Chapter 840


The silent Jiuyou Mountain suddenly heard bursts of noise.

All the demons looked up, but saw a figure gradually emerged under the bright blue sky.

The white clothes are floating, and the dust is not stained.

An aura deriving a vision, quite a bit of peerless meaning.

The only thing that was surprising was that there were two winding horns on the forehead of the young man in white clothes, which instantly made his temperament a bit more arrogant and domineering.

Behind him, a series of ancient and powerful auras followed, all dressed in golden robes, and his expression was cold and indifferent.

“The Holy Mountain of Ten Thousand Demons!! It is the holy mountain of Ten Thousand Demons!!!”

At the beginning, some strong monsters cried out in exclamation, the original fear on his face instantly dissipated, and turned into a touch of mockery.

Especially at this time, everyone looked at Xiao Peng’s gaze, with a bit of sarcasm even more faintly.

Tell you to pretend, who else?

People are coming, why don’t you… why don’t you shout?

“Sacred Mountain of Ten Thousand Demons?”

Xiao Peng’s face trembled, and he quietly put away the ancient sword, and bowed slightly toward Jiuyou, “You King, Jin Yi has already fallen down.”

Then, he walked back to the hall indifferently, folded his hands in front of him, and stood quietly.

It looked like that, as if just now, he completely obeyed Jiuyou’s instructions.


Hearing this, not only Jiuyou was stunned, but even the faces of all the demons flashed with a touch of surprise.

This fat guy is too shameless, right?

When you just pretended to be compelled, you refused to accept it. When the pretense was over, you threw the pot and pretended that it was none of your business?

“Youwang! Not bad.”

Above the void, Ao Qing stood with his hands on his back, and glanced at Jiu You playfully, his gaze swept across the Ten Thousand Monsters, and finally turned his gaze to Huahua in front of the main hall.

At this time, he didn’t feel a trace of demon power in the girl, but he felt fear inexplicably.

He hadn’t even felt this kind of feeling in Qinglong Emperor. Only Long Xuan had given him such an oppression.

No wonder this King You is so arrogant, it turns out that there is such a peerless evildoer standing behind him.

In Ao Qing’s thoughts, it is impossible for the monster race to have this kind of bloodline to be unfamiliar.

However, looking at the appearance of this young girl, she was not more than twenty years old, so there was nothing to worry about.

Beijiang, in the final analysis, still belongs to Long Xuan.

“Who are you?”

The figure of Jiuyou fell from the sky, standing in front of Xiao Peng and the others.

At this time, she also felt a trace of pressure on the strong man behind the young man.

Obviously, some of those ten thousand demons holy mountain god emperors are afraid that they have already stepped into the eighth rank category.

With the strength of Jiuyou, under the premise of exposing the demon body, it is enough to fight against the seventh rank.

But against the eighth rank, it will undoubtedly be defeated.

What’s more, completely different from the Golden Eagle clan, this sacred mountain is the real overlord of northern Xinjiang.

“In the next Ao Qing, by the order of the ancestor, come and invite Miss Bai Zhixi to visit the holy mountain.”

Ao Qing bowed and bowed slightly towards Jiuyou.

He didn’t care about the chaos in northern Xinjiang.

What he has to do is to help Long Xuan reach the peak as soon as possible, and plot the world.

The young master of the Golden Eagle clan is dead, and has nothing to do with him. As long as Jiuyou obediently obeyed, perhaps the saint ancestor will help her carry this disaster.

“Looking for Zhixi?”

Jiuyou’s beautiful eyes condensed slightly, and his heart secretly pondered.

It is said that the three big monster emperors on the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain all want to accept Baizhixi as disciples.

But, who is the ancestor?

“Zhixi is not in Jiuyou Mountain.”

“Not on Jiuyou Mountain? You Wang, you’d better not be ignorant of admiration. People who the saint ancestor wants can’t escape with wings.”

Ao Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiuyou coldly. If Baizhixi was not in Jiuyou Mountain, Long Xuan would never send him to capture someone.

