Chapter 835

“Monster’s luck? Humph, I’m the monster’s luck, don’t others deserve it? Come on, who is it?”

The red-haired girl raised her brows lightly, and even the totem on the jade neck seemed to flicker with a scarlet light.

“Holy Ancestor, this woman is the nine princesses of the Qingqiu clan, and her name is Baizhixi.”

Seeing the dominance on the face of the red-haired woman, Qinglong Emperor felt a trace of…horror instinctively in his heart.

“Baizhixi? This name sounds nice, where is it?”

“It should be at the Shenhou level.”

“Shenhou? The realm is lower. Forget it, let’s catch it.”

The red-haired woman nodded indifferently, as if she didn’t pay attention to the Qingqiu clan at all.

“Holy ancestors! The Qingqiu clan has an extraordinary relationship with the divine lord. The princess in the clan, who was once a servant of the divine lord, is now trapped in Qingqiu…what if…”

The Qinglong Emperor’s face clearly flashed with a touch of jealousy. Although the demon clan is strong, it has no respect.

Once Beijiang and Shengjiao go to war, his monster clan must be destroyed in the end.

Although the saint ancestor has an invincible posture and a god bone in his body, it may not be impossible to step into that realm in the future.

However, she is far from enough now.

“Huh! What about the Holy Cult and the Lord? I am the real god in this world! The Qingqiu clan? If they dare to stop them, they will be slaughtered together! Human race, what right do they have to control the world!”

The red-haired woman snorted coldly, “You don’t need to intervene in this matter. I will do it. You just have to be optimistic about the second divine envoy. When my cultivation base reaches the peak of the Ninth Stage, the good fortune in the sacred religion… will also fall into me. Hands!”


The Qinglong Emperor looked terrified, but in the end he dared not say much, turned and retreated.

That’s right, the girl in front of me is not a character of this era.

She woke up from the bottom of the sacred mountain that day, she had caused the sudden changes in the northern borders, and the demons were frightened.

Although her realm was only at the sixth rank of the God Emperor, the…

In other words, the divine bone in her body is a monster of the monster race.

Even Qinglong Emperor, under the cover of his demon power, feels terrified.

Perhaps, she really is the hope of the Yaozu to regain control of Sijiang.

It wasn’t until the Azure Dragon Emperor walked away that the red-haired girl whispered, “Come out.”


The void in front of him suddenly cracked a gap.

Among them, a young man in white walked out slowly, with a gentle appearance, “Xuan’er, are you really planning to be an enemy of the holy religion?”

“If you want to be truly invincible in this world, I must get that thing in the sacred religion. Sooner or later, I must match it.”

The red-haired girl said indifferently, turning her head to look at the young man in front of her, “You lead the crowd to Jiuyou Mountain, and “invite” the Youwang and Baizhixi, and said… My ancestor wants to give them heavenly good fortune, of course. , If anyone blocks, they will kill them without mercy.”

“Xuan’er… why are you…”

“Huh! Ao Qing, I have said many times, put your mind away, is your ancestor the woman you can get? If you are not in the same line as you and me, you think you are qualified to be mine if you are a god-king person Your man?”

The red-haired girl looked contemptuous, with murderous intent in her glaze eyes.


Of course it is necessary to use the principles in them to complete oneself!

“Do things obediently, maybe in the future I will help you unify the endless sea and make you the emperor.”


Ao Qing nodded silently, and his figure disappeared again.

The sacred mountain of all monsters is dead silent.

Only the red-haired girl looked at Yuankong with a cold expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the next instant, her footsteps abruptly stepped forward and appeared in an aura hidden in the depths of the sacred mountain.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Yaozu, and it is also the place where she… has been sealed for a thousand years.

Faintly, in that spiritual light, there seemed to be flashing arrays, surging, and shocking.

“Hmph! You didn’t expect that this formation method not only failed to refine me, but helped me integrate the divine bones in it, swallow the rhyme of the four humans, and become truly invincible in the world, right?”

The red-haired girl muttered to herself, with a cold and arrogant tone, all over her body, thousands of visions began to evolve.

The flames surged, the sacred tree broke through the sky, there was a great mountain falling from the sky, the waves were ups and downs, and there was an unspeakable horror.

