Chapter 834 Mysterious Saint Ancestor

Thousands of miles in the northern Xinjiang, the storm is rising again, and the undercurrent is surging.

The Yaozu who had been calm for hundreds of years suddenly set off a monstrous wave.

Originally, with Jiuyou’s strength, although mysterious and fierce, it never really made the Ten Demon Kings jealous.

However, it is said that behind this King You, stood the little princess of the Nine-tailed clan, that is, the Baizhixi who was known as Qingqiu’s strongest talent.

Regarding this woman, no one in the entire northern Xinjiang knows.

The natural path is close to the body, the vitality and blood are in full swing, and the ancestral line of the great demon returning to the ancestors.

Such evildoers, as long as they don’t die, will become the new hope of the monsters in the northern borders.

Especially when this woman was born, it was said that there was fairy glory permeating 30,000 miles, the rhyme of Taoism was born, and the magic was deduced.

The three big monster emperors arrived at the same time, vying to accept him as a disciple, but in the end they were politely rejected by the ancestor of Qingqiu, Bai Qian.

But even so, looking at northern Xinjiang, no one dared to provoke her easily.

The sacred mountain of all monsters stands in the center of northern Xinjiang.

The mountains are high and ten thousand, its ancient trees towering into the sky, and its aura is like a tide, and there is a fairy charm that bursts through the world, rushing and overflowing.

Normally, there are only three emperors and servants in this mountain, pursuing cultivation.

But today, on the holy mountain, there are countless big monsters roaring and arguing.

“Dragon Emperor! That You King is of unknown origin and has a perverted behavior. He has never regarded me in his eyes.”

In the stone hall on the top of the mountain, there is a carved head of a human body.

This demon is the head of the ten great demon kings, and the Golden Eagle King is a wild alien race. Although it is not a great demon, anyone who has something to do with the great demon can be called…the background is terrifying in the barren land of the holy state.

“Youwang? Can you find out her origins later?”

At the top of the main hall, a green-faced dragon scale, the old man in a green robe sits on the main seat, his expression indifferent and authentic.

In its body, there is a faint radiance, such as the mist of Hongmeng, an endless miracle.

“Never! Dragon Emperor! This Youwang appeared out of thin air in northern Xinjiang with extremely harsh methods. Although his cultivation base is not high, he already has two Seventh-Rank God Emperors!”

The tone of the Golden Eagle King was full of resentment and anger. The location of Jiuyou Mountain was originally the boundary between his Golden Eagle family and Qingqiu.

It’s just that the Qingqiu Fox Clan has never liked fighting, so in the eyes of outsiders, this Jiuyou Mountain is the territory of the Golden Eagle.

Now, the King You, who had emerged from nowhere, directly occupied this mountain, undoubtedly smashing the face of the Golden Eagle King.

Therefore, he just joined the demon kings and wanted to get rid of the demon emperor in the name of ignoring the demon emperor.


Bai Zhixi has a special status, even if he is the Golden Eagle King, he can’t agree with the demon emperor, and he doesn’t dare to act rashly.

“I don’t know where it came from? Could it be my Northern Frontier Monster Race?”

The Qinglong Emperor’s eyes flickered, and he shook his head immediately, “I heard that the girl Zhixi is with her now?”

“Yes! Humph, it seems that the Qingqiu clan is not as uncontested as the world says.”

The Golden Eagle King snorted coldly, obviously already extremely angry.

Baizhixi appeared in Jiuyou Mountain. If there was no instruction from the Qingqiu clan, I am afraid no one would believe it.

It’s just that the Golden Eagle King couldn’t figure it out. Why does this girl need to rely on others if she wants to have a side power?

With the support of the three big monster emperors, who in this northern Xinjiang dares to move lightly.

But the Golden Eagle King once went to Qingqiu to discuss with the queen of nine-tailed fox.

Unexpectedly, the demon empress dismissed the relationship with Bai Zhixi, saying that she didn’t know anything about it.

Are you angry?

“Okay! My northern frontier demon clan, one mind, the more powerful, the better control of this land, why, have you forgotten the will of this emperor?”

The Qinglong Emperor took a deep look at the Golden Eagle King, instantly shaking his whole body and knelt to the ground with a “plop”.

“Subordinates dare not!!”

