Chapter 811


All the heavens converge in a while.

Thousands of visions appeared alternately, the ancient demon roared, and the Thunder God descended to destroy all enemies.

The thunder fault of the ten directions, like the creation of the heaven, crushes the heaven and the earth, and stuns the sky.

With this palm, Zi Yan exerted all her strength.

Especially the kind of demon power that has the same origin with heaven and earth, it contains a real fairy meaning.

Even Dugu Yunyu’s face was inexplicably solemn at this time.

When he became famous in the Holy State, Zi Yan did not have a trace of prestige.

Although the life span of the monster beast is extremely long, in the eyes of Dugu Yunluo, she is more like a junior.

But looking at the thunder god queuing from the sky, Dugu Yunxuan felt a kind of deep-seated anxiety.


The golden sun blooms in the sky.

The breath of Dugu Yunyu suddenly became ancient and mysterious, his eyes were deep and cold, as if the gods were relegated, overlooking the common people.

I saw that he stretched out a palm out of thin air, containing the might of the sky, lifted the ten faults on the top of his head, and suddenly printed the other palm.

“Boom boom boom.”

The gods of the ten directions shuddered, and the momentum that had originally descended stopped in an instant.

The thunder light in Zi Yan’s eyes was prosperous, and the demon shadow behind him also bloomed with endless brilliance, which was a taboo.

From beginning to end, Zi Yan knew that this first envoy was very strong.

Even with regard to his identity, there are different opinions on the Saint State, but Zi Yan knows that if all the previous gods are from the upper realm, it is not an exaggeration to say that this Dugu Yunyu is the number one powerhouse in the Saint State.

His practice of Taoism contains the power of Xuanhuang, and this person has always been able to drive away evil spirits and take refuge, and save his life.

Before Zi Yan stepped into the ninth rank of the god emperor, this one was already the first emperor of the holy state!

It’s just a pity that he was empty and talented, but he was always suppressed by the heavens, and he never took the last step.


With his cultivation base, he was able to ascend to the upper realm long ago and open up a new path, but in the end, the Dugu Master willingly surrendered to the holy religion, stayed in the wild land of the holy state, and devoted himself to the world.

Zi Yan naturally didn’t believe this kind of rhetoric.

Moreover, he dared to betray the former master, indicating that he must have a plot in his heart.

But in any case, the combat power of this Dugu Yunyu was terrifying.

This is a kind of accumulation over the years, or it can be called the foundation.

“Give me town!”

Purple Yan and Dai’s eyebrows were lightly clustered, and she scolded, and the jade hand protruded out of the demon qi, causing turbulence in the void, and time shattered.

Suddenly, above the thunder fault, the purple thunder was flourishing, transforming the gods and punishing Tianwei, and wanted to completely suppress the Dugu Yunyu.

only! !

Even if Zi Yan tried her best, the ten square formation could not make any further progress.

Obviously, she alone may be able to contain the first divine envoy, and if he wants to kill him, it is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

“Huh! Where have you been?”

Dugu Yunxuan touched the sky with one hand, his expression unchanged.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry to fight Zi Yan to the death, the three holy religious envoys had already arrived at the frontier and could arrive in half a day.

Of course, even if the Son really had a problem, Dugu Yunyu had secretly passed on his eight great god emperors before coming to the Sea Emperor Hall to punish the Sea Emperor.

At that time, the nine people joined forces, and Zi Yan could not escape to death.

“Go back to the sect master, I have already waited for a thousand miles to the Sea Emperor Hall.”

“Okay! Come on!”

Dugu Yunyu smiled indifferently, and the whole body Jinhui prospered, but he still did not desperately break free.

With his strength, it is enough to suppress Zi Yan, so, when the eight great god emperors arrive, it is the time when this sea emperor died!

At this time, Zi Yanqiao’s face was also filled with surprise, how could she not feel Dugu Yunyu’s perfunctory.

Could it be that he was deliberately delaying time?

For an instant, Zi Yan suddenly felt a chill in her heart. Could it be that Ling Xiao’s real purpose was not Dugu Yunyu. He lured himself to kill the divine envoy, but was actually to get rid of her together?

I have to say that these characters who have lived for hundreds of years are really meticulous and complicated.

Even the slightest abnormality can make them a lot of speculation.

What’s more, Ling Xiao is the son of Shengjiao after all, even if he killed the crocodile, destroying the Jiao Terran really solved the big problem for Zi Yan, but… why didn’t he help Shengjiao remove the obstacles to unifying the sea?

Borrow my hand to kill my race?

Ling Xiao, you are ruthless! !


At this moment, Zi Yan’s face was already covered with frost, and she saw her jade hands suddenly forming marks, and a mighty thunder hui bloomed into the sky.

And the Thunder Shadow behind him gradually stood firm, and it was actually a phantom of a dragon full of silver.

In the area of ​​a hundred li, all monsters are creeping on the ground in horror at this time, shivering.

At this moment, they could feel a kind of deep-hearted palpitations and panic, which originated from the shock of blood, which could not be blocked by spiritual power.


The roar of the dragon stunned the four wilds and rolled up the waves.

Under the Ziyanyu handprints, there is a Nine Dragons Transformation Pillar, like a Thunder Waterfall in the sky, slamming towards the Dugu Yunyu.


The terrifying power raged, the endless waves flattened everything, the sea curtain shattered, and the sky and the earth shone brightly.

Dugu Yunyun’s eyes condensed slightly, and he looked at the nine thunder dragon phantoms with a little surprise, and there was a flash of shock and doubt in the depths of his eyes.

Looking at Shengzhou, there are only a handful of dragon bloodlines.


The first demon emperor of Northern Xinjiang had a trace of real dragon blood flowing on his body.

And the blood of Thunder Dragon is unheard of, unseen, and where did Zi Yan come from?


Nine Dragons descended from the sky and fell into the gods. Dugu Yunyu’s expression condensed, and the whole person was like a big sun, exuding dazzling light.

The whole world, only two colors of gold and silver are left, like the sun and the moon competing with each other, the stars are falling out, and the terrible world is erupting.

“Where is it?”

Dugu Yunxuan gritted his teeth and shouted softly.

The magical rune turned away, and there was a deep response immediately, “Sect Master, I have waited for five hundred miles!”

“Three hundred miles!”


Suddenly a strange ripple came from the distant waters.

Immediately afterwards, in a radius of a thousand miles, the world seemed to plunge into darkness.

There was an extremely gloomy aura that diffused and passed away in a flash, but Dugu Yunyun’s face suddenly condensed at this time.

“What about people?”

Only this time, on the sound transmission note, there was no more soul light.

Suddenly, Dugu Yunxuan’s heart was full of chills.

The eight great elders are all above the fourth rank, among which the great elder has stepped into the category of the seventh rank peak.

But, in just a moment, there was no more news.

Especially the wicked and weird fluctuations just now, it is like a Demon Venerable born out of the sky, killing all enemies and hiding in nothingness.

how is this possible? !

Shengzhou has a great demon, but it is not an enemy.

To be able to slay the eight great god emperors in one breath, that demon’s cultivation base must be in the category of 9th rank or even higher! !

Who is it? !

With the character of Dugu Yunyun, Rao felt scared inexplicably at this time.

Nine deaths?

Is it possible that today, is it really going to fall here?

At this time, Zi Yan’s face also flashed with surprise.

The wave just now, although faint and faint, is extremely evil and gloomy.


Did that person come here?

At this moment, the two Great Ninth Rank Divine Emperors were jealous at the same time, giving birth to the same fear.

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