An aura of dominance over the ancients rose to the sky, covering the entire sacred mountain of Ten Thousand Demons.

God bones are already invincible, why do they need to be slaves to others?

Holy religion? God Lord?

This world is destined to only have a god!

However, if Ling Xiao was here, seeing this woman would definitely be…happy.

Because she actually contained five principles in her body.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the power of the five elements, all in one.

The ancestral land of Qingqiu, the fragrance of birds and flowers.

Unlike the demon clan in the northern borders, the Qingqiu clan has always avoided the world without being mixed with cause and effect.

But at this moment, in the Qingqiu Mountain, the Queen of Nine-Tailed Fox looked solemn, and there seemed to be a touch of sadness between her eyebrows.

In front of him, the ancestor Bai Qian stood with his hands in his hands, looking out at the distant mountains.

“Ancestor! Zhixi is really becoming more and more presumptuous! This Youwang self-reliant Demon King, isn’t it going to be the enemy of the entire northern frontier? Once this matter is taken advantage of by someone who wants to, I’m afraid it will be Zhixi…”

The nine-tailed fox queen sighed lightly, her tone particularly solemn.

“It’s a blessing or a curse, it’s a curse that can’t be avoided. Zhixi is born extraordinary. Maybe we restrained too much in the past.”

Bai Qian shook her head, there was not much fluctuation on the old face.

She faintly felt it the day she left Qingqiu from Baizhixi.

Only this time, she didn’t stop it.

Before the arrival of the Divine Lord, the Qingqiu clan had been given a deadline.

Once Bai Zhirou is still obsessed by the time, this family is afraid that it will completely disappear on the northern frontiers.

After all, Bai Zhixi was the hope of the demon clan that the three demon emperors fancy, besides, she was still young and didn’t know much.

Perhaps the God Lord would look at the face of the three monster emperors and spare her life.

No matter how bad, what Bai Zhixi comprehended was the supreme talent of the Nine Tails, and the principle of space.

Release her from Qingqiu, and she will have more chances to survive.


Bai Qian didn’t expect that this girl wanted to go to Eastern Xinjiang, but in the end she didn’t take a half step out of Northern Xinjiang. Instead, she blended with the woman named Jiuyou and set up a mountain gate on her own.

For Bai Qian, this may be her fate.

If you forcibly intervene again, the outcome will be unpredictable.

After all, the variables have already appeared, and what she has to do is to follow the way of heaven and walk out a different fairy path by herself.

“Ancestor! You are not afraid of the anger of the Three Emperors… Annihilation of the Jiuyou Mountains?”

The nine-tailed fox queen has a pretty face. Although she has nine heirs, except for Bai Zhirou and Bai Zhixi, the talented bloodlines are mediocre.

However, these two daughters, one provokes the sacred religion, is suppressed in the family.

The other is full of yearning for the outside world, and has not been disciplined since he was a child.

From Bai Zhixi, the queen of nine-tailed fox saw the shadow of Bai Zhirou.

In case she falls into cause and effect again, isn’t the Nine-tailed clan…forever?

“That old Jiao is not a narrow-minded person. No matter how arrogant Jiuyou is, if his cultivation is strong and talented, I am afraid he will not take care of it! My monster clan is now suppressed in northern Xinjiang. If there is further civil strife, I am afraid. It really is…the day that will never turn out.”

Bai Qian turned around and took a deep look at the Queen of Nine-Tailed Fox, “I know your worries, even if Jiuyou Mountain is destroyed, Zhixi will never be in trouble. Maybe we can take this opportunity to send Zhixi to Ten Thousand Monster Sage. The mountain is sheltered by the Three Emperors.”

“Old ancestor… you mean…”

The queen of nine-tailed fox looked stunned, and immediately seemed to have thought of something, and a trace of sadness appeared in her beautiful eyes.

“Hey… I thought that with Zhixi’s talent, I would become the new emperor of Northern Xinjiang sooner or later, but I didn’t expect…

Bai Qian sighed slightly, with a bitter expression on her face, “It’s the wave of fluctuations on the Ten Thousand Demon Sacred Mountain before, is there any news?”

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