Interesting, a fifth-grade god emperor would dare to disobey his will?

Unknowingly, Ao Qing’s personality changed with Long Xuan. Originally, when he first came to Northern Xinjiang, he had a cautious temperament.

I came here to find the Qinglong Emperor, worship him as a teacher, and use the power of the monster clan to fight against Zi Yan.

However, just a few months ago, he was summoned by the Azure Dragon Emperor. When he reached the foot of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain, he happened to catch up with the birth of Long Xuan. He was attracted by her bloodline and beauty, and became the follower of this demon ancestor. By.

Even now, Ao Qing didn’t know that Long Xuan was not a dragon, so why did he have such a terrifying breath of true dragon.

But, don’t worry, as long as the holy ancestor’s favor can be obtained, the sea area can be seen.

“It’s hard to escape with wings?”

Jiuyou Dai’s eyebrows were lightly clumped, and from the young man’s words, she heard a bit of domineering hostility.

Obviously, the saint ancestor “invited” Bai Zhixi to go to the Ten Thousand Demons Sacred Mountain, not for drinking tea or chatting.

Suddenly, Jiuyou seemed to think of something.

A few months ago, on the Sacred Mountain of Ten Thousand Demons, there was a golden glow that stretched for 30,000 miles, covering the sky and covering the sun, like a treasure in the world.

But under the cover of Jin Hui, many big monsters whose cultivation bases stepped into the top were still keenly aware of a touch of magic.

Although Qinglong Emperor personally came forward to refute the rumors afterwards, saying that the vision was caused by his cultivation, but such remarks were not convincing.

It’s just that no matter He Bao is present, even if he is on the sacred mountain of Ten Thousand Monsters, even if he gives all the monsters 10,000 courage, he will never dare to go up the mountain to snatch it. This is the case.

Could this matter have something to do with the holy ancestor in the mouth of this young man?

“Zhixi is indeed not in the mountains, besides, if you want to take her away from my Jiuyou Mountain, you also need the approval of the Qingqiu ancestor.”

Jiuyou’s tone is indifferent, but it is mixed with a trace of unnegotiable dominance.

Although the girl Baizhixi was strange and mischievous, she was not bad in nature and was a younger sister. No matter how sacred the saint ancestor was, Jiuyou couldn’t make her bear the slightest risk.

“Oh? Are you rebelling against me?”

Ao Qing grinned suddenly, showing sharp teeth.

It’s just that his gaze is looking at Huahua on the side at this time, and he sees the latter stepping forward, standing beside Jiuyou, looking up at him with a cold expression, “A miscellaneous flood, dare to be at me. Be fierce in front of you?”

When the words fell, I saw a ray of magical power quietly flowing outside Huahua, an ancient and heavy aura, as if awakening from the past, wrapping the entire hall in it.

“You…who are you?”

Ao Qing’s face changed, and the fear in his heart became stronger, and the bloodline suppression between the same race became stronger.

Even if Huahua’s realm is not as good as him, the nine-day sacred power still makes Ao Qing’s legs weak, and she wants to kneel on the ground.


If it hadn’t been for the young master to say that she was not allowed to show her true body, Huahua could not help transforming into the Heaven-Swallowing Monster Body, and crushed the little Jiao to the ground.

“Elder Lion Slaughter!! Kill her!!”

Ao Qing gritted his teeth fiercely, especially the ridicule in the eyes of Huahua and others, which made the young master of the Jiao Human Race feel angry.


Behind him, an old man with a burly figure, blond hair, and enchanting spirit took his steps, overlooking Jiuyou and others.

In the next instant, Wanzhang Demon Glory bloomed into the sky, and a general trend of the eighth rank of the god emperor crashed down, crushing the void directly, destroying the holy prestige, and shrouded in Huahua and others.


Jiuyou’s pretty face condensed, and he pulled the flower behind him. On the whole body, there was also a black flame rising, transforming a demon shadow of a hundred meters into the sky.

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