Chapter 813

“Huahua, you return to the realm for the time being.”

Above the void, Ling Xiao turned his head and took a look at Hua Hua, then casually included it in the domain boundary.

Seeing this scene, the Taixuan Dao Master’s expression was horrified, and he was undoubtedly a little more in awe of the young man’s methods in front of him.

Although he descended into a soul body to help Ling Xiao suppress the fourth divine envoy in the realm, he didn’t even know that place was where Ling Xiao’s will was.

“Let’s go! Taoist, let’s go down and take a look.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, and the master of Taixuan Dao suddenly overflowed with clear light, shrouded the two figures at the same time, and fell towards the sea below.

At the same time, on the shore of the sea.

The water is soft and hurried, and the aura of the whole body is rippling, flying by in the void.

only! !

As soon as her figure appeared in the sky over Southern Xinjiang, her face was quietly condensed.

At the end of his line of sight, a figure in white clothes stood with his hands behind his hands.

“Master Ling Xiao?”

Shui Rou’s face flashed with surprise immediately, “Are you waiting for me?”


Ling Xiao nodded indifferently, the clear light in his eyes suddenly brightened.

I saw a series of souls falling like meteors, intertwined and circulated in the air, like a large net, trapping Shui Soft in it.


Shui Rou didn’t react at all, only felt the power of heaven and earth coming on top of her head, which was depressing and frightening.

The foreground of his eyes seemed to change rapidly, and in a breath, Shui Rou actually reached a strange mountain forest.

With Ling Xiao’s current realm of Divine Soul, unexpectedly, it would not be difficult to bring a sixth-rank god emperor into the realm.

Ling Xiao left a mark on Shui Rou on their way back from Eastern Xinjiang to Southern Xinjiang.

Even the first divine envoy had not even noticed the ancient dementing arts plus the nine-rank emperor soul.

Of course, if you take 10,000 steps back, even if Dugu Yunxuan discovers this ray of soul-consciousness mark, he can’t tell who left it.

“Master Ling Xiao? What do you mean?”

Shui Rou’s beautiful eyes widened, and there was panic in her eyebrows.

Although Ling Xiao’s face was still gentle at this time, he did not show a trace of killing intent.

But, it is very inexplicable, it feels like it has fallen into a terrifying conspiracy.

“Kill it.”

Ling Xiao turned his head and looked at the distant sky.

At this moment, there was a cloud of blood covering the sky above the realm, the soul light was permeating, and thunder bursts, which could be called colorful.

Obviously, Ling Tian, ​​Xiong Huan and others are making breakthroughs now, but they don’t know what level their realm can reach in the end.


Between the heavens and the earth, the magic light is suddenly bitter, and there is a sea of ​​flames, and it is coming from the side.

The silhouettes of Xing Shen and Huo Heng descended from the sky and rushed toward Shui Rou.

Rao was the sixth grade god emperor of Shuirou, and he fell into a disadvantage in an instant in front of the two of them.

Here, Ling Xiao’s body and the Supreme Profound Dao Master were hidden in the void above the Sea Emperor Hall. Looking at the foreground, their eyes trembled slightly.

At this moment, the ten-pointed gods on top of Dugu Yunyu’s head were suppressed, and the nine thunder dragons under his body were intertwined into a formation, completely blocking his retreat.

Dao lines surging in the formation, Lei Hui is dazzling, like a purgatory of divine calamity, making people panic.

However, what really surprised Ling Xiao was not the power of the thunder formation, but the demon shadow standing above Zi Yan’s head.

Dragon, Thunder Dragon.

Ling Xiao knew a little about the true dragon family.

There are nine different people in this clan by nature.

However, if Zi Yan’s body is a true dragon bloodline, why didn’t Ling Xiao notice anything before?

Huahua is perhaps the most pure dragon family in Shengzhou’s bloodline, and the oldest dragon in the dragon family.

Therefore, Ling Xiao knew everything about the true dragon’s breath and power.

And looking at the holy state, there is only the demon emperor in the northern border that contains such blood.

Is it possible that Zi Yan has some connection with him?

So…what is the relationship between Xi’er and Zi Yan?

Just changing his mind, Ling Xiao denied the guess in his mind.

At the beginning, he had personally heard the Jinlin clan leader said that Xi’er was originally a golden jade passed down by the Jinlin clan for thousands of years, and it was only after thousands of years of warming that it turned into a dragon.

In other words, although Xi’er was young, she had existed for a long time.

But at this point, Ling Xiao also understood why Zi Yan could see the difference between Xi’er at a glance and accepted him as a disciple.

It turns out that the blood of the two people has a trace of the same origin.

“Holy Religion and Divine Envoy, your death date has come.”

Just as Ling Xiao was secretly pondering, in front of the Sea Emperor’s Palace, a tall figure suddenly stepped out and fisted towards the Dugu Yunyun in that formation.

It is the Seven Demon Zhu Dali.

Don’t look at this troll’s rough appearance and tyrannical character, but he usually treats Qin Chu with extreme care and love.

Now, seeing the disciple dying at the hands of Dugu Yunyun, the grief and anger in my heart has long been unbearable.


Suddenly there was a surge of vitality and vitality in the sea of ​​thousands of miles.

I saw Zhu Dali stepping out in one step, his whole body shining into the sky, like a barren ancient giant.


Everyone’s ears immediately rang through the muffled sound, and the aura on Zhu Dali’s body also rose to the extreme at this time.

Even compared with the sea clan powerhouse, this Zhu Dali’s flesh and blood body is not much better.

I saw him print out with a punch, and the vast blood and energy collapsed into the void.

Even the ground beneath everyone’s feet was shattered and opened at this time. At the end of the world, it seemed as if a god descended, slamming down towards the Dugu Yunyun.


Only at this time, the first divine envoy still did not see the slightest panic on his face.

He had heard about the prestige of the Seven Demons a long time ago. He didn’t expect that today, he did not wait for the strong to come, but waited for these five long-lived great demon.

The void in front of him was distorted, and the thunder sea rolled, but Dugu Yunyu only calmly stretched out one hand and printed it to the front.

In the sky, the power of suppressing the ages is hanging down.

There was an instant terror on Zhu Dali’s face. He only felt the extremely terrifying power in the sunlight, and he squeezed his outstretched fist into a cage.

In the golden light overflowing, there was a faint bloody breath spreading out.

The waves are ups and downs, and there is no flesh and blood.

In just an instant, the entire arm of the troll was completely refined by Jin Ri.


Looking at the figure flying backwards, at this moment, the world is quiet, Wan Lai is silent.

Even Zi Yan, Qiao’s face has a touch of shock.

If it hadn’t been for this Dugu Yunxuan to be trapped in the thunder formation, it would be a single move, and this sixth-rank great demon would have completely fallen.

How could he be so tyrannical?

Zi Yan’s eyes trembled, but there was a trace of doubt in her heart.

The name of Dugu Yunyu was known to her as early as three hundred years ago.

It’s just that she never dreamed that, both of the Ninth Rank, the combat power of this first divine envoy had reached such a terrifying situation.

“Everyone, what are you waiting for? If he breaks through the formation, we are afraid that we will fall here today.”

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