Chapter 556 I’m a Showdown

“The son is joking! The son is a disciple of God, and his status is honorable. How can I worry about the identity of the son?”

Yue Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, especially the smile on the boy’s face at this time, which made her feel a chill for no reason.

The reason why she showed up today was entirely because Xia Feng exposed her whereabouts and messed up her Dao Heart.

She really did not expect that her true demon disciple would have the means to mix into the fairy trail.

But at this time, facing Ling Xiao, the sacred teacher, the guard in her heart did not dare to relax at all.

The meaning of a desperate move is probably…nothing is to be lost.

This time the opening of the fairy trail was her only chance.

If she loses, not only will it be difficult to clean up the grievances of the senior sister, but even she will not escape death if she is afraid.

“Hehe, Elder Yue Xiao, let’s talk in another place, maybe I can help you accomplish what you want in your heart.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled sincerely, but Yue Xiao gave him a surprised look, but in the end he didn’t refuse.

In this immortal ruin, let alone a disciple of a divine envoy, even if it is a divine envoy, it will inevitably be suppressed by the seal here, and the realm will fall to the level of a divine general.

And how could she, the dignified Sixth-Rank God Emperor, be afraid of an ant?

Don’t kill, because Yue Xiao is not a magic way, and has a bottom line in his heart.

Shengjiao may be the culprit who killed the senior sister, but the young man in front of him was as bright as the sun, and he was righteous.

If she kills innocents for her own benefit, what is the difference between her and the demons.

“it is good.”

Yue Xiao nodded indifferently, while Ling Xiao glanced at Han Qingqiu, and said in a deep voice, “Junior Sister Han, this Xia Feng can mix into the fairy ruins, but I am afraid there are accomplices. You and everyone will find out about the magic, and I will be there later. .”

“it is good.”

Han Qingqiu’s expression was indifferent, but he was a little disdainful in his heart.


Didn’t you get this Xia Feng in?

In terms of acting skills, Young Master Ling Xiao, you call the second. I am afraid that no one dares to call the first in this holy state.

Of course, Han Qingqiu only dared to say these words in her heart, and she became more and more afraid of this young man’s means and strength.

Looking at the white shadows who turned and left and the Tianjiao of the West, Ling Xiao’s eyes suddenly flashed with gloom.

The reason why he distracted Han Qingqiu was naturally not because he didn’t trust her.

But… can’t tell her to have too much contact with Yue Xiao.

The two of them have the same purpose, and they both hold earth-shattering secrets.

The reason for not being able to stand together is because the two have their own concerns.

There are a lot of restraints in the fairy palace.

In this way, if Han Qingqiu knew that Yue Xiao was his ally at this time, then Ling Xiao’s position would appear to be less reliable.

In this world, only me can help you.

So, whether I am a devil or a fairy, you have no choice.

“Elder Yue Xiao, we don’t have to resist if we change places.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was solemn, his eyes overflowing with soul.

And Yue Xiao only felt a mighty force coming from the top of her head, just wanting to resist, but felt that it was really unnecessary.

No matter how many methods Ling Xiao had, he was just a man of gods.

All calculations are meaningless in the face of absolute strength.

Besides, there is no evil in this young man, and he acts brightly, so he should not have any bad intentions.

It wasn’t until the world in front of her changed that she looked a little curiously at the surrounding space.

I saw here, it was the summit of a mountain of spirits, with beautiful bells and graces, and a natural rhyme.

In the distance on the top of the sky, there is a bluestone hall suspended in the void, on which the gods are extinguished, and the road patterns are blooming, which is unspeakably majestic and magnificent.


In this fairy trail, how can there be such a rich place with aura?

Outsiders do not know that, as the previous true disciple of Hanyue Immortal Palace, Yue Xiao and Yue Liuyun, the lord of the former Han Palace, are descendants of the same vein and have the same brotherhood.

Therefore, what she knows about this immortal ruin is far from comparable to the elders of the ordinary cold palace.

According to legend, this immortal site was sealed here by Hanyue ancestors.

The ancestors came from the upper realm, with a mission, established a sect, and passed down the iron law of the cold palace.

Served as the master of the cold palace, he must not leave the fairy mountain half a step in his life, and he needs to spend his entire life to suppress this world.

At the age of fifty, Yue Xiao stepped into the divine emperor.

But with the accidental fall of the senior sister, the second elder of the cold palace finally changed his temperament, forbearing for a hundred years, just to… uncover the conspiracy of the sacred religion.

“Elder Yue Xiao, I have heard that a palace lord in the Hanyue Immortal Palace has ascended to the upper realm. I don’t know if this is true or not?”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, and when she arrived in this world, Yue Xiao was almost no different from a pig and a dog, and could be punishable at any time.

“Hehe, it’s true of course.”

Yue Xiao’s eyes condensed slightly, and there was a faint resentment on her face.

Ascending to the upper realm is nothing more than a lie made up by the people of the sacred religion to conceal the facts.

Although the saints and gods dominate the world, the power of sentient beings should not be underestimated.

Once he loses the hearts of the Sijiang people, he is afraid that he will also lose control of the Holy State.

“Elder, you are lying.”

Ling Xiao shook his head and smiled, his face suddenly becoming solemn.

“As far as I know, the previous palace lord of the Hanyue Immortal Palace had a strong cultivation base during his lifetime, but he was no more than a seventh-rank category. How did he step out of the shackles of the world and ascend to the upper realm?”

“Before the Holy State, there was an evil spirit Tianjiao who stepped into the god emperor, and he had to be summoned by the upper realm and fly away. Who said that the seventh stage god emperor could not step out of the shackles of heaven and earth?”

Yue Xiaoyu shook her hand lightly, and there was a hint of guard in her eyes looking at Ling Xiao.

“That would have been three hundred years ago. In the past three hundred years, I haven’t heard of anyone ascending to the upper realm. Elder Yue Xiao, your senior sister, are you afraid of being killed by the Holy Cult?”

Ling Xiao grinned suddenly, but in an instant, Yue Xiao’s eyes widened, and she looked at him with an incredible expression.

But seeing that at this moment, Ling Xiao stood with his hands behind, her eyes were as bright and deep as galaxies, revealing an indescribable meaning of vicissitudes.

“You…who are you?”

Suddenly, at this moment, Yue Xiao seemed to see a ray of domineering in this young man.

That is one kind, far from what the god emperor can compare… Tyrant and arrogant.

Looking at the world, I am the Lord and all souls surrender.

“How could it be…you…who are you!!”

“It doesn’t matter who I am. What’s important is that I can help you take revenge, Elder Yue Xiao, as long as you can tell me the hidden good fortune in this fairy trail, maybe…what you can’t do, I can do it.”

Ling Xiao smiled indifferently, his whole body was prosperous, and the sun and the moon were shining on the top of his head.

Suddenly a dragon chant resounded across the entire territory, and endless divine brilliance sprinkled from the sky.

The heaven and the earth, as if because of him alone, have become radiant.

“What…what!! You…you are not a disciple of God, say, who are you!!”

Yue Xiao’s body trembled, especially when she felt Ling Xiao’s body, the terrifying fluctuations that were close to the realm of the god king, and there was no trace of peace in her eyes.

how is this possible? !

How could he get rid of the seal of this world?

Seven products of Shenhou?

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy turned out to be a powerhouse of Shenhou Seven-Rank?

How can such a talent be described as an evildoer! !

This is simply…a young fairy god! !

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