and dusty.

Even with the hideous arms and the evil charm in black clothes, it just feels a sense of immortality inexplicably.

Extremely contradictory, but also contains the most reasonable.

Xianyuan, originally the supreme treasure bestowed by the ancient gods on mortals, is now fused into Ling Xiao’s body, enough to shock the world.

What’s more, at this time, he didn’t use a hint of a demon, he only used Lingwei to use the sword art, not to mention the Qinglong Emperor and others, even if the god is here, there is absolutely no clue.

Of course, with Ling Xiao’s current strength, it is also impossible to truly display the true power of the Samsara Demon Blade and the Armor of Unamnesty.

even! !

Even if Ling Xiao urged with all his strength, this Armor of Unamnesty could only show a trace of form.

It’s hard to imagine that when Ling Xiao can completely break the seal of the two treasures one day, what kind of world will be the same.

“Tai Gu, Zhu Tian, ​​Cthulhu.”

Ling Xiao gently raised his hand and cut off the Samsara Demon Blade.

The sky and the earth are suddenly dark, like the sun sinking, all the light is gone at this moment.

Then, everyone only saw the blade passing by, the void torn apart, like a portal to another world, and like the Nine Nether Great Abyss, gushing out infinite darkness.

And at the end of the darkness, a hundred-zhang demon shadow suddenly opened his eyes.


The endless darkness swallowed the sky in an instant.

Only the young man shrouded in darkness, a white face revealing his divine nature, is a kind of ultimate radiance, like the birth of a cosmopolitan, the first ray of illusion…the light of heaven and earth.

Immediately afterwards, the evil shadow stepped on, covering the sky and the sun, encompassing the cosmic era.

Everyone, including the Azure Dragon Emperor, felt small and pitiful under the evil shadow at this time.

Even some demon races with low cultivation bases were shocked all over, their seven orifices bleed, and the souls frightened by this world-destroying sword shattered, and their hearts and internal organs were broken.

“How… how could…”

All the pride on Long Xuan’s face dissipated. She stared blankly at the evil shadow that had shattered everything that had come. Seeing it sometimes turned into a blade, sometimes turned into a shadow, and never reacted to it.

At the point where the blade passed, she felt a breath of sacred avenues.

One cut out, eternal empty.

Immortals, Buddhas and demons, all go into reincarnation.

“Do not!!”

It wasn’t until the sword light covered the surrounding fields and fell from the sky that the extremely brilliant golden sun shined outside Long Xuan’s body.

The ear-piercing dragon roar resounded loudly, but in the endless darkness, this ray of golden light was like a lone boat in the deserted sea, and it could be overwhelmed at any time when it encountered wind and waves.

Long Xuanyu’s hands were raised to the sky, and her two arms were like real gold. He woke up with an ancient and heavy aura, and a wave of vitality and blood that could be seen by the naked eye was surging.

only! !

Before the sword brilliance fell, the blood sea king Yang had already shattered from it, and Long Xuan’s two arms were directly shattered by the sword intent, and the bones were broken every inch.


In the end, the evil shadow descended, completely enveloping Long Xuan’s figure.

Emperor Qinglong’s eyes condensed slightly, as if hesitated.

He had witnessed Long Xuan’s strength with his own eyes, especially the former’s ability to recover against the sky, and even his Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor felt horrified.

Ling Xiao is very strong, strong and frightening, but in the eyes of Emperor Qinglong, Long Xuan is also not weak.

Both of them have an invincible generation of immortal attitudes, but in the same way, if he rushes to make a move today, even if he saves Long Xuan, I am afraid the new emperor’s Dao heart will be completely shattered.

On the way of immortality, like a sword crossing the river, there is no retreat.

What’s more, the Qinglong Emperor still has selfishness in his heart at this time.

If Long Xuan really wants to oppose the sacred religion, if even a sacred son of the sacred church can’t get past, how can it be against the sky?

The world is silent, Wan Lai is silent.

Everyone looked at the place where the black light fell with shocking expressions, and swallowed fiercely.

This knife, if replaced by anyone of the fifth or sixth rank of the god emperor, is afraid that it will be broken.

Even if all the demons knew about Long Xuan’s talent, there was still a chill in the bottom of my heart at this time.

Especially the indifferent recklessness on Ling Xiao’s face made many Demon Kings feel a sense of inexplicable awe.

Human race has Tianjiao like this, I am afraid that in the next five hundred years, Shengzhou will still not be the world of Yaozu.

Ling Xiao’s strength is already beyond the category of his peers.

Even the demon kings, it is absolutely impossible to retreat under this sword.

“Invincible posture?”

Ling Xiao shook his head and chuckled, slowly falling from the void, with fairy spirit flowing in his body, transforming into thousands of idols.


At this moment, there was a roar that suddenly spread through the black light.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light figure stepped out of it and reappeared in the sight of everyone.

I saw that Long Xuan at this time had already lost the supreme domineering posture of his talent, and even half of his body had been completely shattered under the Cthulhu Blade.

On the surface of its skin, a dense layer of golden scales shone brightly, while the bones of the arm that had been broken off were slowly growing and healing.

Only this time, the speed of this healing was obviously too slow.

A ray of black light circulated and eroded the wound, obviously suppressing the strength of the dragon bone in Long Xuan’s body.

“You are very strong, even if you look at the ancient times, your talent is enough to look down on the world.”

Long Xuan lowered her head, panting heavily, and even her tone was filled with indescribable depression.

“and then?”

Ling Xiao’s eyes were light, and there was a gentle smile on his face from beginning to end.

“It’s a pity! Today you will still be a stepping stone on my invincible road.”


Long Xuan suddenly raised her head, her eyes turned into blood red.

On its whole body, a layer of dense ancient dragon scales instantly covered it.

And the magical runes that were originally embroidered on the surface of his body were also blooming at this time.

The endless evil spirit broke through the clouds and turned into clouds by itself.

Layers of mist floated and sinked in the mountains, turbulent, covering everyone’s sight.

Under the fog, there was a vaguely vicious and strange coercion, not Longwei, but more like…the ultimate resentment.


Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, and his eyes revealed playfulness.

Obviously, the destiny of this Long Aotian template is already the ultimate trump card.

Of course, if there is no Tianyan Talisman to shield the secret, judging by the luck of Long Xuan’s body, it is not easy to kill her.

But now, in Ling Xiao’s eyes, this Long Xuan was just a mature leek, waving and shouting at him vigorously.

Come on, be happy.


Finally, under the fog, a golden arm stretched out, tearing the world and breaking the fog, and appeared in front of everyone.

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