The golden eagle king’s head was sweating, and his heart was chilling.

Although he was also a peerless demon king of the eighth rank of the god emperor, in front of this one, there was no room for struggle at all.

even! !

There are rumors in the northern border that when this border was chaotic, a royal family was unwilling to subdue to the sacred mountain of ten thousand monsters, and as a result…

The Qinglong Emperor came to him, transformed his body, and swallowed the entire monster race into his belly in one bite.

Since then, no one in Northern Xinjiang has dared to disobey the demon emperor’s will.

“However, it is not an easy task to become a king. You are not allowed to intervene, but you can send the elders of the clan to test it out. If the You King really has the qualifications to become a king, then I will have ten in the future. One king! If it were just a villain who took advantage of the situation, I would send someone to kill him.”

When the words fell, Emperor Qinglong turned around and walked towards the back of the stone palace.


The golden eagle and others crawled on the ground and could not afford it.

Until there was no longer a trace of dragon power in the hall, he wiped the cold sweat on his head and retreated.

At this moment, at the top of the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain, a graceful figure wearing a golden dress and red hair stood with his hands behind him.

Barefoot like snow, hair like flames.

Although she can’t see her face, the tight-fitting dress perfectly presents her figure.

The exposed skin was white and crystal clear, and there seemed to be fairy lights blooming on it.

The only thing that makes people feel surprised is that on the girl’s neck and wrist, there are blue and red totems showing up, which is very strange.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from behind, the woman turned her head, revealing a beautiful and incomprehensible fairy face.

The eyes are like colored glaze, the dome nose stands upright, and there seems to be a majestic mountain under the golden robe.

Beside him, there is endless blood spurting, the rhyme of the Tao is natural, and the blue sky is eclipsed.

She seems to be young, but even in front of the Azure Dragon Emperor, there is never a trace of tension, but a touch of jealousy.

Even a frown and a smile contained ancient domineering intent.

“Holy Ancestor.”

In the next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

I saw the Qinglong Emperor suddenly bowed and bowed deeply to the girl in front of him, with a respectful look on his face, without any twisting in the slightest.


The red-haired girl raised her brows lightly, and there was a hint of playfulness in a pair of glazed pupils.

“Holy Ancestor! The whereabouts of the second divine envoy of the Holy Religion has been found. It is now on the Guiwu Mountain thousands of miles to the east. This divine envoy seems to have something to do with that prophet.”

The dignified Qinglong Emperor, the ruler of Northern Xinjiang, was extremely humble at this time.

If this scene is seen by others, it will definitely be scared into a heart attack on the spot.

“Hmph, it’s just a stinky toad, but you, an old thing, will surrender to the human race, and it has completely lost my demon race’s face!”

The red-haired girl snorted coldly, but the Qinglong Emperor’s expression changed drastically, and she didn’t dare to let out more of the atmosphere.

“The holy ancestor calms down! It was really… the situation forced it!”

“Huh! What happened in Northern Xinjiang recently? The Tao that I asked you to find for me is evil, have you found it?”

The red-haired woman raised her hand, gently stretched her muscles and bones, revealing a white waist and… a green-red totem on her back.

Even the lotus arms raised by her were concealed by various colorful totems, which looked like a demon shadow, but also like a ghost. Only those jade hands were white and flawless and soft as boneless.

“Holy Ancestor… My Demon Race Tianjiao, how strong is in the flesh and blood, Dao Ze… is really hard to find.”

The Qinglong Emperor smiled awkwardly, and there was some doubt in his old eyes.

This holy ancestor is really evil, not only talented against the sky, but also acting strangely.

Looking for the Tao is the evildoer?

Is it possible that becoming a holy ancestor intends to recruit disciples for conquest?

However, in the entire northern Xinjiang, almost all the strong who understood the principles of the Tao have disappeared mysteriously.

Even in the eyes of Emperor Qinglong, there is only…wait!

Baizhixi! !

“Huh! It’s really hard to find? I’ll give you another month. If you can’t find the Dao, you will be an evildoer. You, and those two old things, go to the human race to find it!”

The red-haired girl raised her eyes to look at Yuankong, and there was an indescribable vicissitudes in her glazed eyes.

“Holy Ancestor! I know a demon, but the natural Dao is beside me. It is my demon race’s luck.”

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