Chapter 802

“Okay! Ning’er, my brother believes you can do it! Isn’t this two months left? Look, what did my brother bring to you.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently and took out a piece of red armor from the Universe Ring.

This armor was obtained by him from the ancestor of the crocodile.

Although the clothes Feng Ruge gave to the ladies were very good for Ling Xiao’s taste, it was not too good to look good on this fairy road.

Ning Er had already comprehended the law of strength, and awakened the Eastern Emperor’s Eucharist, and coupled with this heavenly spirit armor, once stepped into the god king, even if the god emperor was strong, it would be hard for her to hurt her.

Compared with Han Qingqiu, Lin Meng and others, Ning’er’s natural talent is even stronger.

What’s more, there is a supply of pills for the entire medicine hall. As long as she is given time, Ling Xiao believes that she will soon catch up with the cultivation of the girls.

Of course, this is not to say that Lin Meng and others are poorly talented, it can only be said that… Ning’er is too bad for the sky.

“Wow! What a beautiful little armor! But brother, I still like the little skirt that Sister Ruge gave me.”

Ning’er pouted, and most of the sadness on her face had disappeared.

My brother believes that I can do it. Even if I don’t believe in myself, my brother is willing to believe in me.

Humph, I don’t want to eat poison! !

“It’s okay, you can wear a small skirt on weekdays, and when you step out of the realm, you must wear this spirit armor.”

Ling Xiao smiled lightly and rubbed the blue silk on the top of Ning’er’s head, “Okay, my brother won’t bother you anymore, please practice hard.”

“Hmm! Brother, I will definitely break through the Divine King Realm.”

Ning’er clenched her small fist and took the initiative to jump from Ling Xiao’s arms, her expression resolute.

Ling Xiao gave her an encouraging look and walked towards the temple.

Until his figure appeared in the Temple of Heaven, the look on his face had already turned cold.

“Come out?”

Ling Xiao’s heart moved and stood with his hands behind.

I saw the soul-thirsty ghost orb suddenly swept out of the sea of ​​souls and hovered above his head.

At this moment, the soul and light overflowed in the blood beads, manifesting visions, in which countless faces appeared alternately, revealing endless fear.

And as Ling Xiao’s words fell, Gui Wubao’s voice immediately came from the beads, “Well, see the Lord.”

To be honest, at this time Gui Wubao still panicked a group.

Although Chen Qingshan did not mention his previous words and deeds, seeing Ling Xiao, he felt chills all over him, unconsciously feeling cold both physically and mentally.

“Wupao, if a person dies, the whole body is full of vitality, leaving only a ray of soul consciousness immortal, you say… how can you make him immortal forever?”

There was some inexplicable vicissitudes in Ling Xiao’s voice, and there was a flash of surprise in Gui Wupao’s eyes.

“Lord! My ghost is the way of the soul. If the soul is kept intact, it is a feasible way to win the house, and it is even possible to reshape the body with secret magic and magic, but… there is only a ray of soul consciousness, this ray of soul. Knowledge will eventually dissipate over time.”

“Will it dissipate after all?”

Ling Xiao shook his head, “I don’t believe it.”


Gui Wubao looked terrified, but did not dare to say anything.

Lord, are you questioning my professional standards?

This soul consciousness is originally transformed by Can Nian, and the average strong person falls, mostly because of obsession, a strand of soul consciousness is immortal.

But this strand of soul consciousness is not the origin of the soul, it cannot be cultivated, and it is even very different from the remnant soul.

The remnant soul, as the name implies, is a broken soul, and a strand of luck escaped.

But the soul consciousness is completely destroyed by the soul, which is transformed by obsession and mind.

In other words, the remnant soul can be nourished and repaired. Although the process is difficult, there is still a glimmer of hope.

And obsession…poof.

Lord, if it wasn’t for me to be afraid of death, he… would mock you a few words.

“Oh? I wonder if there is any advice from the Lord?”

Gui Wuluo was disdainful in his heart, but his tone became more and more humble.

Ling Xiao was so compelling that he had no way of guessing.

Since he yearned to return to the upper realm and waited for the opportunity, he must not show a trace of disobedience at this time.

“I observe the Yama Sacred Code, which can swallow the soul of others to practice. Can you say that this soul consciousness can cultivate this code and become immortal?”

Ling Xiao seemed to be asking Gui Wubao, but in the final analysis, he was only asking himself.

Xiong Huan’s loyalty can learn from the sun and the moon.

Especially when he was in the ancestral land of the crocodile that day, Ling Xiao was a little moved by the awe of the former demon general.

What’s more, with his strength, once out of this realm, without being suppressed by the heavens, his combat power is bound to be stronger.

In this way, a loyal and capable subordinate, how could Ling Xiao bear to abandon him easily?

Gui Wubo is right, the soul consciousness will eventually dissipate.

Especially now, Xiong Huan has waited until the return of the demon.

Presumably, the obsession in his heart will be weakened because of this, I am afraid it will be difficult to last for three years.

As for Ling Xiao’s current soul realm, he has entered the ninth rank, and is already the strongest under the shackles of this realm.

Therefore, the thousands of remnants in this soul-thirsty ghost orb are not very useful for him now, it is better to… give it to Xiong Huan?

“Lord, although you are extremely talented, you are not a ghost after all. I can tell you very clearly that even if the soul consciousness has cultivated my clan’s sacred scriptures, it will not be able to devour the soul cultivation.”

Gui Wupao sighed lightly, seeming a little surprised.

“Yes, soul consciousness can’t swallow the soul, but…you can.”

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and Gui Wupao’s face solidified almost instantly.

I can? Of course I can! I am very good!

But it’s my business?

Is it possible that the Lord intends to ask me to take someone away and return to the flesh?

“Lord!!! Wupao will do his best and help him with all his heart!!”

“No, I mean, the soul-thirsty ghost beads can swallow the spirits. If I place this beads in the flesh body where the soul-consciousness is, I can continuously devour the spirits, and you can wipe out the distracting thoughts in these spirits. Turn it into the purest soul power, and then use it to warm up the soul consciousness, won’t it be able to keep the soul consciousness indestructible?”

Hearing this, Gui Wubao was instantly stunned.

What he said makes sense.

This feeling is like… a leaking cup, sooner or later it will leak all the tea.

But, as long as you continuously pour water into this leaky cup, this cup…isn’t it always full?

Suddenly, Gui Wuhou’s heart was chilly.

In front of his eyes, there seemed to be mountains of corpses piled up, a sea of ​​blood surging, and a strong bloody aura rushing over his face. With a ghostly heart, he felt inexplicable fear at this time.

For a ray of soul consciousness, killing hundreds of millions of lives.

This boy has a terrible heart.

The most important thing is that this slaughter can never be stopped, otherwise the ray of soul consciousness will eventually dissipate.

“Xiong Huan.”

Ling Xiao smiled gently, grinning in black, out of the world.

At this time, there was no trace of magic in his body.

But he was standing there, but like a nine-day great demon, he was overbearing and enemy to the world.

Who says the devil is ruthless and unjust? I think Ling Xiao is very affectionate!

Son, you are righteous!

But, it seems that I… just the sentient beings in his eyes?

Is it the kind that can be slaughtered at your fingertips?

Oops! !

It feels like it’s going to be cold! !

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