Chapter 814

Just a moment ago, the five demons came.

Originally, Zi Yan thought that these five people were the helpers of Dugu Yunyun.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the five people arrived, they would swear at Dugu Yunyu.

Then Zi Yan understood the cause of the matter.

It turned out that Dugu Yunxuan actually killed the sword demon and the disciple Qin Chu of the Six Demon.

There have been many rumors in the seas recently about this son of Qin Chu.

Some people say that this Qin Chu is arrogant and self-proclaimed as a demon, but he is not doing demon affairs. Slashing demons and eliminating demons is comparable to the right way.

Some people say that Qin Chu has a strong background, and it is probably the saint son of the saint who is rumored to be, because…

Although he killed countless Sea Clan Tianjiao, no one dared to pursue him.

As for Zi Yan, all her thoughts during this time were placed on Crocodile Fight and Ling Xiao, and she did not pay attention to a human teenager.

Zi Yan tried to find the snake’s traces before, but found nothing in the end.

At this time, although she didn’t understand what Ling Xiao’s move was for, it was obvious that it should also be part of this game.

If Qin Chu’s body loss had nothing to do with Ling Xiao, Zi Yan would naturally not believe it.

This young man’s methods are really getting more and more terrifying.

But, in any case, since Dugu Yunyu has been trapped here, she is willing to push the boat along the river and kill the apostate on the spot!

“Seventh brother, pill!”

Pill Demon Fu Hongye stretched out his hand and took out a spirit pill from his arms and handed it to Zhu Dali, who immediately stuffed his mouth into his mouth and forcibly stabilized his injury.

At this time, the troll eyes were also full of shocking fear.

With the strength of his physical body, he was badly injured by Dugu Yunyun under one move.

The strength of this first divine envoy is really terrifying.

“Do it, take revenge for Chu’er and the fifth brother!”

Wen Ruyu sighed lightly, turned his head to look at Zi Yan, but saw the latter smile, and there seemed to be thousands of styles in his eyebrows, “Everyone, I will help you suppress the envoy.”

With Zi Yan’s strength, with all his strength, he could completely suppress Dugu Yunyun in the thunder formation.

But if I want to make a move, I am afraid that there is no more energy left.

Wen Ruyu nodded lightly, and thousands of souls overflowed in his eyes.

I saw a green wood guqin appearing out of thin air, and its upper Taoist pattern flickered with no power.

It is the Damo that became famous, Qing Xiaoqin.

Wen Ruyu sat cross-legged in the air, his eyes lightly closed, his nine fingers stretched out, and the strings lightly covered.

At this time, there seemed to be a ray of warmth on his face, mixed with a bit of tenderness.

When the sword demon died in battle, he sealed the piano and locked his heart, wholeheartedly for revenge.

Now all hopes are shattered, Qingxiao Moqin, reappearing the world!


A melodious piano sound suddenly resounded, Wan Lai’s same.

On the Qing Xiaoqin, the infinite Dao pattern is shining brightly, and the vast soul and power surges in all directions, transforming and killing the divine will, and rushing towards the Dugu Yunyu.

Between the heaven and the earth, it seemed that there was an army conquering, and the horses were fighting together, and there were illusions and miracles evolving before everyone’s eyes.

Wen Ruyu sat cross-legged in the void, drew his fingers across the strings, and played the soul of the world.

The sea curtain did not bear its prestige, and the tide receded one after another.

Dugu Yunxuan sneered, the whole body was surging, and there was endless divine light reflecting the world.

With his palm sticking out, Jin Hui went up and down like a tide, and the power of terror instantly poured out.


Upon seeing this, the remaining four demons all shot together, the air trembled and the world was dark.

I saw the chess demon Bai Yixian holding the black and white two pieces in his hand and throwing it casually.

The Book Demon and the Pill Demon are not good at killing and killing, and at this time they also urge their life Lingbao to fight to the death.

In Fu Hongye’s hand, a blood sword slashed down horizontally, like the sunset on the horizon, gorgeous and mysterious.

The sword light pierced the sea curtain, setting off endless ripples, extremely fierce.

The Book Demon Jian Yunliang held a pen in his hand and leaned forward, under his pen, there are countless divine shadows rising.

The ancient demon roared, the great demon came to the abyss, and the evil god banished the world.

Above every fierce shadow, a terrifying power erupts, like a living creature, walking away.

The five great demons shot at the same time, destroying the world, and even Zi Yan’s eyes flashed with surprise.

The land of thousands of miles, the tsunami and landslides, the lives are wiped out.

Every strand of power can make people tremble and panic.

Countless sea clan god emperors stepped out of the clan land one after another, looking towards the end of the endless sea, there was a strong surprise in their eyes.

Only at this time, no one went to find out.

No matter who Zi Yan is fighting against, whether it is life or death, it has nothing to do with them.


In the hearts of many Sea Territory royal families, there was unexpected expectation in their hearts.

Once Zi Yan dies, they can set the rules and fight for the world, why not do it?

Although the overbearing skill has been surrendered by the people, this surrender is not the original intention after all.

Ling Xiao stood in the void, looking at the melee below, his expression always calm.

He had arranged this chess game for a long time, and everything was irreversible from the moment Dugu Yunyu came to the Sea Emperor Palace.

By this time, everyone didn’t ask the reason, they only knew how to fight.

The reason is that they originally existed in opposition.

The holy religion rules the world and punishes demons.

Now that the demon sees hope, naturally he will not easily let go of the Holy State Divine Envoy, the incarnation of justice.

After all, these people in front of them all have selfish desires in their hearts.

Whether it’s Zi Yan, Wen Ruyu, or even Dugu Yunyun, which one is not for the slightest conspiracy in his heart?

What Ling Xiao did from beginning to end was to interweave everyone’s plots and turn them into hatred.

Give them a reason to shoot appropriately, so the dust settles.

And he only needs to wait for everyone to fight to the end, and then take a shot to complete a wave of…harvest.

“The Taoist thinks, who will win this battle?”

A smile was raised at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and the whole body was full of fairy charm, and the wind was light.

If it weren’t for Taixuan Dao Master who knew that this disaster was entirely from Ling Xiao’s hands, he couldn’t help but sigh in admiration at this time, what a Fairy Young Master Chu Chen.


When he thought of the man in front of him, he had planned this earth-shattering battle in just a few months, and he felt a ray of chill in his heart inexplicably.

The seven god emperors are sons, among them there are two people at the pinnacle of the holy state, but he is hidden behind the scenes, turning his hands into the clouds and covering his hands as the rain.

What’s more, Ling Xiao was originally the body of a heavenly demon, and his talents were unparalleled in the past, and there were thousands of demons waiting for him to return behind him.

Now coupled with this scheming, nine days… I am afraid that sooner or later, the magic day will be in the sky, reflecting the eternal sky.

“Dugu Yunyu.”

Taixuan Dao Master said calmly, but Ling Xiao’s face flashed with surprise.


“Dugu Yunyu’s methods are far more than these. Although Zi Yan is strong, she can only trap it now, and the five demons…I am afraid it will be difficult to hurt its roots.”

Taixuan Dao Master’s eyes were clear, but Ling Xiao’s eyes bloomed with playfulness, “What if Dao Master is added?”

“I have a seven-point chance of winning against Dugu Yunyu, and nine points against Ziyan, but if I fight against two people, I’m afraid that the outcome is only five to five.”

“So, then we will wait… until they lose both sides or one of them die first, and then we can end this dispute.”

Ling Xiao nodded and chuckled softly, but the words fell in the ears of the master, and there was another chill.

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