Chapter 810

No matter how confident Wen Ruyu was, with his current strength, it would never be possible to compete with Dugu Yunyun.

If it weren’t for the fall of the Sword Demon, with the joint efforts of the Six Demons, he might be able to fight the first divine envoy.

But now, even if the five demons come out, I’m afraid it is not the opponent of the first emperor of the holy religion.

Therefore, he needs to leverage, for example… Haihuang Ziyan.

No matter how Zi Yan got involved with Ye Qingchan, Qin Chu and the Sword Demon died in the hands of Dugu Yunxun.

This hatred cannot be shared.

As for Ling Xiao, Wen Ruyu hadn’t doubted it before, but the two went all the way, and the agreement to meet Qin Chu was also set today.

Wen Ruyu didn’t believe that Ling Xiao could make hands and feet under his nose.

In any case, now that he has entered this game, there is no way out at all.

The Book Demon once said that the demons would die by the hands of the demon.

Sure enough, all the falsehoods in this world are the most difficult way to break free.

But, is this demon referring to Dugu Yunyu, or… now the god?

At the same time, in front of the Sea Emperor’s Palace, there was a sudden drop of Jin Hui, which turned into a seal out of thin air, and fell abruptly towards the majestic shrine.



Just when the golden seal fell to the top of the hall, there were layers of patterns in the void, turning the sea of ​​thunder and surging, and punishing the sky.

The two divine powers violently collided, and the sea curtain of thousands of miles was torn apart in an instant.

Layers of spiritual lines undulate with the waves, and wherever they pass, life is gone, and there is no reef.

Dugu Yunxuan stood on the top of the ancient temple with his hand, looking coldly at the place where the thundering surged.

At this time, his spiritual consciousness had already covered a hundred li’s radius, but any creatures that appeared outside the formation could not escape his perception.

“The Lonely God Envoy?”

Before the ancient palace, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, frowning at the small cracks on the thunder formation.

In those beautiful eyes filled with Jin Hui, there was a ray of chill and… a trace of surprise.

Why did this sacred envoy suddenly come to the Sea Emperor Hall to make a trip, and did not know how to do it?

Suddenly, a black figure appeared in front of Zi Yan’s eyes, and it gradually became clear, until she turned her head and revealed a gentle and clean smile.

Ling Xiao! !

But, what method did he use to bring this lone lone cloud robber to this place and attack her?

Those who can cultivate to the Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor, in addition to a luck, a perseverance to live and die, a talent, but also a scheming.

In other words, Zi Yan has lived for hundreds of years and has seen countless high-ranking people kill and play with lower-ranked ants. Even the most talented evildoer, in the face of the supreme power, can only give in or… escape.

Either die or achieve the pinnacle.

But since seeing Ling Xiao, she felt that the rules of this world seemed to have changed a little.

Whether it’s the Jiao Clan or the Crocodile Fight, it seems that this young man is making calculations, and eventually they will be destroyed.

Compared with a young human race like Ling Xiao, not to mention the crocodile war, the Jiao race can be called a giant of the sea, but the fate of this race can be called miserable.

Not only did the strong in the clan fall away, but the entire sea of ​​dragons had no livelihoods, and it was truly slashing the weeds and roots.

Regardless of his xinxing, means, or even his indifferentness, Zi Yan, the Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor, felt a deep anxiety.

To be honest, in the face of Dugu Yunyu, she didn’t have a trace of fear.

Everyone is the ninth rank, fighting to the death, and it is not always clear who will die.

But Ling Xiao had never shown his strength, and there was no strong person to follow him.

However, Zi Yan had a faint illusion, once she could not kill her with thunder, she would most likely die in the end.

How absurd.

“Zi Huang, originally I thought you were a smart person.”

Dugu Yunyun’s eyes were cold, and it was only a moment ago that he did not exert his full strength, otherwise it would be difficult to stop him with this formation.

“What’s the meaning of God’s envoy?”

Zi Yan smiled charmingly, her expression gradually relaxed.

Before, she refused Ling Xiao’s invitation to hunt down the first divine envoy, and kindly reminded him that this person is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

But, all of a sudden, Zi Yan had a glimmer of anticipation.

It is impossible for this Dugu Yunyu to provoke him for no reason, and Zi Yan did not provoke him either.

Obviously, when he came today, he could only be deceived.

Since Ling Xiao can trick him to this place, it is absolutely impossible for him to have no success.

I have to say that although Zi Yan wanted to kill Ling Xiao very much, she already had some appreciation for this young man in her heart.

“My sacred church allows you to dominate the sea and cause chaos in southern Xinjiang. I thought you would be the master of this sea with peace of mind, but your hand stretched too long.”

Dugu Yunxuan gave a cold snort, and did not mention Ye Qingchan at this time.

If the current situation is planned by this woman, what is the use of asking, how can she admit it?

And since he arrived here, today he didn’t plan to let anyone in the Sea Emperor’s Hall go.

So, ask, what’s the point?

“How do you know that the envoy, I only want this sea area?”

Zi Yandai raised her eyebrows lightly, and the corners of her mouth smiled thicker.

“If this is the case, there is nothing to say. Last time I left you alive, I thought you would take care of yourself. It seems that I underestimated your ambition.”

Dugu Yunxuan let out a cold snort, and the whole body suddenly fell down. There was no more nonsense, and the palm of his hand was suddenly printed.

The vast spiritual might vent like a galaxy, with thousands of zhang Dao patterns evolving from the void, tumbling down.

And the thunder array that was about to collapse, instantly shattered and opened in the countless lines, shrouded in Zi Yan.

Upon seeing this, Zi Yan’s expression did not change a little, and the thunder suddenly appeared in her eyes.

And in the direction behind her, there seemed to be a demon shadow stepping through the ages, standing quietly on top of her head.

The entire sea area suddenly became dark.

The waves are turbulent, setting off boundless waves, just like the end of the world.

The dark and deep thunder will rise with the waves, like an ancient thunder formation, sweeping through the wasteland, suppressing Liuhe, and sweeping towards the place where Jinhui fell.


Thunder Jinhui crashed, and the entire Sea Emperor Palace shattered and opened in an instant. Several god emperors swept out from it, their expressions looked at the bright spot with amazement, and their eyes were full of strong shock.

When the two powerhouses of the 9th rank of the God Emperor fought each other, the power alone was enough to destroy the world.

Therefore, in this fashion, there are countless sea emperor palace experts who have not yet reacted. They were born at the moment when the remaining prestige dissipated, and were crushed into blood mist.

“Who dares to be presumptuous in my Sea Emperor Palace!”

A sea clan powerhouse of the fourth rank of the god emperor gave a cold scream, and directly transformed his body, hoping to severely inflict the human god emperor when Dugu Yunxuan and Ziyan fought against each other.

However, just as his figure leaped into the sky, angrily opened his mouth, and bit towards the Dugu Yunyu, an aura handprint suddenly appeared in the void, which instantly turned into a hundred meters in size, and crushed him from the sky.


The strong bloody aura drifted away, and the body of the monster god emperor was completely shattered under this palm.

The vast divine might surged across the world, and the Jinhui and Lei Mang finally annihilated.

However, at this moment, Zi Yan stepped out and penetrated the void in an instant. The jade hand gently drew down, and there seemed to be thunder patterns in the palm, transforming the ten directions of thunder gods, and heading towards the suppression of Dugu Yunyu.


The roar resounded thousands of miles away, rolling up billions of ripples, and the depths of the sea curtain turned into a vacuum zone directly.

And the gods of the ten directions finally fell from the sky, linking in a formation, like a prison, trapping the world, sealing the heavens!

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