Chapter 530

“My son, what’s your command?”

Palace Master Hanyue took a deep breath and looked at Ling Xiao solemnly.

“My lord said that she will visit the Great Yuan Dynasty in secret soon and give the Great Yuan Emperor a glorious mission. The lord has ordered you to go to the Great Yuan Dynasty and tell its lord not to be open.”

Ling Xiao raised his hand and took a sip of tea.

“Dayuan Dynasty?”

Palace Master Hanyue’s eyes condensed slightly, and he stood up and bowed deeply to Ling Xiao, “Don’t worry, my son, I will go to Dayuan.”

“Oh, by the way, the son said before that he was looking for me for something, what’s the matter?”

“The immortal trail is open, this time the relationship is very important, I hope the palace lord can tell the disciples under the sect to enter the fairy trail and do everything according to my instructions.”

Ling Xiao said in a deep voice, and a smile suddenly appeared on the face of Palace Master Hanyue, “It turns out that this is the case. Don’t worry, I will tell my disciples and tell them… only the son’s order is to follow.”

“It’s so good.”

Ling Xiao nodded and smiled. In his plan, someone must die.

Of course, there is no shortage of dead men, Ling Xiao, but… can die Hanyue disciple, why should he die the person he has worked so hard to cultivate?

Of course, all the rhetoric is only to make the holy religion believe that the current Ren Yueying is already a vassal of the heavenly devil.

At that time, he only needs to use a few tricks to make the two of them fight.

A Divine Emperor Seventh Rank powerhouse will inevitably struggle to kill.

But with the help of a god, everything is naturally much simpler.

You are the devil, you are the devil.

The two righteous Dao Weiguang are both slaying evil spirits and fighting each other desperately.

The time is right, the real demon will take action and reap good luck.


Was it unexpected?

As for why not send Ning Tiance and Xiao Bei Expedition to lead soldiers to fight…

The momentum is huge, and it will inevitably be noticed.

Sooner or later, the Shengjiao will send people to Xijiang to investigate the truth. Ling Xiao can’t kill all the people in Xijiang, right?

Therefore, only by quietly removing these two people can the pot be firmly attached to a certain emperor.

Interlocked, step by step.

Put an end to all risks and hold the world in one hand.

I, Ling Xiao, Wushuang is also… a handsome one!


I am afraid that the holy religion and the envoy will not understand until death. The respect of the Palace Lord of the Cold Moon is actually the respect for the holy religion and the identity of the god.

“My son! I… went.”

Palace Master Hanyue leaned slightly, turned and disappeared without a trace.

The corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth suddenly raised a smile, filled the teacup and sipped the tea.

After a while, he just got up and headed down the mountain as well.

“Master Ling Xiao!!”

Under Hanyue Mountain, several disciples of the guardian elder saw Ling Xiao and hurriedly bowed down.

“Open the big array, I want to go out.”

Ling Xiao said indifferently, but the elder disciples immediately did not dare to be suspicious, opened a corner of the large array and watched the former disappear into the distance.


It wasn’t until Ling Xiao’s figure reached a hundred miles, in the void, that a figure in a golden robe showed up and respectfully worshiped him.

Ever since Ling Xiao came to the Hanyue Immortal Palace, the double shadow has been hidden nearby, waiting for orders at any time.

The sacred god is standing high on the top of the sky, and he sees himself as invincible.

Therefore, he probably would not have thought that in this holy state, someone would dare to punish him and use the demon body to preach for him.

Of course, in the eyes of the God Lord, there is only one Supreme Profound Dao Master who can kill the eighth rank God Emperor, except for the people of the Holy Sect.

But the latter hid in Taixuan Dao Sect all the year round, and didn’t dare to take a step at all.

Therefore, the eighth rank is invincible in this western Xinjiang land.

Even if it encounters danger, it is impossible to fall easily, and it is even more impossible to…be imprisoned.

And this is the key to the success of the Lingxiao Project.

You are indeed standing on the second floor, seeing the first floor as ants.

But even though I’m on the first floor, it’s just an illusion deliberately for you to see.

In this matter of layout, strength is one thing, and vision is also very important.

“You go to Daqin first, give this divine sense sound transmission charm to Qin Wushuang, and tell him that in any case, you should guard Zhengyang City and never send troops. In addition, I will notify Ning Tiance that when disasters arise, Ask him to lead the army into Zhengyang City and defend the city together, and then…”

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Ling Xiao’s mouth, “You go to Dayuan and tell the Emperor Yuan like this to make him feel relieved to conquer.”

“Yes! Lord.”

Hearing the voice transmission of Lingxiao’s divine consciousness, as well as an extra technique in the soul sea, a soul mark, the double shadow eyes slightly condensed, and there was a shock in the bottom of my heart.

My lord, really…yin enough and ruthless enough to calculate.

“Go ahead.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was indifferent, but Duan Ying immediately stopped hesitating, and walked towards Da Qin.

It wasn’t until the latter’s figure disappeared that Ling Xiao cast his soul seal and explained to Qiao Yunli, who was far away in Great Zhou, before returning to the Hanyue Immortal Mountain.

Today, the sacred pillar at the entrance of the fairy trail has turned into a pure golden color.

In the depths of the fairy mountain, a fairy gate gradually manifested itself.

It won’t be long before I think that this most mysterious relic in Xijiang will be completely opened.

As for whether this trip is good or bad…

Hehe, for most people, it should be fierce, for Ling Xiao, it’s just the end of a chess game.

Of course, this chess game is bound to be impossible to end in three or five days.

When Ling Xiao came out of the secret realm, I was afraid that this Xijiang would have been turned upside down.

As for Emperor Xia…

Of course, Ling Xiao also issued a death order.

I… Gan.

At this time, Emperor Xia, who was in the summer palace, was panicked.

You took away all the elites of Daxia, took away the national teacher, and wiped out the Sikong clan. If there is an enemy, I…take a hammer to kill without mercy?

Suddenly, Xia Huang always felt that he should repair the mausoleum.

The Great Zhou Palace.

Ning Tiance looked at Qiao Yunli in surprise, with some doubts between his eyebrows.

“The national teacher meant… Xiaodi told us to retreat all the way south and enter the capital of the Great Qin Emperor?”

“Yes! The Lord said that there will be a big change in Western Xinjiang in the near future. At that time, Emperor Yuan will lead troops to attack, pretending to be invincible, retreat into Zhengyang City, and defend the city together with the Wushuang Empress.”

Qiao Yunli also had some doubts in her heart. Why did the Lord finally lay down the Great Zhou and then give it to others so easily?

Yuan Huang?

Although the Dayuan Dynasty ranks first among the eight dynasties, you can hear the Lord’s meaning that Daqin is already in the bag.

So, with the three major dynasties in hand, are you afraid that he is a hammered Great Yuan Dynasty?

Of course, this thought is not Qiao Yunli’s anger, but distress to the Lord.

Although he didn’t know what the Lord was worrying about, he was very distressed.

Lord, you are the man who should stand on the top of Western Xinjiang! !

“I see.”

Ning Tiance nodded silently, but said nothing more.

Now the rebels of the Great Zhou Dynasty have been eliminated, and the court is stable.

Nonsense, can you be unstable?

I was all punished in an uneasy manner, and there were only obedient dogs left.

But Brother Xiao did this…

No matter, based on Ning Tiance’s understanding of Ling Xiao, this young man would never make a decision for no reason.

If he wants to defend Zhengyang City, he must be… justified! !

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