Chapter 557

“Elder Yue Xiao, don’t you also hate the sacred religion? Why don’t you and I join hands to destroy this sect?”

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth raised a touch of evil, which was completely opposite to the usual upright and bright image.

For a moment, Yue Xiao even suspected that the person in front of him was not Ling Xiao, but the great demon that was suppressed here!

“Evil demon, I don’t know what you are talking about, but if you want to mess with my heart, you are still a little bit hot!”

Yue Xiao coldly drank, and squeezed his jade hand into the void, and saw a green ancient sword suddenly penetrated the blue sky, turned three thousand sword shadows, and fell towards Ling Xiao’s head.

“Hey, it seems that Elder Yue Xiao doesn’t like my proposal very much.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, but there was no panic on his face.

Until the three thousand sword shadows fell, suddenly a figure that was several feet tall suddenly stepped out of the sky and stood in front of Ling Xiao.

It was a terrifying war shadow wearing armor with a majestic and indifferent face. Although there was no half-life fluctuation in his whole body, he stood there, but it gave people an indestructible depression.

It is the Demon Bear General, Xiong Huan.


The shadow of the sword fell down, rippling thousands of ripples.

At this time, the void, as if there were three thousand bright moons hanging high, exuding absolutely cold fierceness.

And Xiong Huan just stretched out his hand calmly, holding the cage toward the front.

In the next moment, the world suddenly faded.

Ten thousand magic lights rushed into the sky, and the clouds covered the clear sky, and also completely covered the three thousand silver moons.

“how come…”

Yue Xiaoqiao’s face was pale, and she had no time to react. Xiong Huan’s figure had already stepped out and appeared in front of her.

The terrifying magic, like a rushing tide, enveloped the entire mountain forest.

“Magic!! It turns out that what Xia Feng said is true, you are the devil!!”

At this time, even if Yue Xiao was more confused, she could clearly feel that the person in front of her was the real monster.

As for Ling Xiao…being associated with demons, it is inevitable to escape the relationship.

For an instant, Yue Xiao was confused.

How could this demon-killing boy become a demon?

How can the holy religious envoy accept him as a disciple?

But everything seemed relieved again.

Yes, if Shengjiao is not a magic way, how can you punish the senior sister and control the immortal gate for no reason?


Xiong Huan grasped it, and the magic light outside his body was shining, transforming into a giant bear, roaring the world.

The ancient barbarians, with peculiar blood, often believed in totems.

And Xiong Huan belonged to the savage bear clan, which is known for its great power and bloody killing.

It is said that this tribe, the more bravery they fought, the more blood they swear.

“Want to kill me!! Dreaming!!!”

Yue Xiao gave a soft drink, the lotus step moved lightly, and the moonlight outside her body was gradually shining. On the blue sword in her hand, Daowen condensed and shone mysteriously.

She just took a sword, and she didn’t use her full strength.

In other words, when she wanted to come, how could a young man be able to contend with the god emperor even if he was talented close to a demon?

But the big demon that appeared in front of her could not tolerate her carelessness.

Although there is no vitality in this demon, such demon intent can be called frightening.


The cold moon is like a dead branch hanging in the night.

A crescent moon rises above Yue Xiao’s head, revealing infinite magic.

The vast emperor’s prestige flowed into the sky, and the fairy brilliance fell, making the red figure more graceful.

“The cold moon forbidden technique, solitary moon string!”

Yue Xiao’s figure floated slowly, standing above the nine heavens, her beautiful pretty face was a touch of unrepentant persistence.

Worship the immortal gate, slay demons and slay demons, guard the common people’s life, and keep the world righteous.

I especially remember the teachings of my senior sister when I first entered the Han Palace on that day.

But in a blink of an eye, I was already a god emperor, standing on the top of Western Xinjiang, and the senior sister…

Lonely moon round, unspeakable sadness is deep-seated.

Between the heaven and the earth, the coldness is permeated, turning thousands of clouds and rainbows, tearing out of the sky.


With this sword, Yue Xiaohui put all his strength into it, a ray of moonlight was reaching its extreme, and the blue sky collapsed.

Ling Xiao only saw Jianguang cut through the void, leaving a silver mark.

After that, the sword intent Xuanyue had reached Xiong Huan’s body.

Ling Xiao’s eyes condensed, his face seemed a little worried.

To be honest, he knew Xiong Huan was very strong.

Being able to follow the heavenly demon, stand on top of the sky, and become one of the nine generals of the heavenly demon palace, this Xiong Huan’s cultivation must have reached a level that he could not understand.

But even so, he is now a walking corpse, with no spiritual power, only a ray of soul to retain his will.

Sixth-Rank God Emperor’s full-strength sword, I wonder if Xiong Huan can take it.


And just as Ling Xiao was secretly pondering, he saw the Baizhang Demon Bear roaring up to the sky above Xiong Huan’s head.

The sky trembled while breathing.

The light of the infinite demon illuminates the world, burying all the light in the world.

Then, Xiong Huan still just stretched out his palm calmly, and gently held the cage toward the bright white moonlight.

An unmatched hegemony has risen from Xiong Huan’s body.

He stood there, like a rock forever, without the sun and the moon.


The Moon Sword finally fell, and instantly smashed into pieces together with the Demon Shadow.

But at this moment, Xiong Huan’s figure never took a step back, standing quietly in front of Ling Xiao, resisting the sword light…with one hand.


The harsh rubbing sound resounded instantly. At this time, Ling Xiao could see Xiong Huan’s palm, the magic pattern entwined, turning into a grinding disc, gradually wiping out the sword intent.

Although his offensive was not violent, it was even a little clumsy.


Sixth-Rank God Emperor’s prestige can’t shake this general.

“It’s over.”

Ling Xiao raised his head, looking at the red dress in the sky, a smile gradually rose from the corner of his mouth.

In this battle, he deliberately tested the strength of Xiong Huan.

Although this demon commander is no longer the power of the past, it seems that it shouldn’t be a problem to contend with a rank seven or eight god emperor.

With the power in his own hands, as long as he is not the Ninth-Rank Divine Emperor, he should be able to deal with it.

So, the envoy who went to Sijiang…


Just as Yue Xiao’s eyes were shockingly looking at the demon shadow that easily resisted her sword intent, there was another ear-shaking hum in the void.

I saw a large array of golden light dispelling the clouds and mist, revealing its true form.

Among them, there seem to be four dragon shadows meandering, stirring thousands of miles of wind and clouds, revealing the supreme mystery.

Jiulong Prisoner Sky is now a four-dragon formation.

Although Yue Xiao’s strength was terrifying, but with Xiong Huan’s restraint, she could not escape her death.

“The power of the four dragons, sleepy!!”

Ling Xiao lifted one hand, and the magic light of ten thousand daos rose into the sky and gathered in the formation, exuding the power of prisoner heaven.


The four dragons screamed together, and the sky shook the sky.

The entire void, instantly rippled with hundreds of millions of layers.

The endless divine might spread across the wild, and the might of destroying the world came across.

Yue Xiao’s face changed drastically. In an instant, her blue silk was soaked with cold sweat, and her eyes flashed with a strong sense of unwillingness.

Sister sister hasn’t reported her grievances, is she really going to die by the devil’s hands?

“Do not!!!”

Just as the four dragons rushed down from the sky and Xiong Huan was also taking steps, there was suddenly a surging moon in Yue Xiao’s eyes.

In a short moment, a pair of her eyes turned into a silvery white color strangely.

At this time, in front of him, a bronze ancient decree exuded a faint moonlight.

In the beginning, it was not very noticeable, and in a flash, it was like the moon! !

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