Chapter 801

“Yes, Mengyuan?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows slightly, but the corners of his mouth raised a touch of playfulness. He stepped forward, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Deep in the realm, in the ancient forest.

Seeing Meng Yuan sitting quietly, the pain and despair on her face had long since disappeared.

At this moment, she was closing her eyes, and black and gold hovered around her body, swallowing each other.

At the same time, a heart-pounding demonic air filled the whole ancient forest.

Ling Xiao’s figure descended from the sky, and his eyes looked at the still vague demon shadow in surprise.

At this time, the fluctuations in Mengyuan’s body were extremely disordered.

Obviously, the magic intent he had placed on the latter body had gradually eroded and shattered the seal of the god master.

“It really is a demon.”

But at this time, Ling Xiao didn’t see a trace of joy on his face, instead he was a little confused.

If Mengyuan is a demon clan, why would the god master accept him as a disciple and painstakingly set up a seal to seal her whole body of demon blood.

This seal is complicated and mysterious.

Even the devil’s intent of the heavenly devil had been eroded for several months before it left a trace of cracks.

In other words, even if the divine master has the supreme cultivation base, he can arrange this seal, and I am afraid that it would have paid a great price.

But, with that person’s temperament, if you want to control a godly person, why bother to spend so much attention?

Moreover, from Meng Yuan’s previous words, Ling Xiao already knew that the divine lord seemed to have spent more than two hundred years on this seal.

Hundreds of years, just to hide Mengyuan’s identity?

If there is no hidden secret in this, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

As for what Meng Yuan said, what the god master did was to temper her divine body, Ling Xiao didn’t believe a word.

A powerful person in the realm who can’t even trust the four great envoys, is willing to spend endless years to cover up the identity of this demon, and unreservedly hand over the power of the sacred church to her…

Is it possible that this Meng Yuan is really the illegitimate daughter of the Lord?

Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at the terrifying demon shadow hidden under layers of demon aura.

At this time, this demon shadow was not clear yet, it seemed to be a human figure, but it had a long tail.

Obviously, it may not be long before the mist on Mengyuan’s body will be completely lifted.

Moreover, Ling Xiao always had a feeling that when the seal in Mengyuan’s body was broken, the identity of the divine lord would be completely understood!

In the end, Ling Xiao didn’t disturb Mengyuan’s practice, and raised his foot towards the temple of heaven.

After finally coming back, it was time to test the progress of Han Qingqiu and others in cultivating the Yin-Yang Profound God Jue.

only! !

Just when his consciousness dispersed and wanted to find the traces of a few women, his face quietly condensed.

At this moment, the breath of Feng Ruge and others were not in the temple, but scattered all over the domain.

Even Han Qingqiu hid by the East Daze.

Could it be that these women have had conflicts in recent days?

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Now, after Feng Ruge’s plan, the territory is square, the Blood Hall is located in the north of the Tiandian, the Medicine Hall is on the northwest side, the Dark Hall is on the east, and the south is Wanli Daze.

The three major demon temples are in charge of corresponding affairs, do not disturb each other, and are in order.

The Temple of Heaven is in the middle of the realm, enjoying the luck of the ten dragons and coordinating the four directions.

In this way, the power of the entire domain has begun to take shape, and it must not be long before the prestige of the Supreme Demon Palace will resound in Cangyu.

Until Ling Xiao’s figure appeared from the void, her eyes condensed quietly when she looked at the ten thousand figures in front of the Blood Palace and Ning’er and Xiao Beifa in front of the crowd.

At this time, everyone’s aura was extremely calm, sitting cross-legged in the same place, and thousands of fighting spirits gathered in one empty space, hiding the shadow of the war.

An ancient and terrifying general trend fell from the sky, crushing all directions and deterring Liuhe.

Even with Ling Xiao’s heart, when he felt the power of this place, there was a little chill in his heart.

Although the realm of Ten Thousand Blood Guards is mostly at the level of the gods, through the thunder sun, the combat power of these ten thousand people can be called terrifying.

Especially now, Ling Xiao taught everyone to kill the gods to fight the formation, and the power of tens of thousands of people evolved for a while, this kind of fierce situation can be imagined.


What surprised Ling Xiao was not the strength of the Blood Guard, but the petite figure sitting quietly in front of everyone.

At this moment, the aura on Ning’er’s body seemed to merge with the battle formation.

In front of him, the scarlet golden divine halberd bloomed with dazzling profound light, faintly transformed into a divine shadow standing in the sky, overlooking the common people.

Shenhou is a product, four thousand luck.

In just one month, the strength of this little girl has changed dramatically.

“No wonder the luck value in the system has increased so quickly recently.”

A smile rose from the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, and it fell from the sky before everyone.

But Ning Erdai’s eyebrows were lightly clumped as if she felt his breath, her beautiful eyes suddenly opened.

I saw a ray of golden brilliance cut through the void, pierced through time, and arrived in front of Ling Xiao in a flash.


The smile on Ling Xiao’s face grew thicker, and the magic in his eyes flowed, easily resisting the soul power.

However, at this time, his heart was somewhat shocked.

Only for an instant, he clearly felt that Ning’er’s breath seemed to contain a ray of grandeur.

“elder brother!!”

After seeing the incoming person clearly, the boredom on Ning’er’s face instantly turned into a touch of joy, directly turned into an afterimage, and plunged into Ling Xiao’s arms.

At this time, the white short skirt on her body only covered the roots of her legs, so that pair of slender jade legs were wrapped around Ling Xiao’s waist like vines.

“Brother! Why are you here!”

“Let me see you, Ning’er, where are they?”

Ling Xiao smiled, stretched out his hand to hold Ning’er Jiao’s body, and then nodded towards Xiao Beifa and others who had already bowed down.

“Sisters are all practicing in retreat.”

Ning’er pouted, her expression aggrieved. Before Ling Xiao could ask questions, she burst into tears, “Uuuuuuu! Brother, sister Ruge bullied me!”

“Huh? Why did you bully you?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows lightly, looking at the heart-piercing little girl crying in his arms in surprise.

It stands to reason that with Fengruge’s temperament, it is impossible to make things difficult for a little girl. What happened?

“Sister Ruge said, within three months, everyone has to enter the realm of the god king, otherwise…otherwise you will have to feed her heavenly poison! Uuuuuu.”

“Brother, I don’t want to eat Heavenly Poison… My sisters’ cultivation bases are all in the realm of Shenhou, but I am in the realm of Shenhou, they are very easy to break through the God King, what can I do! Uuuuu.”

“It turned out to be so.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and chuckled, her eyebrows filled with petting, it is rare for this girl to feel the pressure.

In the past, Ling Xiao believed that these people of destiny, even without deliberate cultivation, can always break through the realm and become the strongest.

But this process is bound to be slow.


Even if he said before, stepping into the King of God in March is just a goal, not a task.

But now, with Feng Ruge’s urging, these destined women are forging ahead individually, working harder than before several times.

In the final analysis, whether Ling Tian, ​​Ning Er and others, they must have enough strength in order to save Ling Xiao’s life.

My song is well done, but this habit of feeding people to poison at every turn, should I change it?

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