Chapter 804

“I am at the former site of Xianxuanzong, near the sea.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, put away the magic talisman, killing intent in his eyes.

The big demon is here, can the two demon be far away?

Just before that, he had to prepare for the harvest of Qin Chu.

With Wen Ruyu’s deep affection for Ye Qingchan, even if there is only one in ten thousand chance to find her, this great demon will naturally not let it go easily.

This can be seen from the fact that he dared to see himself, the saint son of the holy religion.

People’s minds are complicated to say, but… all have flaws.

The ancient village of Qingshan, with smoke curling up.

Wen Ruyu stood in the hut with his hands under his shoulder, looking at the ancient painting of the snow-capped mountains, there was no wave on his face.

The Sword Demon had already returned from Eastern Xinjiang and found out about Ye Qingchan.

Ling Xiao was right. He did arrange Ye Qingchan into the Sword Sect before and worshipped the master of the Sword Sect as his teacher.

Moreover, on the day of Ling Xiao’s engagement, the gift of gift to Ye Qingchan was well known in Dongjiang.

But about a year ago, Ye Qingchan suddenly went down the mountain to look for the trail of Lingxiao, and never returned.

Regarding Lingxiao, the people of Dongjiang had mixed praises and criticisms.

Some people say that he is the Ling clan daddy, who cultivated the Ten Thousand Ways Magic Art. Others say that his identity is mysterious, and even the Lord of the Supreme Profound Dao and the Lord of the Yunmeng will bow to him.

In short, this person is very mysterious and disappeared without a trace a year ago.

Of course, Wen Ruyu did not believe all these rumors.

After all, the mouth of the world has many pros and cons. For example, the great elder of Xuanzong, Feng Yuan, yelled one by one before March, and he turned his head to punish Chu’er under the sword to prove his fame.

Regardless of whether Ling Xiao is the Young Master of Demon Dao or the Saint Child of Shengjiao, to be honest, to Wen Ruyu, there is not much difference.

We are the devil, will you look down on the devil?

On the contrary, compared to the identity of the Saint Child of the Holy Church, the name of the Young Master of the High Demon Dao made Wen Ruyu more at ease.

At the foot of Xuansi Mountain that day, Wen Ruyu had confirmed what he thought in the illusion. As long as Ling Xiao did know and love Miss Ye, he would do everything to help him realize his dream!

Licking the dog, what bad thoughts can there be, humble to the bones is not a basic cultivation.

Thousands of miles of seas, ups and downs.

Dugu Yunyun, Shui Rou, and Ling Xiao stood in the depths of the sea, looking at a frozen corpse in front of them, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

The person in front of him had a cultivation base at the second-rank level of the Divine Emperor. At this time, his expression was extremely indifferent, as if he had been killed inadvertently.

“When did you find out?”

Dugu Yunxuan looked at the sea people beside the corpse with an extremely cold tone.

“Back… Back to your lord, about half an hour ago, when I found out that the clan leader was missing, I sent someone to look for it…”

“Half an hour? It seems that the ice demon hasn’t gone far yet, Shui Rou, you go to the east, you guys, go to the west… Young Master Lingxiao… I have a rune here that can stop the Eighth Stage God Emperor One. Click, you go to the true north direction, if you find any, send it to me immediately!”

Dugu Yunxuan hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the sea clan god emperors, “You, follow this young man!”


Ling Xiao didn’t refuse. Although his expression was a little nervous, he still accepted the two charms from Dugu Yunyun’s hand.


The sound of breaking the wind resounded loudly, and the figures of the great god emperors suddenly disappeared in place.

But Ling Xiao didn’t hesitate, and swiftly swept in the direction of true north.

At the same time, the figure of Snake Si has appeared in the depths of the sea hundreds of miles away.

Here gathers a sea clan, quite mysterious, named Guhu clan.

This clan is an inconspicuous small clan in the sea, with low combat power, but an extremely unusual talent, cold tolerance.

The reason why this small clan has survived to this day is precisely because they live in the coldest barren waters of this 10,000-mile sea area all year round, and no one wants to come here.

And this is naturally the reason why Ling Xiao made a special trip to select them.

Flaws can only be believed if they look logical.

Of course, with Dugu Yunyun’s mind, even if you don’t believe it all, there will never be any clues to pass by then.

At that time, no matter whether he has any doubts in his heart or not, he will have to follow the path Ling Xiao chose for him under the pressure of the situation.

“grown ups!”

In the end, Dugu Yunxuan and others did not find a trace of the ice demon, with a gloomy look on their faces.

“I don’t believe it, how long can a little demon hide under my nose!”

“The ban!”

Dugu Yunxuan glanced at Ling Xiao, suddenly pinched a magic talisman, and said solemnly.

“Master Dugu.”

“Where is the Son?”

“The Saint Son is now looking for the magic traces of Southern Xinjiang, under the Xianxuanzong.”

“You don’t have to follow the son for the time being, come to the sea to help me find the whereabouts of the ice demon.”

“Yes! Your lord.”

A gloomy smile was raised at the corner of Die Ying’s mouth, and the afterimage disappeared.

Two days, in the blink of an eye.

At the edge of the sea, Lingxiao’s body and the Great Demon stood side by side, overlooking the sea ahead.

Behind the two of them, Xiao Peng looked indifferent, and his whole body was full of charm.

Now Xiong Huan is refining soul-thirsty ghost beads in the realm and cannot be cloned.

But accompanied by this destiny who understood the principles of time, even in the face of danger, Ling Xiao had enough time to hide in the realm.

As for whether Xiao Peng will die… just leave him alone.

“Master Ling Xiao, do you know the whereabouts of that ice demon?”

“I have been in the secret realm for the past few days, and I have never understood the whereabouts of the ice demon, but… Young Master Qin has been in the sea for more than a month, so it’s better to ask him to see if he knows some news.”

Ling Xiao shook his head, his expression extremely calm.

“Chu’er? Good too!”

Wen Ruyu nodded lightly and took out a magic talisman in his hand, “Chu’er?”


“Where are you?”

“I’m on the edge of the Hualong Sea. It is strange that all the Jiao people in this Hualong Sea have disappeared.”

“Master Qin, have you ever heard of ice demon?”

Ling Xiao suddenly opened his mouth, instantly causing Qin Chu to fall into a sluggish moment.

“Master Lingxiao, is that you? Really you? Ice Demon? I did hear that an ice demon appeared in the sea, killing innocent people, but I have never seen it, Master, have you also come to the sea? Where are you? Where? I’m going to look for you now.”

At this moment, Qin Chu’s voice was obviously a little excited.

In this month, he has killed more than a hundred sea clan evildoers, and dug up their demon pill, as a proof to prove their name to the master one day.

At this moment, when he heard Ling Xiao’s voice, Qin Chu felt a little unreal.

The son, unconsciously, has been separated for more than a month.


Ling Xiao turned his head to look at Wen Ruyu, but saw the latter smile bitterly, and suddenly opened his mouth, “Chu’er, you drive towards Wangyu, Lord Ling Xiao and I are over now.”

“Good! Master!”

“My son, let’s go, my disciple, who is proficient in some divination and arithmetic, with his help, maybe it will be twice the result with half the effort.”

Wen Ruyu explained, but Ling Xiao didn’t say much, raising his foot towards the sea.


Young Master Qin, this island…you’re afraid you won’t be able to come.

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