Chapter 805

To the north of the sea, glaciers float and are deserted.

Even the ordinary sea clan would not set foot here easily. The reason is that… it’s too cold.

All things are facing the sun, and occasionally creatures like cold and dark places, but they are just forced by fate, and they have been accustomed to it for many years.

At this time, in the cold water domain, Dugu Yunxuan stood with his hand holding his hand, his brows furrowed as he looked at the popsicles in front of him.

The Gu Hu clan is a small clan on the endless sea, and he hadn’t even heard of it before.

But earlier today, Yu Jin sent a simple letter saying that this ancient Hu clan was slaughtered by the Manchus, and it was suspected that the ice demon had done it.

To be honest, Dugu Yunyu became more and more confused.

Whenever a monster kills with anger, or kills with pleasure, after all… it’s just a whim.

But right now, this ice demon slew from the south of the sea to the extreme north, and his whereabouts were erratic, but it didn’t stop for a moment.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a conspiracy.

However, since it is a conspiracy, it must always be greedy. What is this ice demon deliberately exposing the rules of the ice to attract his attention?

“My lord!! Look, this demon still has life!!”

While Dugu Yunyu was secretly groaning, beside him, Shui Rou let out an exclamation, which instantly attracted his attention.


Dugu Yunxuan stepped forward and appeared in front of the ice sculpture. On the palm of his hand, the spirit wheel evolved and bloomed with thousands of divine glory, shattering all the ice on the monster corpse.


At the same time, a burst of demon blood spurted out of the Guhu population that was originally frozen, curled up on the ground, shaking and shaking.

At this time, his vitality and blood have been exhausted, but he still retained a bit of spiritual knowledge with a breath of demon.

Dugu Yunxuan leaned over and stuffed a lingdan in his hand into the Guhu population.

I saw that the latter’s body suddenly overflowed with aura, and the pale and withered face gradually became bloody.

“Who killed the Gu Hu clan? That’s all.”

Dugu Yunyu hesitated for a moment, but finally sighed lightly. There was a flash of soul in his eyes, and he searched for the soul of the ancient Hu tribe, completely annihilating his vitality.


Ling Xiao and Shui Rou looked at each other, with a touch of horror in their eyes.

Your lord, this is… anxious.


It wasn’t until Dugu Yunxuan waved his hand to throw the Guhu corpse on the ground, his eyes flashed a bit of murderous intent.

“My lord… how… can you find the clue to the ice demon?”


Without a word, Dugu Yunxuan turned and swept towards the distant waters.

At this time, looking at the figure that was gradually disappearing, Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a faint smile, his face was covered with Xianxia, ​​and he raised his foot to catch up.

Naturally, this Guhu tribe was a living mouth left behind by the snake deliberately.

And what he saw was nothing more than Ling Xiao arranged in advance.

It was nothing more than that, Snake Si used a magical talisman to transmit his voice, called his master, and agreed to meet at a place called Qingchi Island in the middle of the endless sea.

This deserted island is the only place from Hualonghai to Wangyu.

But Qin Chu had the soul consciousness arranged by Ling Xiao, so Snake Si could easily stop him.

At that time, Dugu Yunxuan will be able to see a great show specially arranged for him by Ling Xiao!


At the same time, on Qingchi Island, the snake stood upright with his hands, his face covered with monsters.

In front of him, Qin Chu frowned slightly, his eyes seemed to be wary, but there was no panic.

Along the way, he faintly felt that there was a strong person behind him.

Although, he didn’t know which master was hiding in the dark.

But it is obvious that the reason why Qin Chu was able to cross the sea in this month and punish many sea clan tianjiao without being chased by strong clan was mostly because the people behind him shocked those with unpredictable hearts.

“Who are you?”

“Master Qin Chu.”

Snake bowed and bowed, but Qin Chu’s face became more confused.

“My master asked me to bring you a word.”

“Your master?”

Qin Chu’s eyes condensed slightly, and there was a faint anxiety rising in his heart.

even! !

In the void above his head, Nan Chen, the Five Demon Sword, also appeared, with a sharp sword intent all over his body, and he looked guarded in the direction of the sky.

Only for an instant, his sword heart trembled, but before he felt it clear, the sense of crisis of extreme fear disappeared in an instant.

It was as if the strongest came here, deliberately covering up the breath.

But looking at the sea, apart from the great demon Wen Ruyu and the late Xianxuan Sect Master Helianshan, he can make him a man of seven-rank pinnacle sword emperor feel terrified, afraid that only the sea emperor will be left.

Oh, and the first divine envoy of the holy religion who has never been seen!

“Five Masters?”

Qin Chu’s expression sank, especially the guard in Jian Nanchen’s eyes at this time, which made the anxiety in his heart more intense.

Does Master feel it too?

That… a fleeting breath.


Jian Nanchen didn’t say much, holding one hand on Qin Chu’s shoulder, he wanted to leave here.

“Prince Qin Chu! My purple emperor asked me to come and tell you something!”

The snake raised its foot to block the two figures, and a touch of mockery gradually raised in the long and narrow monster eyes.

“Sea Emperor?”

Hearing that, Jian Nanchen’s footsteps were slightly stagnant, and he glanced at Qin Chu in surprise, as if asking, when did you have a relationship with Haihuang.

“Sea Emperor?”

But the doubt on Qin Chu’s face instantly made Jian Nanchen kind of… shocking and chilling.

not good!

Has Chu’er been calculated?

“Don’t let go, just stay.”

Jian Nanchen put his hands together and his voice was cold.

The sound of swords resounded suddenly between the heaven and the earth, and waves instantly rose in the waters of thousands of miles.

In a place several feet away from his body, layers of space collapsed and overlapped again and again, endlessly.

With Jian Nanchen’s cultivation base, if he wanted to kill a snake, he didn’t need a second sword at all.

However, since he mentioned the word Haihuang, whether it was true or false, he couldn’t tolerate Jian Nanchen’s half-heartedness.

With that person’s mind, once he rashly shot and killed her person, I am afraid that there will be no place for the Six Demons to stay in this southern Xinjiang.

“Prince Qin Chu, Haihuang ordered me to kill with the cold ice road, attracting the attention of the first divine envoy. Now I will go to northern Xinjiang and lead him completely out of the sea. Haihuang asked me to tell the son, please tell the big devil, Miss Ye Qingchan. … safe and sound, just rest assured.”

When the words fell, the snake bowed and bowed, but Jian Nanchen’s already raised finger suddenly stopped in midair.

Ye Qingchan?

Miss Ye! !

He didn’t know the name, but this time he was born, he learned from Wen Ruyu the name of the girl Ye back then.

Before, he went to Eastern Xinjiang and confirmed the rebirth of Ye Qingchan’s reincarnation, so at this time… he guessed something inexplicably.

Could it be that the eldest brother had contacted Haihuang before and deliberately arranged this round, but it was actually to protect… Miss Ye?

“It’s really a conspiracy! Zi Yan? Why does she protect Ye Qingchan? Wait…”

Wanli was in the void, and Dugu Yunxuan’s expression was stunned. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

Zi Yan once said that he was a traitor.

And in this life, he has only betrayed one person, Ye Qingchan! !

It turned out that all of this was actually instructed by Ye Qingchan from behind. It was reasonable, and everything was reasonable! !

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