Chapter 839

“Want to go? Late.”

Jiuyou stepped lightly, and the bluestone beneath him suddenly shattered into thousands of cracks.

And her figure directly turned into an afterimage, like a dark fire floating in the air, passing Cangyu, and rushing towards Jin Yi.

Killing a Seventh-Rank elder of the God Emperor might drive the Golden Eagle Clan completely crazy.

But killing a royal young master can make the entire Northern Xinjiang panic.

For hundreds of years, although there have been disputes in northern Xinjiang, no one of the strongest has fallen, and no young master of a clan has been killed.

After all, in this fairy road, whether it is a human or a demon, the most important thing is inheritance.

The inheritance is broken, and this hatred is not shared.

As long as it is not a mortal enemy, most people will never dare to touch this line easily.

“Young Master!!! You are looking for death!!!”

The three elders of the Golden Eagle Clan looked terrified, and there was also a touch of fear on the old face.

He really didn’t expect that this King You could be so cruel and decisive, and he wanted to take the initiative against him, the Golden Eagle Clan.


The golden brilliance fell down, and the square instantly rippled endlessly.

I saw that the third elder of the Golden Eagle Clan stepped forward and suddenly appeared in front of Jin Yi.

The two great monsters collided in one place, crushing thousands of miles of void.

At this time, the demons only saw the two figures colliding constantly, and the terrifying might obscured the blue sky and annihilated all souls.

Many demon clan elders have already lit up their bodies, sheltering the young masters of their clan behind them, and there is a strong look of surprise on their faces.

What they were surprised was not only the strength of Jiuyou, but also the suppression of the seventh-ranking powerhouse with the sixth-rank emperor realm.

They were even more surprised that the You King was even more ruthless than the rumors, and he dared to attack the young master of the first royal family in Northern Xinjiang!

The ear-splitting sound of collision spread thousands of miles, and on the entire Jiuyou Mountain, there was a golden glow, the flames surging, and the ancient forests and rivers were destroyed.

only! !

As Jiuyou exerted his full power, the shock on the face of the third elder of the Golden Eagle Clan became more and more intense, and there was a feeling of fright.

The golden eagle clan is already good at killing and cutting, speed, blood flow is fierce and domineering, culling all ruthlessness.

But at this time, the three elders actually felt that the woman in front of them was ten thousand times more fierce than him. If this continues, he will undoubtedly lose.

“Die to me!!”

Suddenly, there was a stern shout from Wanli Void, and saw the third elder of the Golden Eagle Clan standing in the air, Wanzhang Jinhui filled his hands and printed it towards Jiuyou.

The vast divine might fluctuates in an instant, faintly turning into a hundred-zhang demon shadow printed with the palm of the hand, wings spread out, covering the clouds and the sun, revealing infinite ferocity.

Above that demon shadow, golden brilliance bloomed, Dao patterns transformed into feathers, and the terrifying blood was shocking for nine days, making all the demon horrified.

Jiu You raised his head, looking at the demon shadow containing destruction, his eyes were calm and deep.

Then, I saw the magic light suddenly lit up between her eyebrows.

Above the whole body, there are also layers of purple flames tumbling, burning the void within a hundred feet of a radius into nothingness.

Taoism, order, time and space are all annihilated at this time, only the scalp tingling heat, ups and downs into a sea, completely envelops that demon shadow.


The screams resounded in an instant, and countless golden lights flowed down from the sky, which was spectacular and beautiful.

It’s just that the face of the third elder of the Golden Eagle Clan suddenly appeared pale, and finally gritted his teeth severely, and his handprints kept changing.


A roar suddenly resounded throughout the world.

I saw that under the layers of black flames, countless golden lights pierced the cloud dome, like a big sun, bursting out of thin air.

Jiuyou snorted, her delicate body trembled lightly, and a ray of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

And the third elder of the Golden Eagle Clan also retreated a hundred feet, and only then strengthened his figure and stood on the void.

Only at this time, the aura on his body was also extremely sluggish, and it was obvious that his self-breaking demon soul wounded the foundation.


The moment his figure stopped, he saw Jiuyou step out, carrying a sea of ​​fire, and did not give him the slightest chance to breathe, falling from the sky.

“Want to go?”

On the square, Jin Yi had no blood on his face for a long time.

Originally, he didn’t really want to kill Jiuyou, he just wanted to let her know how powerful the Golden Eagle clan was, and then take this peerless beauty into account.

Unexpectedly, this woman was so crazy and cruel that not only did she kill the elders in his clan, but it seemed that he didn’t even plan to let it go.

Damn it!

You wait for me, when I step on Jiuyou Mountain again, you will be swallowed up alive!

only! !

Just when Jin Yi turned around to escape, the space in front of him suddenly fluctuated for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a fat figure appeared out of thin air, looking down at him arrogantly.

“Where do you want to go?”

“Humans…you dare to kill me… the Golden Eagles won’t let you go! You…”

Jin Yi exclaimed, but before he could say anything, he saw that an ancient sword suddenly appeared in the young man’s hand and cut it down in the air.

With Xiao Pian’s luck and realm, this young master of the Golden Eagle Clan had almost no resistance at all.

What’s more, now the two strong men behind him died and the other was badly wounded, and the remaining monster races were already out of the picture, wishing that things would get worse and they would be able to reap the benefits.

After all, although Yaozu is united, the premise is the suppression of Emperor Qinglong.

If not, this monster race must be even more terrifying.

The law of nature, the survival of the strong, even in the past hundreds of millions of years, the nature of the monster race is eager to compete and is difficult to change.


Until Jin Yi’s body fell to the ground, that head rolled aside, and the noisy Jiuyou Mountain suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at the fat figure and the blood-stained ancient knife in his hand, with a dull look on their faces.

Jin Yi is dead?

The young master of the first royal clan of Northern Xinjiang, the unbelievably talented young man, is dead?


The sound of inhaling air-conditioning resounded instantly, and even the third elder of the Golden Eagle Clan on the void felt a chill from the bottom of his heart when he saw this scene.

Then, he no longer cared about the dignity of the royal family, and the glory of the golden eagle directly burned his blood and fled towards the void.

Jiuyou closed his hands and stood upright in the sky, a face full of coldness.

The son said that if this matter is a big deal, these three elders will inevitably tell the truth to the Golden Eagle clan.

At that time, Jiuyou Mountain will become a real spotlight.

Although Jiuyou still had some doubts in her heart, she didn’t feel a trace of panic out of her trust in Ling Xiao.

Even though! !

The son’s move is based on my life, plotting the world, so what?

If there is no son, I still have a ray of remnant soul, I don’t know how long and how long will I be able to re-enter the Holy State.

As long as the son can overthrow the sacred religion and avenge my blood, my life should belong to the son.

“Huh! Who else?! Who else!!”

Xiao Peng gave a cold cry, his expression extremely domineering.

I saw his eyes swept across the demons one by one, but those who looked at him unconsciously turned their heads and looked elsewhere.

To be honest, Jin Yi’s death really exceeded everyone’s expectations.

But they came today just to inquire about the emptiness and reality of Jiuyou Mountain, and they didn’t mean to desperately.

Since this young man even dared to kill the young master of the Golden Eagle tribe, how could he care about other people.

As the saying goes, the strong are afraid of being stunned, not to mention that there are still several Jiuyou Mountain God Emperors standing on the edge of this square.

Although today is over, this force will inevitably disappear completely in the revenge of the Golden Eagle clan.

But… I have to live through today to see it.


However, just as Xiao Pian was immersed in the joy of pretending to be forced, Wan Li Xuanzai suddenly heard a burst of applause.

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